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Registered: July 24, 2023
Last post: March 4, 2025 at 3:53 AM
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Lime is probably top 3 T2 duelists in EMEA from 2024, have there been any rumours about any teams looking to sign him? Surely NAVI would wanna go for him if their next best option is koalanoob

posted 4 months ago

I feel like this was the last year for a lotta those players, like Jamppi on TL, TenZ on SEN, Klaus on KRU etc etc

posted 4 months ago

What about 2nd at Shanghai?

posted 4 months ago

0.9 is ANGE1, 34 year old Ukrainian unc solo diffing VIT by himself was the definition of cinema

posted 4 months ago

EMEA has an absurd amount of T2 talent, it's just CS/2021 players keep getting spots on T1 rosters over them despite being washed beyond belief

If every EMEA team was built like Heretics or FNC where it was one older experienced player + an experienced coach and then a bunch of rookies EMEA would probably be the best region

posted 4 months ago

Zeta Division finally making moves, absolutely dutty. Can't wait for them to come top 3 in another LAN and then fall off for another 3 years

posted 4 months ago

I haven't heard any rumours or anything about if Marved is joining a team or not, which is honestly insane to me. He was the only member of NRG shooting back during their Split 1 then he got dropped in favour of s0m, who wasn't even necessarily an upgrade, purely because he was a package deal with FNS

If I was C9 or EG I'd be looking to drop the absolute bag on Marved rn because he's still definitely got the talent to compete at a tier 1 level

posted 4 months ago

FamouZ and Shiro can definitely lock in spots in T1, and I can especially see RRQ looking to get Shiro to replace Lmemore

BerserX was decent and I can see GE looking to grab him

ZesBeeW and NcSlasher I'm not too sure on

posted 4 months ago

They ascend only to immediately have their best player by far poached by FNC

They are COOKED for next season

posted 4 months ago

I've never seen a post by him that isn't at least -5 downfragged

posted 4 months ago

Clearly benjyfishy is the face of Valorant because he has the most Twitter followers and more clout + entire Spanish fanbase + every time there's any kinda content around VCT Riot would pick TenZ, then pick benjyfishy as their second choice + the Fortnite goat + lovely hair + handsome young gentlemen + funny

posted 4 months ago

I've been waiting to get Forsaken Vandal for months now

posted 5 months ago

Or can BME at least make it close? (I have already given up hope of them winning)

posted 5 months ago

What if Heretics didn't shit the bed and forget that they're the best Sunset team halfway through the year

posted 5 months ago

KOI (grubinho will become the greatest player to ever touch the game in 2025)

posted 5 months ago

Anyone know any songs similar to this one but a bit heavier?

posted 5 months ago

Five Guys bacon cheeseburger

posted 5 months ago

What's immoral about sucking dick?

posted 5 months ago

Free (I like men)

posted 5 months ago

I'm in silver, but in my unrated lobbies I regularly go against plats-ascendants and I can keep up and sometimes even out aim them, but as soon as I hop into ranked against other silver players I instantly lose all nerve signals to my hands and my aim gets noticeably worse. Wtf is wrong with me why is this?

posted 5 months ago

Holy monka unrated KD

posted 5 months ago

Average SEN fan

posted 5 months ago

TH benjyfishy
NRG benjyfishy
EE benjyfishy
DRAG benjyfishy
CryptiK benjyfishy

posted 5 months ago

dort goes into crippling debt

posted 5 months ago

After the results of this year, 2025 is set up to be the absolute best year of competitive Valorant we'll ever see. Here's why


After Heretics became far and away the most successful EMEA team of the year and a literal Premier team came one map away from winning Ascension, I expect EMEA orgs to finally let go of the recycled 2021 or CS talent and go all in on young T2 players, and will finally give unproven IGL's a shot after seeing how successful Boo was despite being seen as mediocre at best before hand, and this'll work absolutely perfectly with the insane amount of coaching talent in EMEA to finally bring the region to the level it should be, as well as finally getting rid of the washed players riding on past achievements to keep themselves in the league.


Pacific won it's first ever trophy, with Gen.G finally showing that Pacific teams could adopt a winning style, and interest in Valorant has skyrocketed, especially in Korea. Valorant's risen t the second most played game at LAN cafes in Korea, just behind LOL. This is an amazing sign for the talent development in the region on top of the fact that 2 of the most talked about players from Pacific this year were primmie and Karon, literal ranked players, showing that the scene is very much producing fresh talent as well as catching up in terms of FPS experience, which is what they lacked in comparison to EMEA and Americas at the start of Valorant. Pacific's Ascension is still going on but honestly the quality of play in Ascension is absurdly impressive, with BME, FS and SPG all looking absolutely tier 1 ready.


Not only did EDG prove that that China could win a trophy, the other Chinese teams that most people had probably brushed off proved that the region had multiple teams that could do damage internationally, especially FPX and TE, and interest in the scene has skyrocketed much like Korean interest in Valorant, with China drawing in the biggest viewership numbers and their ascension tournament being filled with insane levels of talent.


