Flag: South Korea
Registered: October 14, 2021
Last post: March 18, 2025 at 11:26 AM
Posts: 61
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yea thank god the retards won't be watching

posted 18 hours ago

what you on about bro

posted 18 hours ago

Every damn event people yap at the start that the viewership is bad; obviously it's gonna be bad when the first games start on weekdays. Then by the end of the event it's all gone when viewership peaks above one million. Please wait till the end of the bloody event before making these assumptions

posted 3 weeks ago

don't talk about some regional bullshit no one cares

posted 6 months ago

He's the definition of a deadweight. Honestly been carried the entire year was waiting for the one day the others wouldn't show up and he would be exposed

posted 7 months ago

brother he got 9 KILLS the entire game. 9.

posted 7 months ago

feel bad for the other boys. They deserve so much more than being stuck with this piece of shit lakia

posted 7 months ago

I cant believe Geng managed to win a world championship with this piece of shit lakia. I feel so sad for the rest of the boys they deserve so much more.

posted 7 months ago

100% agreed. Some pacific fans (usually the prx flairs) are whining loudly in the corner but they don't speak for the rest of us. I'm just thankful that today the crowd even showed up and though they favoured a side, that is to be expected in any sport.

posted 9 months ago

Don't worry we don't have a problem with the crowd, when they come to korea it's not like we'll be celebrating if a chinese team wins.

posted 9 months ago

exactly bro I'd even say given the lack of chinese teams it's nice the crowd even showed up

posted 9 months ago

yea agreed sometimes it's loud sometimes it's soft but people are making it out to be a big problem when there isn't one

posted 9 months ago

Fucking riot still haven't fixed their ass crowd mic. You can hear in the replays the crowd is loud af for geng when they made good plays.

posted 9 months ago

Exactly. It's on alecks to cook strats but he can't control the lack of discipline and braindead postplant overpeeks. And and he can't control players aim like mindfreak;s constant whiffing and bottom fragging either.

posted 9 months ago

Yea he's been bouncing backwards since 2022 copenhagen. Anyone if eyes can tell he's been the weak link for ages

posted 9 months ago

Literally all the franchised controllers minus dfm's controller is better than mindfreak, won't be missed when he's replaced

posted 9 months ago

100% agreed. Even if they made Grandfinals their map pool is far too shallow to ultimately win.

posted 9 months ago

All this time we were arguing who was better, then take one look at the stats and we realize we should have been talking about Monyet replacing mindfreak the fraud.

posted 9 months ago

Exactly. All this talk about whether it should be Jinggg or Monyet, then Mindfreak just quietly sneaks by when he should be the one replaced

posted 9 months ago

He's like that useless friend who always wants to join your group projects but freeloads and does nothing

posted 9 months ago

Have you seen mindfreak? Bro is looking like a braindead ranked player with diamond aim

posted 9 months ago

How is he still on this team? Ik the whole paper rex has bad decision making, but on top of that he has shit aim. Ppl go after tenz for living off his past form, but there is no bigger example than mindfreak living off a handful of tiktok clutches

posted 9 months ago

Deserved given their arrogance and underestimating their opponent (running same strats and comps) , watch them pull out all the shit they've been cooking past few weeks in their LB run.

posted 9 months ago

I'm willing to bet 100% PRX had smth different cooked (comps and strats), but 100% they underestimated their opponents today. That's why they ran the same comps with literally the exact same set strats that we've all seen since pacific because they assumed they would win. Well now they know the result of arrogance and underestimating your opponent, hope they wake up and start taking the competition seriously in LB.

posted 9 months ago

The fact he's not condemning Yay for what he did (trying to shift the attention to genghsta) is weird. Though he did say what Yay did was fucked and toxic

posted 10 months ago

yea ppl just spew whatever they want to hear/ believe. If you listened to fns, he said genghsta's tweet was uncalled for, but he also said Yay was weird as fuck for the bribe+toxicity

posted 10 months ago

Forget the principle of exposing private dms or wtv, the fact Yay believes he has the right to pay coaches to remove players is disgusting and extremely unprofessional. He dosen't do himself favors with his toxicity either in the clip.

posted 10 months ago

Wtf is Jinggg doing. Most important game of his life and he's dry peeking alone every round and just dies. Is it the nerves?

