Flag: United States
Registered: August 2, 2021
Last post: May 26, 2024 at 4:02 PM
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selfish canada man
Nome Aalaska is close enough, ok

posted 9 months ago

Def get a cheap ergo office chair.
I had one for a while, until it started breaking bc it was cheap, and for a birthday i was gifted a secondhand/refurbished Razer gaming chair, and damn, its not uncomfortable but the other one was a lot better for my back. Only thing about it that i like more are the armrests and leaning back bit.

posted 9 months ago

yeah im ngl i misunderstood you thats my bad

posted 9 months ago

wed have to assign a guard to goldenboy hed probably try to trick a fan into eating the apple as a pre game challenge

posted 9 months ago


posted 9 months ago

we should hold a lan there i think
in constantinople thre hasnt been one there it woudl be good

posted 9 months ago

i did not miss you
can you go away

posted 9 months ago

theyre fine bro

posted 9 months ago

tharts good i think the players would enjoy the lobster there
tell them to bring out the lobster

posted 9 months ago

oh wow yes i forgot abotug there
i think that would be good spot we wodufl sell out ticets, veryr popular beautifiul views

posted 9 months ago

Most of the lans weve had are in boring places
So few fans because riot thought it was a good idea to host a LAN in CSGO doomer city Copenhagen
here are my top 5!! feel free to sharee any ideas you havne!

1: Nome, Alaska
2: Machu Picchu
3: Constantinople
4: The Lost English Colony of Roanoke Island
5: Vienna, Austria

I woked really hard on this list where do you gys want a lan to be??

posted 9 months ago

get it? hes so cool because he hates where he comes from! emea so superior and only 1 lan should ever be in NA amirite
you are miserable.

posted 9 months ago

do you legitimately think he's serious? are you that stupid?

posted 9 months ago

nome alaska

posted 9 months ago

At Shanghai:

NA team seed 1
NA team 2-0 in groups
2 NA/3 SA player team 1-1 in groups
4 out of 4 pure SA teams did not make Shanghai

even though it was mickey mouse

4/5 NA player team won Madrid

In the past:
4 NA teams have won intl. LANs
1 BR team has one an intl. LAN

like bro sure BR has some amazing AMAZING individual players (current and past loud roster(s) except for qck, heat is great, mwzera SOMETIMES, etc)
but like dont just straight up lie

posted 9 months ago

good luck man good luck

posted 9 months ago

i have legit only ever heard of them bc of CS, i dont even know if they have non cs rosters (well except for this val roster now)
In terms of comparison to valorant team popularity, id compare them to 100T, NAVI, liquid, smth like that, never ever the most popular but a pretty consistent reasonably sized fanbase
HOWEVER cs/val is gonna always be the biggest shared pool of fans, and they are at least a big CS org, one of the more famous ones from my understanding, so i can see heroic bringing at least a little new viewership to val

posted 9 months ago

have fun at ur playdate guys

posted 9 months ago

PRX FNC 100T at least get a lot of viewers
Timezone is dogshit for Americas sadly yes, but its ok for emea and works plenty well for other asian viewers and aussies
Its gonna be fine bruh
Also just bc YOU only care about LEV doesnt mean everyone else thinks that way lmao i will be watching most matches when the time works for me

posted 9 months ago

Good work bro
i personally climbed from iron to imm
Ik its tough man i know from exp it takes a lot of persistence to not get stuck, good job dude
keep it up!!

posted 9 months ago

top 5 aimer for sure, however not duelist
He isnt really a good entry
And i dont need to mention how poor his util and gamesense is. Remember KC and his igling? Lol (valorant specific gamsense is dogshit NOT his cs/val generic gamesense)

posted 9 months ago

hour and the mmr decides whether or not you play with the chillest/nicest mfs ever or the biggest ego/nocomm baiting duelists

posted 9 months ago

great aimer but bad valorant player sadly

posted 9 months ago

tar0k aint even on the team hes just a streamer bro 💀💀

posted 9 months ago

I need to see fpx play at least one game before i can decide whether or not edg is good IMO

posted 9 months ago

it will probably be solid
I mean there are like 18k seats for the GF no???
I cant imagine that being a sleeper crowd

