Flag: Europe
Registered: November 5, 2021
Last post: March 22, 2024 at 8:02 PM
Posts: 315
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performing where? i cant seem to find him on madrid

posted 8 months ago

Nope, and mine is even more valid, why would bad coach win vct, you are def trolling

posted 8 months ago

so is yours, buddy

posted 8 months ago

thats why most coaches cant win vct
you like that logic?

posted 8 months ago

kaquqa is silver in valorant last time i remember watching her stream
whyd u listen to a silver ranked player?

posted 8 months ago

whos shit is who cant even make it to grand final

posted 8 months ago

oh wait

posted 8 months ago

Get ready to learn chinese buddy

posted 8 months ago

im used to shorten dumbass to dmbass because some games had to censor the word "dumb" to protect people like you

my bad, youre an actual certified dumbass

posted 8 months ago


posted 8 months ago

guy is mad his team lost after talking so much shit

can you at least follow up this tweet bro?


has miniboo send the pic?


posted 8 months ago

oh you really unable to understand english

there is no sentence that can even the slightest imply that prx started it

"joined in" only implies that the 33 yo coach showed his true self that is so fking immature and cant handle banter

it only implies that "due to" prx "still" talk shit off stage, then he finally joins in the banter

does it mean the order goes prx > th coach > th players?




posted 8 months ago

"Heretics coach implying that PRX started talking trash first for no reason: https://twitter.com/neilzinho/status/1769469437499834763"

are you unable to understand english or just ignorant
or just both

or maybe just rtrdo

posted 8 months ago

this shtty org 100% doesnt deserve to be in franchising

posted 9 months ago

welcome to the retirement, lost ark player o7

posted 11 months ago

lost ark

posted about a year ago


hes now fulltime lost ark content creator for drx

best of luck for RB!

please welcome drx to tier 2 league

posted about a year ago

can we all agree that johnqt is just arab tenz

posted about a year ago

which haircut r we talking about here
tenz or sgares?

posted about a year ago

not replying to your comment, just so its on the top

so my question is, which region is this org gonna be competing at?

posted about a year ago

bleed is bleeding

posted about a year ago

bleed confirmed is competing only for 11th spot btw

posted about a year ago

dont quit smoking bro you need to keep donating your money to the rich

posted about a year ago

the only drive you need is google drive

posted about a year ago

that sage guy flow something something
he be throwing and not helping his team and then blame it on the team when they lose

posted about a year ago

i was once a sen flair, but lets be realistic here, they aint winning sht

posted about a year ago


you think theres competition for drx in korea?

posted about a year ago

nobody cares

posted about a year ago

EDG is like DRX in kr
they dominate their region
but they aint winning champs

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

it aint cs lil bro

posted about a year ago

maybe try to read before typing, i said the raze nade is definitely not cool, never have i ever agreed to it nor do i promote it

but if youre being cheapos and not buy any guns and somehow able to loot ur friends' gun, dont be a jerk and drop it lmfao

posted about a year ago

exactly broski so why wont u drop the gun for the one who bought it

just a game, drop ur team dont be cheapos and rtrded lul

posted about a year ago

if raze was the one who bought the vandal on bonus round it would make sense for any1 (in this case the sage) who took it to give it back to him under the condition of if sage bought a gun but not a vandal he should buy sage the same gun that sage purchased previous round

but if sage didnt buy any gun or were only using sheriff, sage shouldve give raze his vandal back and play with only sheriff on that round

thats just only fair, if you didnt buy a gun, and you had the opportunity to grab your teammates gun you ought to give back that gun and buy your fking own

BUT, the friendly fire raze nade is most definitely not cool

but, this also happened to me where 2 of my teammates didnt buy after winning a pistol round, played with ghost only and half armor (not even full armor fking retards, and no it was not the leftover armor from previous round), it was actually also a sage! we lost our "bonus" round because the sage didnt help fight saying he doesnt have any guns only got ghost (well because he didnt fcking buy), the sage was able to save my vandal but didnt give it back to me when he still has his ghost and actually have enough credits to buy spectre or bulldog, i eventually trolled the game, never bought any guns even when i have the credits, just waited until he died and loot it off him, we eventually still won cause i and 1 other player kept winning us the rounds, but holyfk that sage is fking retarded

retards like this needs to understand that although that kind of toxicity from the raze is not good for the game, you are actually the one provoking them, have some brains, stop being a selfish retarded player

posted about a year ago

im not here to win $25

posted about a year ago

who the fuck r those

posted about a year ago

where is it

posted about a year ago

you may not have eyes or those just arent working
cause ive watch their recent match and the "indian representation" aint playing lil bro

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

throll 🥱
flair checks out

posted about a year ago

every prx fans: "W GAMING FOR THE WIN"
also every prx fans: "why they keep pushing bruh, why they keep throwing their man advantage"

it comes with the comps brotha
you aint true w gaming supporter
let them cook yall aint something yall a nobody

posted about a year ago

no good teams lose against a reyna

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

the team is setting him up for it, hes winning it, and most importantly theyre winning cause of it

you? you aint winning clutches kid sit down

posted about a year ago

Listen here kid, only C0M is allowed to do that, yall noob mfs dont do that in ranked ever yall aint winning those clutches

posted about a year ago

yeah dont drop him
lil bro is just tired look at his tweet
lil bro hasnt got any break
lil bro has been qualified for every event
lil bro just need a little break
little qq time

posted about a year ago

respectfully a sen flair talking down a navi flair is too wild

posted about a year ago

"SKI"Rossi 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀

posted about a year ago
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