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Registered: July 8, 2020
Last post: March 1, 2022 at 7:57 PM
Posts: 1331
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Yes but this all has been Putin's dream for decades now and this is how he wants to leave his mark on history. They've saved billions of dollars over the years in preparation for the economic drawbacks of the war so this won't change Putin's mind on anything. I get the idea but it only really hurts the players and orgs who aren't even involved in all of this.

posted about 3 years ago

And The Champions of the US sports teams go to the White House every year. Does it mean either of them would stop a war they've been planning for decades? Hell no. This has 0 impact on what Russia is doing and only hurts people who have nothing to do with the war(except the fact that they live in Russia).

posted about 3 years ago

The Russian Government doesn't give a flying fuck about eSports

posted about 3 years ago

Promising roster with ec1s. NiSMO and koalanoob is a fantastic star duo, you add an experienced IGL who is proven to be a solid tier 1 player and you have 2 solid support players with johnqt and brawk. NiSMO and koalanoob are legit tier 1 level talents and johnqt has a lot of potential so I'm excited to see if ec1s can make this team get on the level of at least KCP/Akrew or even PK.

posted about 3 years ago

If you blame HiKo for losing Icebox, then you either weren't watching or are just a dumbass.

posted about 3 years ago

You know it's a shit org when there's a meme asking when they play lmao

posted about 3 years ago

Damn you all get off to hating HiKo it's actually ridiculous

posted about 3 years ago

He would be perfect for GenG right now. Also, he would help out teams like FaZe, Col, Ghost, KCP, and even TSM a lot. FaZe needs more experience, Col and Ghost could use someone like HiKo to expand their brand and compete at the top of tier 2, same with KCP but he could push them into tier 1 and TSM needs a whole new culture which HiKo could help build. Not to mention he's better than all of the Sovas that these teams have(Levi a good though).

posted about 3 years ago

Yes but also scapegoating HiKo cause he baits isn't logical whatsoever. 100T lost because of comps and a clear lack of synergy. Idk why they dropped BabyJ and ec1s but HiKo isn't the issue. Maybe if they don't make it out of groups, they can bet on an up and comer but HiKo is a top sova in NA with a shit ton of experience and fans so letting go of him for and up and comer is a huge risk. If I made the calls, I would let them play the groups with ec1s and BabyJ and if things didn't get better, I would pull out the wallet and spend big on building around Asuna and Ethan. Personally, I would go after trent(or Paincakes if I couldn't get Trent), Stani and some sentinel IGL like C0M, stellar or payen.

posted about 3 years ago

Maybe because Crashies, Derrek, BCJ, Xeta, Trent, eeiu are all already signed... You can't name another sova(other than sinatraa and that's never going to happen) from NA that's better than HiKo. Not to mention all the streaming numbers he brings in.

posted about 3 years ago

I would gladly take someone like Trent or Derrek but that isn't going to happen. Outside of those 2 guys(who they would have to pay a shit ton for), there's no upgrade available. Not to mention the fact that there's no way in hell The Guard or Rise would let the 2 guys I mentioned go so Idk why you think this team would be better without him.

posted about 3 years ago

I mean even though they should've gotten Zander and all that, ec1s is decent individually and is a good caller. Outside of Zander, he was 100% the best option so I'm at least happy that they got the next best guy after Zander was picked up.

posted about 3 years ago

I love how everyone ignores how good HiKo has been playing because of 1 clip where he was lining up a sova dart and then was helping Ethan from ct until he got flashed. Like come on, use your heads.

posted about 3 years ago

How many times do I have to say that Steel was dropped because the team didn't want to play with him? Obviously, it wasn't ideal but if they didn't want to play with him, the team would've got worse and worse anyways until a change needed to be made. Just look at SMB and G2 if you wanna see what I'm talking about. Plus if you watched the game, you would know that they lost Haven because of dumb mistakes and Ascent because of the dumbass comp they ran. It's the team's second series, mistakes are going to happen but ec1s has been good so far when it comes to IGLing so stop hating on him.

posted about 3 years ago

Didn't Furia do that and nothing happened? Why should G2 get banned when a previous offense by a different team wasn't punished at all?

posted about 3 years ago

Idk why this is a discussion. Are FPX and Guild the best EMEA teams just because of 1 series? Was BBG the best team in the world when they beat Sen once a while back? No. Just wait and see how it plays out. OpTic is bound to bounce back, Sen hasn't lost yet, Xset just lost a close series to C9 and C9 is looking like the best team(taking into account last year and this year). Sure, V1 has been looking great but the sample size is so small that this shouldn't be a discussion.

posted about 3 years ago

Cry is free but Cryo aint

posted about 3 years ago
  1. Didn't know that you make the roster moves for Gen.G
  2. Why would they look for a jett player when they have Rhyme
  3. Jerk has played jett two times so why tf would they get him if they're looking for a jett player
  4. If they are going after a jett main, they should go after someone like Koalanoob or Will
posted about 3 years ago

I forget whether or not NaturE is their IGL but if he is, they should probably get aproto or maybe Levi if TSM get rid of him(and move NaturE back to sentinels). If he isn't, they should probably go after someone like payen or stellar to fill in as the sentinel main and bring an experienced IGL to the team. Something needed to be changed and I just hope they make the right addition.

posted about 3 years ago

Yay didn't achieve shit before Envy so what's your point?

posted about 3 years ago

What about "really talented team" made you think about TSM XD

posted about 3 years ago

Really talented team but it just irks me when they throw anti eco rounds by pushing into spawn or over aggressing. It's not just anti eco rounds but they just randomly throw rounds and it makes no sense.