posted about a year ago

Instead of comparing Tokyo to LOCKIN or Champions 2022 which were the two biggest tournaments in Valorant history, compare it to its mirror tournament which was last years Masters Copenhagen. If you take a look honestly you'll see so far it ain't all that bad, there's tons of bigger games on the horizon so there's nothing to worry about, especially since Masters is a smaller competition with less stakes than Champions.

posted about a year ago

Zest would have allowed drx to stick to their insane neon fracture comp which they destoryed prx and t1 on, instead I have to watch foxy 9 satchel around losing every 1v1 and giving EG 5 v 4 in the first round

posted about a year ago

foxy giving them 5v4 every round with his braindead swings, his aim is so bad now I won't be surprised if he can't even aim properly when pissing in the toilet

posted about a year ago

I have no idea how people are still defending him saying shit like "oh you judge him off one game", mf has been at the bottom of the scoreboard for his last 5 games as a fucking duelist. Anyone who watches pacific enough sees his constant overpeeking and losing 1v1 clutches. Need Buzz duelist next map to turn this shit around, if they keep this foxy charade up they're not gonna beat Fut either

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Tottenham's defence makes me want to bleach my eyes

posted about a year ago

I see so many people roasting f0rsaken and Davai for throwing and I do kinda get it but how tf is no one saying anything about mindfreak. The man's literally a bot not shooting back at all and bottom fragging every single game he's played this year. I get that you guys are flaming f0rsaken and Davai but it is beyond me no one is calling out mindfreak.

posted about a year ago

Bro only looks at the main channel and assumes those are the total views. There's the Japan channel with 45k and I also excluded Tarik and many other watch parties which takes the numbers to the hundreds of thousands. Also pipe the fuck down about views if you care so much about views go back to csgo and hltv please no one wants you here.

posted about 2 years ago

hltv is full of white morons who actually believe that playing 10000 hours of csgo makes them the definition of a man, act all macho and equate it to serving 10000 hours in the military. In reality they are mostly pathetic and overgrown children trapped in the bodies of adults, feeling so insecure they need to attack a game which is not even trying to compete with it.

posted about 2 years ago

You are an actual retard thanks for spoiling

posted about 3 years ago

You saying the answer to childish people is to be childish yourself?

posted about 3 years ago

Damn u guys out here giving the sensible and respectful Indians a bad name

posted about 3 years ago

This pickem is solely based on expectations. Though I do hope there are upsets particularly if the Brazil and Latam teams overperform with victories over the supposed favourites.

posted about 3 years ago

yea feels bad for them I feel like they would make it out of another group.

posted about 3 years ago

The mod on the stream mentioned when ppl were asking about the reason for the ping diff. No way a tiny org like paper rex can demand anything from a whole ass organizer and competition

posted about 3 years ago

He's an Indian flakefagger mate

posted about 3 years ago

this was decided by the team orgs and competition organizers. Don't be a muppet and blame the players they had nothing to do with it

posted about 3 years ago

lmao they destroyed the "Indian Pride" Global Esports 13-0, 13-3 on the same ping. Fair to say they would have destroyed Exploit regardless of ping

posted about 3 years ago

Not indian fans pretending they wouldn't get smoked by PRX regardless of the ping.

posted about 3 years ago

Yea I agree F4Q were garbage and Secret were unlucky because they could have placed higher. However Secret would never have made it out of the groups with Sen and G2 in it and Paper Rex also got last in theirs, while Vision Strikers made it to the Quarters (probably higher if they did not play Gambit the eventual winners). Flashback to Berlin and we see X10 get wrecked in the lower bracket second round, while Nuturn got 3rd in the whole tournament. I don't disagree with your seeding because I genuinely think it's pretty fair, other than SEA 1 being rated so highly, but I definitely disagree with your point that Korea is not better than SEA.

posted about 3 years ago

To increase viewership in that region. Also you are in no position to be deciding seeding if you don't even know how well team's place in international tourneys.

posted about 3 years ago

I agree the mental is clearly affected. But Davai simply cannot go under the radar for his dreadful performance. He's so inconsistent like sometimes he is cracked but sometimes he is absolute garbage with shit aim and horrible game sense like in this map.

posted about 3 years ago
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