Imo mine is guard miraculously quals for Copenhagen and gets a redemption tour. Maybe they don’t win the whole thing but at least top 3 finish. (DEF NOT HAPPENING BUT STILL)
Or optic vs m3c finals rematch? I think that would be insanely hype
Fnatic winning masters would be a feel good story. Guard comeback story would be awesome too. M3C winning masters through war adversities would be a great story. TSM or SEN redemption arc would be great for viewership. a "minor" region win like PRX or DRX would be cool too. BUT THE NUMBER ONE BEST STORY? ZETA DIVISION COME BACK BIGGER AND BETTER! NICE!!!!!
RipDeLaRip [#26]Fnatic winning masters would be a feel good story. Guard comeback story would be awesome too. M3C winning masters through war adversities would be a great story. TSM or SEN redemption arc would be great for viewership. a "minor" region win like PRX or DRX would be cool too. BUT THE NUMBER ONE BEST STORY? ZETA DIVISION COME BACK BIGGER AND BETTER! NICE!!!!!
100T win could be cool. only for Asuna and Nadeshot. RIP HIKO and Nitr0 duo. sorely missed :(
hellohello139 [#16]OpTic vs Fanatic grandfinals
Yay on chamber vs Derke on chamber
Victors Neon vs Alfajer Neon
Alfa will play raze sadly
Kiklop [#31]Alfa will play raze sadly
His raze is unmatched by anyone apart from derke (imo) who is on his team. If he's on raze I don't see them losing.
minte [#37]Guild qualifying for LAN. An inch off the finish line to qualify for too long. 2022 roster has clear potential to finally do so.
also seeing GLD play international t1 teams
prophecy has come true :)