posted about 3 years ago

I wasn't a fan whatsoever of the FaZe roster when they announced it(and it looks like I was right so far) but LarryBanks has definitely impressed me. He has great aim and he's only 16 years old so yeah, he has a shit ton of potential. Unfortunately, I'm not sure if FaZe is the best team for him to develop into the player he can be. Like Asuna had HiKo and steel to help him develop. Cryo has Dephh and so did Zekken. However, I don't think FaZe has that experienced guy that can help develop the young talent on that team. Their IGL is also young and inexperienced and I just don't see Shot_Up and Babybay as the HiKo type to help develop young talent. I'm definitely excited to see how LarryBanks turns out but I think FaZe needs to bring in someone with more experience to help him and maybe flyuh develop.

posted about 3 years ago

All the younger guys getting signed to tier 1 orgs like Cryo, Zander, LarryBanks, and zekken are really the first wave of fresh talent, at least in NA.

posted about 3 years ago

Fantasy Team
MVP: ScreaM
Duelist: cNed
Initiator: Leo
Sentinel: Nivera
Controller: L1nk

Team Placements
1st Place: Liquid
2nd Place: Gambit
3rd Place: Acend
4th Place: Guild
5th-6th Place: G2, BIG
7th-8th Place: Fnatic, NaVi
9th-10th Place: SMB, LDN
11th-12th Place: BBL, FPX

posted about 3 years ago

1) ScreaM
2) ScreaM
3) Team Liquid
4) VeryGames
5) 273.4 ACS
6) ScreaM
7) ScreaM
8) Team Liquid, Team Liquid
9) Team Liquid
10) ScreaM

posted about 3 years ago

1) ScreaM
2) ScreaM
3) Team Liquid
4) VeryGames
5) 265.9 ACS
6) ScreaM
7) ScreaM
8) Team Liquid, Team Liquid
9) Team Liquid
10) ScreaM

posted about 3 years ago

Common PrTsty W

posted about 3 years ago

Who decided to give 4 slots to SA and only 3 to EMEA and NA? Only NA and EMEA have made it to the finals at international LANs and KRU and NUT are the only semifinalists not from NA/EMEA... It's one thing to give each region a chance, it's another to give them more opportunities than other regions when they don't deserve it.

posted about 3 years ago

You just can't put HiKo above someone like Derrek because of 2 series though. Derrek has outperformed HiKo in the last couple of NA events and this is coming from a 100T fan. I think HiKo is a great sova and a good player but he's not a better sova than Derrek, xeta, or eeiu.

posted about 3 years ago

steel was playing on higher ping lmao. nt tho

posted about 3 years ago

Recency bias? Even before LCQ he was in the conversation and at LCQ he established himself as a top 3 sova. Now he's just continuing his great play and proving that he is a top 3 sova. HiKo is nowhere close. HiKo and Shahz aren't even top 5 either. I'll take eeiu and xeta everyday on sova.

posted about 3 years ago

Derrek is undisputedly a top 3 sova player along Crashies and Bcj

posted about 3 years ago

Only 11 posts... What a loser. Get a life

posted about 3 years ago

Akrew is an org...

posted about 3 years ago

He's not fucking Pitbull bro

posted about 3 years ago

Source? Cause this just sounds like bs from TSM fans

posted about 3 years ago

So what Curry ain't allowed to live close to the server? 2 T1 guys also had like 60 ping but you're literally complaining that the T1 guys chose to live closer to the server. You have to realize how dumb you sound.

posted about 3 years ago

Best raze in the world no cap

posted about 3 years ago

The best part about this team is that trent is 17, valyn is a good IGL at 19 years old and I'm pretty sure neT is under 20 too. Sayaplayer is a great player and JonahP is good and promising. I still remember back in the closed qualifiers before First Strike when JonahP and Sharky carried Complexity to the point where they were considered a top 10 team. This team just has so much potential and the fact that they're already beating teams like FaZe and LG is insane.

posted about 3 years ago

Idk how old neT is but if he's older than 18, I'd actually say LarryBanks. I had no clue he was only 16 years old before just now. Another good one would be PK Frosty. Man is only 16 years old, is their IGL, just beat TSM and he's pretty good while playing as a sentinel main. Unfortunately, he has some Sexual Assault allegations against him from his ex GF but outside of that, his future is bright. Unfortunate that people have to make dumb decisions(not saying he 100% did what he's accused of).

posted about 3 years ago

Cryo, Zekken, Trent, Zander, neT

posted about 3 years ago

nitr0, Ethan, steel, they bought out Asuna and Dicey. Just because they didn't get 2 players that people think they should've gotten doesn't mean they aren't willing to spend money on good players.

posted about 3 years ago

You guys are acting like Zombs' util is far ahead of everyone else lmao. Sure, his astra util is better but nitr0 is still good on Astra and he's much better aim wise

posted about 3 years ago

Things are different now with Chamber

posted about 3 years ago

I didn't know if it was because FaZe didn't offer enough money or if they wanted to stick together but I'd gladly drop Wardell to pick up a top 6 team in NA.

posted about 3 years ago

I mean yeah of course that's how the scene grows but when they keep on going after these tier 2 guys and it doesn't work, they need to realize that they need to actually be willing to spend money and sign tier 1 talent. The bang signing didn't really make sense role wise, there were better IGLs available when TSM signed Rossy, even tier 2 guys like Zander, and Levi has been a good support player. Levi should be on a tier 1, or high tier 2 team but again, with the Rise guys looking for a new org, it's too good of an opportunity to pass up on.

posted about 3 years ago
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