posted 9 months ago

Yeah thats fair ig
To clarify what i meant though, i just meant, when some people are like “umm no, im not fat, this is a normal body” (denying that being fat is even a condition), or say that just because theyre fat, doesnt mean theyre unhealthy (literally just biologically untrue), or like, excuses why they cant lose weight or diet or exercise, yaknow, stuff like that. There are SOME things that do legitimately stop people from dieting/excercising and i do recognize those but a lot of excuses are just not valid - which is what i think is the “bad” part of being fat for some people.
If someone is okay with being fat, and recognizes that its unhealthy and theyre OK with that - then its fine, really

posted 9 months ago

i mean yeah sure, if youre OK with being so
The mentality, not the state of being is the bad thing
People who do not accept it and make excuses/act like theyre perfectly healthy is what is bad. And i mean also at a certain point there is an objectively TOO fat mark which i would say is bad as well (like if someone cant walk on their own or something like that, i feel like thats an objective “too fat” point)

posted 9 months ago

Thanks for being receptive bro, sorry for being kinda rude about it

posted 9 months ago

if you change it from punishment for breaking into punishment for NOT breaking and tweak "health to reyna" just to "slight decay" then its actually kinda OK.
To be specific: Enemies who do NOT break a leer within a second take slight decay effect until a second after the leer is broken, no more than the effect of walking through a viper wall (not staying within it)

posted 9 months ago

Sure, i mean this is my perspective obviously, but this is what i see wrong with it. Keep in mind i SOUNDED rude asf but i wasn't really, i was just surprised. No hard feelings here, not too serious, and obviously i overstated how bad they are - sure some of them are real bad but others are perfectly fine.
Personally i play literally every agent in the game pretty competently, minus sova, iso, yoru, and kinda cypher (timings), so i feel like I have a broadish view from duelist and non duelist POV of what is too strong of a nerf, what is too light, etc

Now what I see wrong:

-Jett isnt actually that busted rn, IMO. The smokes have already been HEAVILY nerfed (3-->2 charge, FAR less duration), so nerfing them further by increasing the cost only further punishes something that has already been nerfed to what I feel is a decent state.

-I do think raze is too strong rn (COMPARED TO ALTERNATIVES). You can take the damage from Raze's blast packs away, and maybe change some other things, but removing their ability to knockback/disrupt enemies reeeeeally hurts what I feel is a core part of the ability. The ability to push enemies with the blast packs is strong, but reasonably so - it doesnt feel overpowered, IMO. If it gets tossed at you and isnt detonated, you can shoot it so the raze cant use it to push you when they go to swing. When it is deto'd midair in front of you, the amount it moves you is pretty little, and if youre against a wall, you dont really go anywhere. Midair deto's (i believe) already deal no damage, so the most it can do is force a peek or cancel defuse. Even then, if its too far away by even a LITTLE, it does practically nothing, like a cm of movement total (which doesnt actually cancel defuse i think if its that little). Changes to Raze would need to be something different - maybe even to the point to a LIGHT rework (not complete). In her current state, i feel like almost any nerf is too strong of a nerf, but any buff would make her unbelievably OP - so to make her in a better spot, a small tweak would need to be made, that is more than just a numbers change like a nerf is.

-Neon changes are for the most part actually pretty good! i think there should be SOME timer on the first stun but it should 100% be pretty short, def shorter than the second stun, i mostly agree with that. Wall damage for neon is iffy - the reason it was removed wasn't really because it was too strong, but because it did too much damage to enemies AND teammates. Because it's so thin and there are two damage sources, it would MELT teammates HP. If you bring back the damage, you have to significantly decrease team (and enemy) damage and probably make it a good bit wider so that someone walking through wouldnt almost immediately be torn up by the second wall. It is 100% reasonable for it to deal chip damage, though. other than that, slide dist. increase is fine (not sure how it would look in game, but the idea is fine), but recharge after 1 kill i feel is too little. I think it could reasonably be on a somewhat short cooldown (20,30s to get new slide charge?), but 1 kill recharge is a bit too strong I feel.