Americas continued on as the most complete region of the 4, with 2 teams in the top 4 of each tournament. SEN showed that NA was as strong as ever. KRU and LEV both had great showings and really demonstrated that LATAM is very much alive and can compete with NA. And while Brazil didn't have the best showing in T1, 2G just won Ascension, which paired with GLRS' excellent showing demonstrates that the Brazilian scene can still succeed, they just need to stop recycling talent and invest in fresh players, similar to EMEA.

And overall, the stranglehold that old cores from 2021 and 2022 had on the game seemed to finally disappear, with the old cores everyone expected to be successful like NAVI, DRX, FNC, NRG/OpTic core, DRX, Loud and (unfortunately) PRX fizzling out and losing to newly formed teams, finally showing that the scene is evolving from it's formative years.

VCT 2025 is gonna be insane, and I can't wait

posted 5 months ago

Kinda a travesty that EDG got put ahead of Gen.G for the Valorant nomination

Also neilzinho and solo robbed for coach of the year nominations

posted 5 months ago

If Kickoff is double elim next time then I wouldn't mind, but if Kickoff playoffs are single elim then wallahi it is finished

posted 5 months ago

Don't worry trembo we all know your goat ain't washed (he was never good to begin with)

posted 5 months ago

Yes and it is very funny

posted 5 months ago


posted 5 months ago

That's my birthday I wish for as much time between now and then getting older is terrifying

posted 5 months ago


posted 5 months ago

He'd be the unemployed 26 year old who hangs around outside smoking cigarettes all day

posted 5 months ago

He's not letting you hit lil bro

posted 5 months ago

I mean it's very sad and painful to watch

But I also find it REALLY funny that she calls neT "my goat^ in the final round instead of like, yk, his first name or some shit

posted 5 months ago

Probably KFC. I don't see McDonald's dropping their fry cook after such a successful season, maybe neT could fill in on the drive through but again, unlikely. Which just leaves KFC as neT's prime option

posted 5 months ago

I mean kiNgg can play Raze so it's not the end of the world, still would've been better off keeping aspas though

posted 5 months ago

This guy is kinda nasty, imagine if Talon somehow managed to get sScary (never happening because of Bleed buyout but I can dream), this guy and primmie on the same team. Their firepower would be genuinely insane

posted 5 months ago

dort please find a different hobby your baits are shit

posted 5 months ago

What's the best team you can make of just Australian players? Obviously Autumn has to be in it he's practically the face of Australian Valorant. I also think SWERL is locked in there no question. Other than that I'm not super sure. RAMEN and IKANA seem pretty cracked from what I'm seeing

Who's the IGL of JFT? Cuz I'd probably finish off that roster with them

posted 5 months ago

TH (please tell me they're winning something next year)

posted 5 months ago

NRG, 100T and G2 I reckon

100T have had a super long time to scrim and further flesh out their map pool, which imo was their biggest weakness and since they're probably keeping the same 5 they can only get better

NRG with Bonkar and FNS are absolutely stacked on tactics, and Ethan, s0m and Verno are all insane players. They just need to flesh out Demon1's agent pool in the off season and get him fully accustomed to full time duelist (if they do the smart thing and keep him)

G2 were arguably the most consistent team in Americas last year and if they manage to get their hands on a more consistently explosive duelist player then I can definitely see them going further

I also wouldn't discount the possibility of 2G really performing if they find a solid replacement for spikeZ, LEV and KRU I can see still maintaining their 2024 level, if dropping a little, and SEN have a lot of options and could definitely edge out some other teams though

The other Brazilian teams are cooked if they don't go for majority rebuilds, Jawgemo is probably leaving EG which hard caps their potential imo and C9 are just gonna spend the absolute bare minimum for the 4th year in a row because they're just there to leech off the stipend and keep their org relevant and have probably already given up on achieving anything in 2025 before they've even built the roster because C9's management don't give a shit as long as they're just meh enough for people to not clown on them but not too expensive I fucking hate C9 with a passion

posted 5 months ago

Pretty sure BcJ, neT and NiSM0 gonna retire, then Zander and maaaaaaybe koalanoob if Jawgemo leaves EG are getting picked up by T1 teams so I feel like speculating about current M80's chances is pretty much fanfiction

posted 5 months ago

I thought they were getting RobbieBK

posted 5 months ago

How has every single game been a relatively clean 2-0 by the favourite team to win so far? Is there that much of a tier gap between the favourites and lower end teams?

posted 5 months ago

M80 CEO will go on Twitter and type out a whole video essay on why they should have the slot instead a second time

posted 5 months ago

Pretty sure they were banking on getting Saadhak to play his role and swapping mta with another initiator player but that evidently fell through

posted 5 months ago

Alright, how long till the BcJ, neT and NiSM0 retirement tweets come?

posted 5 months ago
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