Cloud9 Cloud9 North America Rank #6 Xeppaa Erick Bach v1c Victor Truong mitch Mitch Semago neT Michael Bernet OXY Francis Hoang have announced that the organization have parted ways with Josh " shinobi " Abastado. The in-game-leader has been a core member of Cloud9 Blue's original roster, being the second-to-last player to be publicly announced signed with the organization.

It's a terrible day for rain... 😭

Today we part ways with the one who has led #C9BLUE through all the ups and downs from the beginning.

Thank you @shinobi_fps and best of luck!

Cloud9 Blue will hope to turn over a new leaf with the 2021 Valorant season, following a string of disappointing finishes in the Ignition Series and First Strike: North America.

Cloud9 Cloud9 North America Rank #6 Xeppaa Erick Bach v1c Victor Truong mitch Mitch Semago neT Michael Bernet OXY Francis Hoang are currently: