jett diff
You pulled out their first game, but didnt pulled the games they won when they got confidence.
g2 won against Zeta who continuously played games for days and they said they didn't rest well before the match.
Individual talent I rate f0rsaken and Jinggg > anyone on DRX except Mako. DRX is carried by their strats and Mako. I can face it if I actually think they are better. I used to think DRX > PRX, but not now when they proved to me 1vs1 maybe 50/50 but overall vs any competition PRX > DRX and results show that
LOUD won vs TL then, what's ur point?
individual talent i can see Jinggg but not f0rsakeN as he legit got shut down all 5 maps DRX have played vs PRX. From Berlin to Reykjavik f0rsakeN has never popped off vs DRX.
DRX's aim is still good, there's a reason a hyperaggressive aimduelly team like PRX still loses. if DRX couldn't win the aimduels they'd have lost ages ago.
As for PRX vs competition I can agree but at the same time PRX beat The Guard, who lost to OpTic, the same team DRX almost beat 2-0. Guard were also on their first LAN.
and it's pointless to compare team matchups anyway as its been shown any team can beat any team. im just saying stylistically DRX > PRX and it's proven to be the case with DRX taking comfortable wins both times. f0rsakeN going to DRX is not gonna be a downgrade lol
this will be a very hot take but i think (not saying they should) they should try to go for xzi if they want to blow the money on him and termi/glow being able to bring him up to that star player level
dude was farming against drx in a scrim/showmatch and hes an fa right now, hes also shown interest in valorant if the salaries are higher, and drx is one of the few orgs in korea right now with that money
they cant get munchkin or saya (ow stars already, which we know how they are with time) and seoldam too, so why not get the next best deal?