-yoru changes are kinda ok but also kinda really bad. Cooldown duration/timer for how long it lasts is fine, but the ability to have 2 up at once is actually a nerf when you think about it. Instead of just being able to TP by pressing a button and saving the life, it would take the extra moment to move you mouse to look at the correct TP location and then press E on it (like a cypher cage or KJ nade). Cost increase is fine tho. Also like neon a TP per kill is a bit strong

-Phoenix changes are like yoru, half good half bad. For the wall, I agree it could be longer as a general buff, but the ability to pass through walls like a harbor wall is too strong - take Pearl, for example, Phoenix could just completely replace a secondary controller like Harbor, at least for site hits - imagine hitting A site and phx walls off elbow/mid link (i forgot the callouts lol) and then astra smokes pit and flowers. For damage/heal i cant really imagine those so i cant say if they're good or bad. Increasing the molly size would be waaaay too strong, for obvious reasons, esp if you increase damage as hothands ALREADY does more damage than mosh on ticks(mosh is low tick dmg + high burst dmg, hothands is high tick dmg). Ult change is actually kinda nice though, maybe only 1 flash charge tho so its not TOO strong.

-For reyna, fixing her is already hard enough, so its fine that these arent the best changes because HOW do you fix her?? Even i dont know. I DO know though that punishing enemies for breaking leers isn't the right choice - though i COULD see something like NOT breaking a leer and being in sightline of it applying some light decay on the enemy, kinda like walking through a viper wall. The devour and dismiss changes are fine i mean like i said theyre hard to come up with changes to anyway.

-For iso, double tap giving insta-shield is just too strong, thats all i really have to say. makes it too easy. Otherwise, my issue with the ult depends on a clarification: do ALL hit enemies get "taken in" and dueled one by one, or is it one by one being "taken in", and they are still able to move around, shoot, and such, until their "turn" comes? Because if it removes all hit enemies from the map, its too strong but now that I think about it you probably meant the latter option.

Anyway thats what I saw. Again i really did overreact these arent THAT bad overall but a few of them are

posted 9 months ago

im sorry these are some of the worst hypothetical changes i have ever seen
i can go in depth with that ifyou want but like DAMN bro

edit: bro listens to criticism so he cool. half of them arent even that bad its just some are really bad. def not the worst i was just shocked

posted 9 months ago

def the best classics on average out of the rest of the capsules, but that is a reeeaaallly low bar, all it is is decent color scheme and where to put said colors
but they dont have playercards rn, will they get one?
Thankfully they are cheaper (since no pcard) but like, it would be sad if they didnt get playercards like the rest

posted 9 months ago

Is fracture US? For some reason i thought it was Australia

posted 9 months ago

?dogshit take haven is the best map in the game
Fracture is good sure but haven legit unsurpassed

posted 9 months ago

?astra is fun on haven

posted 9 months ago

I think he meant lowering double updraft height
Like if you use one still the same but using both is less than it used to be

posted 9 months ago

Good choices especially to read, chainsaw man manga is mountains better than the anime

posted 9 months ago

Prevents you from ever becoming a netero
Manga clears so hard its not even funny man especially with the sheer amount of amazing stories that will never see an anime adaptation

posted 9 months ago

depends on what u mean if playercards or the rest of the bundle
havent seen any cn player cards but
I do know that all of the capsule classics are highkey dogshit no matter what region theyre from
only difference in the classics is good color or shit color

posted 10 months ago

I have never seen you

posted 10 months ago

Trembo can you read
Miniboo literally said he cannot play because he has his highschool exams and is very tired/stressed
It is NOT TH’s fault bro
He even said he will be back for stage 2 he just cant play shanghai

posted 10 months ago

bad take but ok

posted 10 months ago

pst gets 1AM and 4AM!

posted 10 months ago

when i saw the CN trophy i was like damn ours kinda sucks no? but then i saw the EMEA trophy and felt instantly better
im sorry thats the trophy bro 😭😭😭

posted 10 months ago

the crosshair looking one is EMEA (dogshit trophy) and yeah like i said the pacific trophy is ok but itd be cooler if they made or incorporated the wave design into like an actual trophy

posted 10 months ago

nah bro, its fine, have you SEEN the emea trophy?
Americas is a little bland but like, DAMN at least its a trophy i would be so sad if i won vct emea split 2 and got a NiP-yellow letter X that looks like its from a storefront light up sign.

posted 10 months ago

naw id understand if you said like, theyre uncomfortably close with a friend of the opposite gender, but “too many friends” is not it

posted 10 months ago

Nah bro wtf
The Americas one is fine, APAC one ok, those two i saw. But i just saw the EMEA trophy and CN trophy?? What the fuck?? The EMEA trophy is so unbelievably dogshit yet the CN trophy is fucking amazing. Who let the emea trophy go thru design process like that 😭😭 why is the diff in quality between these trophies so big lmao

posted 10 months ago
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