the chat is full of xenophobic comments towards eu and criticise accents when it is not their first language. when eu wins champions, make sure to not feel sorry for NA.
playoffs edit: xd NA KEKW
both Scenes have bad apples that make terrible comments to each other both sides feel they are justified. Making jokes about people with brain damage is absolutely wrong, I find it funny how many people here feel like labelling entire regions as disabled are somehow better than the people they call xenophobic. I get not liking sentinels fans, but notice how Pro teams don't hate each other like this? It's crazy to me that the scenes hate each other as much as they do. The amount of toxicity NA gets internationally from EU and India is crazy compared to how the actual NA teams and average NA fan treats them.
I want you to realize people have opinions and those opinions should literally mean 0 shits to you UNLESS YOU want them to mean something.
No one is preaching the truth. It's literally just opinions...on a video game.
Edit: here's an example. You hate my FAVORITE video game. Why should I give a fuck what you think?
Idk what shaz has been saying exactly, but every time i tune in, he literally ends all his shit talking and the shit in chat by saying
"guys chill it's just a video game. we are just speaking shit. why do you give a shit about a video game; don't be so invested, we are all shit."
Shaz probably reacts prior to that more violently because it's his job so he feels he needs to be good at it.
But I agree, it definitely takes time for people to realize that you shouldn't give a shit about every single thing people think about you or else it'll hold you back.
i pondered on this thought and i decided to watch this vid: i recommend people watch
Good link. I'm glad you stepping forward my guy. Keep going. Because we are all in this community, a lot of us are prone to ending up in the same echo chamber, echoing the same thoughts that may or may not be healthy.
One of my college profs once told me I was part of this "era of anxiety" -- didn't understand until recently what he meant by this.
Stop taking things so seriously -- but don't let that stop you from learning and how to use that to improve upon aspects of your life that you want to invest time into. You'll get far that way.
Hey man if that's what you think that's cool.
I just hope some day people learn to not be sensitive fucks and not give their entire lifebeing's worth of effort into arguing with other people about shit they'll never come into agreement to.
What a waste of time to give a fuck about what insignificant people think about your opinion
Na. I think people just need to wake up and realize every now and then this is a fucking video game and opinions on it hold barely any matters of shit unless somehow some insult about how they perform in a video game makes them feel insecure about their fucking nationality.
Playing video games and taking it so seriously, it's hard to not remember, but rather mature the fuck up and realize what other people think about you should mean absolute DOG WATER unless you are legitimately a psychopath.
If you are insecure. That's fine. Own it. Accept it. Then realize other people's fucking opinions shouldn't affect your life unless it's actually something you want to do about it. (i.e. if you're a bum at home).
both Scenes have bad apples that make terrible comments to each other both sides feel they are justified. Making jokes about people with brain damage is absolutely wrong, I find it funny how many people here feel like labelling entire regions as disabled are somehow better than the people they call xenophobic. I get not liking sentinels fans, but notice how Pro teams don't hate each other like this? It's crazy to me that the scenes hate each other as much as they do. The amount of toxicity NA gets internationally from EU and India is crazy compared to how the actual NA teams and average NA fan treats them.
Dapr, Zombs and Shahzam (not as bad) have some of the biggest egos and are some of the most toxic in Valorant. And their chats follow everything they say. The amount of chat messages that I saw of viewers making fun of people for everything was really high. Let it be bad play, whiff, comm issue (even some callouts that are common in EU), accent etc. They are literally criticizing every move some random low Immortal player does and making fun of it. And usually these 3 guys are doing it as well. Just look at Dapr's stream and the only thing he talks about is how shitty the players are that he is playing with. Like we get you are top pro playing against random Immortals.
And I just want to say that no hate towards these players. This is just trend that I've seen with them and their chats. I think its fair critique.
What tf are you talking about? Your comment is the most dumbest I've seen for a while and really shows your mental age. And even though your age guess was 10 year off, I would still much rather be 30 year old boomer normie than 14 year old zoomer normie. You are just perfect example. Assuming you are regular viewer of these.
CLASSIC 20 yr old adult but brain and behaviour 12yr old snowflake kid who got offended by 3 video game pros he saw on the internet coz they say their ranked teammates are bad sometimes?? u must have gotten bullied hard in high school man i feel bad for u...ur prob that dude that gave death threats coz dapr tbagged someone for fun
Get some help dude. Either you are just really young to not realize how stupid you sound like, or you have problems. You make nonsensical assumptions and act like a kid. If you don't think those 3 players (or more like 2) and their streams are some of the most toxic in all of Valorant then you must be part of it. Really feel bad for you, sad, sad human being. Go watch some Dapr zoomer normie.
They are soo toxic dude, how could they tbag and knife my fav pro :( listen kid nobody gives a fuck bout who u think is toxic or egoistic, ur whole existence is irrelevant just like ur how braindead u r i feel bad for your parents honestly, im not gonna waste my time talking to some crazy mentally disabled kid so peace..keep posting bout how toxic SEN is in this irrelevant website coz braindamaged kids like u arent even allowed on fucking reddit
I hate washed fucking rats who think they are a big deal even though they would be stuck playing mythic cash cups for 100$ if it wasn't for valorant being a retirement home.
Don't worry, they are so talentless that in one or two years actual valorant talent will throw them back to the amateur leagues.