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Registered: March 16, 2022
Last post: August 25, 2023 at 8:39 PM
Posts: 180
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I can't imagine this game wont be a banger. I think PRX with jiing leaving will have the edge.

posted about a year ago

if they lose it just means a change needs to be made. far from me to know what that change is though. i believe the players and coaches will be able to come to an understanding of why they are losing and make a hopefully meaningful change. and sometimes people are wrong or other problems arise. thats just sports in general. esports included.

posted about a year ago

I had played fps games prior and was never in iron. i have never been below gold in valorant. idk how you feel man.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Both teams looking dominant. should be a banger,

posted about a year ago

EG vs fnatic final. fnatic straight to the final. and EG wins LBF

posted about a year ago

Looking at the teams EG has beaten vs liquid. I think an EG 2-1 is the favorite choice. TL is good. but EG beating c9, loud, and nrg recently.... I think fnatic/EG finals is fav rn.

posted about a year ago

With marved in now. SEN 2-1

posted about a year ago

EG will make this closer than people want to admit. but still 2-0 LOUD. 13-11, 13-9

posted about a year ago

i dont even need to defend my point here.

posted about a year ago

He doesn't speak japanese. Zeta would love tenz. but the language barrier is too great. zekken and tenz are in the same role. one of them needs to go. theyre both too good to be on the bench. Personally I think want tenz. I'm biased (long time sen fan). but zekken is probably the safer bet.

posted about a year ago

Youre a fnatic fan... surely you understand how an IGL's role is completely different than any other role. Boaster is a S tier IGL and a C tier mechanical player. Tenz is not an IGL. hes a mechanical GOD. and dont get me wrong. Tenz is a very smart player. but an IGL? no.

posted about a year ago

I HATE TO SAY IT BECAUSE I LOVE TENZ! but marved is the perfect fit for the team. in my opinion if tenz has a place on the team... its zekkens spot. but both players are too good to be on the bench. mark my words. by the end of the year, tenz or zekken will not be on sen anymore. they both fill the same role. and neither one should be on the bench. tenz or zekken will find a franchised duelist spot, but they both cant be on sen. they clash too much.

does anyone disagree?

posted about a year ago

They'll go back to tenz. with the new coach it could be just that their game plan has gotten better. But if these next couple matches with tenz dont pan out. they should start marved. I love tenz. hes the reason im a sen fan. but damn man... if sen lose the next two with tenz. it'd be hard to argue with the results.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

they played a good game against man city. first game they let get away from them at the end. honestly play the series 10 times i think bayern might win 5 or 6 of them

posted about a year ago

Beat EG in a massive comeback.
Took a map off loud
2-0 100T?

Or are we gonna chalk this up to 100T bad, EG is terrible, and LOUD got lazy on one map.

posted about a year ago

Oxygen was a top 4 team last split. DSG did sign yay but only a week of practice with the team is tough. yay is great but idk if anyone in the world can turn a team around that rapidly

posted about a year ago

SR is all speculation. new IGL sure. but they were terrible split one. I wouldn't rank them very highly yet.

posted about a year ago

Dapr and shaz. always rootin for them. good riddance the guard. the v1 boys doing well makes me smile too. big win for OG val enjoyers.

posted about a year ago
  1. i hit ascendant 3 like 4 months ago. haven't really played for the past 3 months though. life gets in the way. valo requires a lot of dedication.
posted about a year ago

The two that come to my head are wardell and zombs. like are those guys doing anything rn? are their valorant careers over? waiting for the next game? who else comes to mind.

posted about 2 years ago

Man theres a lot to take in here. but it seems like the overall consensus on the actions of the org are well agreed upon... mmmm L sen as an org rn

posted about 2 years ago

just look at every esport liquid is in. do i need to say more?

posted about 2 years ago

bro liquid just got beat by secret.

posted about 2 years ago

i think sen is a top 2 or possibly the best team in NA. but theyre playing fnatic... who is my bet for top 1 or 2 in emea... with navi.... this match in the future could probably be a major grand final. but sadly one of these teams will get knocked out round 1...

posted about 2 years ago

boaster is a great igl. theyre consistently a top team. every damn tournament. underestimating them is popular because theyre constantly at the top but not the best. one of these times they'll end up as the best and people will still be talking shit.

the reality is this... if you beat fnatic right now. youre probably a top 2 team in the world.

posted about 2 years ago

fnatic with leo and chronicle now? i see fnatic as a top 5 team in the world currently. I think the best rosters right now are DRX, Fnatic, SEN, Navi, and 100T, with NRG and loud. c9 is gonna be good too.

top 3 tho as of this tourny... DRX, navi, loud.

posted about 2 years ago

Can you imagine that? Brazil would be feral

posted about 2 years ago

yall know talon is basically just Xerxia right?

posted about 2 years ago

DRX 2-0 easy. honestly it might be a 13-2 and a 13-5 situation

posted about 2 years ago

BBL BEATING DRX?!?! The other two i can understand. but on god DRX will win 2-0 first game 13-4 and second game 13-6. that game will be a blowout.

posted about 2 years ago

I have the exact opposite picks as you

posted about 2 years ago

This game is gonna be a banger. mark my words.

posted about 2 years ago

Oh yeah i forgot about loud. and I do think NRG is really good too.

posted about 2 years ago

single elim is tough. i think it favors long standing teams.

prx, drx, fnatic, 100T, leviatan.

navi for the most part is just fpx.

my guess for final.

fnatic vs drx. and fnatic win it.

i think sen is a top 5 team out of the 32 but they just are not gonna beat fnatic right now.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Im asc 3 and im ass.

posted about 2 years ago

I'm a big fan of yay and Zellsis, the only player on SEN now that I like personally is Tenz. So i think it just makes sense for me to become a C9 fan? i like tarik but hes just content creation.

posted about 2 years ago

idk man. I want to be happy about it. For anyone who doesn't know the SEN roster is set to be: Tenz, Sacy, Pancada, Zekken, Deph. its a fantastic roster. honestly looking like SEN and C9 are the rostermania winners. but I'm not a fan of the name SEN itself. I liked the roster, i liked dapr, I liked Tenz, I liked sick, I liked shaz, i also liked zombs, I already liked shroud and I had already liked zellsis. kanpeki was a new face for me but a core 4 was still there.

With this new roster I just feel like its not the team that I rooted for. This isn't football where youre born in wisconsin so you like the packers. theres no home town loyalty to esports.

posted about 2 years ago

yeah s0m does play smokes sometimes. so does FNS. i see most IGL roles in the future being given to smokes players. its just easier to call that way i think.

posted about 2 years ago

Well players can change roles. I thought FNS would be smokes. but yeah... Noxx is right. dropping s0ms for supamen would solve the smokes issues

posted about 2 years ago

Can't believe NRG drop tex tho.... he was fantastic. and ethan?!?!

posted about 2 years ago

I agree. but s0m is a massive source of NRG's fan base. supamen may be a better player. but he doesn't bring that level of fan involvement like s0m. Sometimes being a better player doesnt always get you a spot. IMO 1 popular radiant streamer per team is a good choice for most orgs.

My bet for supamen is that he goes to EG

posted about 2 years ago

a Sweedish Gambit fan? who also seems to be really against popular players. Is Tenz overrated? Maybe. but have you seen his twitch numbers? 20k+ every stream. also lets not confuse overrated with bad. Tenz is hyped up to be a top 5 NA player. he might not be top 5. but dude is top 10-15. EASILY DESERVER A FRANCHISE ROSTER SPOT.

posted about 2 years ago

All of this is rumors but I trust George Geddes' info. Dapr stays on SEN and Tenz and Shaz are gone.
I think Tenz goes to NRG. Victor, FNS, Tenz, Crashies, S0m... SOLID TEAM...

Shaz idk where he would go. Ascension league? Maybe EG? Do they need an IGL?

posted about 2 years ago

last time i heard expect the unexpected they signed shroud.... who tf expected that?

posted about 2 years ago

an analyst for SEN said to expect the unexpected and that most guesses would be wrong for the roster. but here's my guess.

SEN has a lot of money so to have a list without yay would be dumb imo. even if they don't get yay. i think its obvious everyone wants him and will throw their hat in the ring.
Tenz is good for viewership and he is a fantastic player I can't see them dropping him.
Zellsis played quite well for SEN during LCQ with only 2 weeks practice. I think they grab him again. plus there is some chemistry with him and tenz.
supamen played out of his mind during LCQ and during VCT stage 2. Great smokes player. and getting marved is messy considering chemistry problems. so no marved.
Babybay also played fantastic. would have great chemistry with supamen obviously.
I think rawkus stays as coach. but this is where i'm most unsure. honestly a lot of great coaches out there. any choice would be understandable.

My guess for roster
SEN Tenz
SEN Zellsis
SEN supamen
SEN Babybay

Coach stays rawkus.

posted about 2 years ago

Loud has only ever lost 4 times. 3 of those times have been against optic... in my opinion the two best teams in the world. the winner of optic vs loud will win champions.

posted about 2 years ago

ooooh hiko one was so good.

posted about 2 years ago
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