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Registered: October 31, 2021
Last post: August 17, 2024 at 1:43 AM
Posts: 132
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Just take the hardrive out and plug it to another computer and extract whatever you want to take out.

posted 5 months ago

some of his players literally just take for fun peeks.

Ngl, i wanted 100T to win but there were times where s0mething single handedly won and lost the same round in a matter of seconds.

posted 7 months ago

Demon1s playstyle isn't good as a primary duelist. He needs another aggressive player and that is Victor.

That's why EG was good, cause they had maps where jawgemo and demon1 were both duelist and jawgemo would be that guy to just find something.

If you watched NRGs games, you would see they have less FBs than nearly anyone.

So like it or not, victor and s0m is who they need NOT demon1 and that is something even FNS had to decide on I bet.

posted 7 months ago

get rid of chet lol.

posted 8 months ago

He'll be fine, but that Asuna guy needs to go.

posted 9 months ago

100T are frauds until that Asuna guy is benched to streamer status.

posted 10 months ago

A lot changed in those 2 years lol.

And then before demon1, ethan/jawgemo/c0m had to play roles they probably were not as good at because of bcj role conflicts.

Having roster pieces changed a lot of their strats because the players seemed to have fit their new roles better.

posted about a year ago

cryo is already the best player on the server. someone on his team (asuna...) has to show up too lmao.

posted about a year ago

I think we should give Ardis more time.

IMO ardis is in a minor slump, we are all aware of that. But when Ardis resurges NRG will definitely be contenders for international titles. Ardis was/is just still trying to balance all his new responsibilities besides "go out and kill" when chamber was a thing. It clearly goes well when he only plays jett but NRG definitely wants more than that.

posted about a year ago

I mean people should be able to see how much the comps are changing. It's honestly really hard to gauge NRG and I think it's stupid a lot of people haven't caught on to that

posted about a year ago

Yea and now they might have a chance to 3-0 DRX again dominating them AGAIN as if nothing changed since last year lol...

It's fair to think that but for me, after el classico on that day, it was obvious they are pretty mucb as strong and will only get better with time.

I'm glad they made it a b05 instead of a b03 just for them to be out already like last year.

posted about a year ago

Watch alpha day 6. Its around the 7:56:00 mark. Its during post match interview. Final question like after seeing loud and nrg have the narrowest margins of games with nrg.

Idg how you could call loud weaker. Their new players bailed loud the fuck out LMFAO

posted about a year ago

Literally right after they beat talon???? Day 6 of the alpha bracket lmfao.

Loud is literally still so strong it's crazy to have not see that yet.

posted about a year ago

Watch their interview after they beat talon to qualify lol. Day 6 of the alpha bracket.

Loud is still so strong it was really obvious watching the NRG series lol...

posted about a year ago

DRX underestimated LOUD and called them worse not realizing NRG is also a better team and good team compared to themselves...LOUD is still amazing and it was foolish to think otherwise.

Now they are getting fucked up and im not surprised at all.

posted about a year ago

Words are not needed.

posted about a year ago

Now you realize what NRG had to deal with. Be lucky Brazil doesn't want to kill any of Fnatic lmfao

posted about a year ago

I hope for a good series

It's insane that NRG was able to deal with it. There hasn't been a single match that has impressed us nor the brazilean crowd as much as NRG vs Loud.

posted about a year ago

They have to fix a lot of the roles IMO. Not sure why cryo is playing Raze compared to bang or asuna who are a lot more famous on it. Cryo should play sentinel secondary, as all former star players are doing pretty much jett/sage and both enable the op and omen is good too i guess. IMO Cryo is a lot more of a 2nd man in than your primary force unless he's feeling it. This is how he was in XSET...

posted about a year ago

Bra, this cloud9 core hasn't done shit in the past fucking year of this game since xeta got kicked.

If leaf was good, he'd done it by now. This core is done, and C9 should've rebuild instead of getting Yay because Yay was never going to solve this dumpster fucking fire.

posted about a year ago

Ok. Since Xeta left C9, when was the last time C9 was ever relevant with any substitute players for any of the roles on this team, please?

posted about a year ago

Cloud9 core is just not good and IMO not reliable with their culture based on how they reacted to the loss and just the streaming personality.

posted about a year ago

Obviously personality issues. He's a grinder, that's why him and optic core got along so well.

Look closely at c9's reaction during moment of loss versus Yay - there's clear issues. And he may feel he won't be utilized well or reach his peak with this team.

posted about a year ago

FNS isn't one to do his own like that, even if it's against a former friend

posted about a year ago

It means not bandwagoning like your clown ass is doing. LMFAO. Peace bra. Hope you find a team you stick by forever this time.

posted about a year ago

Because 100T is literally on stage?? They're good enough to be here, but maybe they just aren't better as you expected them to be and you are basing your opinions on your own expectations of them???

And again, i'm going to refer to your post history from literally minutes ago, AND I QUOTE, "100t has no excuse to look like this, they disappoint me to hell, i was supporting them actually?"

You need to figure out what support is with your fake ass lmfao. I'm done here.

posted about a year ago

Yea, because everyone thought 100T would win. I don't get what the issue is...

If they lose, they lose? Yea it sucks for them to lose someone like that I guess but that just shows FUT is at least pretty decent to be here.

I don't get why your default move is to "immediately disrespect anyone who doesn't live up to my expectations" . But you supported 100T at one point right? What a fucking joke lol.

posted about a year ago

You're posting like every fucking minute, man. At least wait until FUT win the match or something lol.

You didn't support shit. Stop acting..

If you supported 100T, you'd at least wait until the match was over man. Optic used to lose in group stages all-the-fucking-time.

And they still were 1st/2nd/3rd every god damn tournament.

posted about a year ago

Bro, you need to move on. Idk why you hate 100T so much but it's funny. They're literally getting fucking dumpstered on a real map. If FUT can take another real map, then that'll be cool. Idk why you have such a fucking hate boner for 100T lmfao. Whoever wins wins. Re-fucking-lax

posted about a year ago

Says i'm sucking off 100T right? Ok let's do a quick fact check on you:

Your literal post history is hoping 100T gets shat on or somehow saying that because 100T lost on lotus, it should be validated, ignoring the statistical evidence that literally it is a map, that even analyst agree, anything can happen on.

My Chat history of 100T being included: 2x, with the 1st time being cryo put in based on my own speculation

posted about a year ago

It's cause it was lotus lol. We are going to ignore how vitality literally got embarrassed after having their little fun at lotus? Or how KRU almost managed to get a map off of NAVI???

posted about a year ago

Bra, it was fucking lotus.

posted about a year ago

Ok let me flesh this out a bit and give you why I really doubt sentinels' flexibility.

Let us look at nrg who has hard role players.
Ardis - sage/jett
Crashies - sentinel/initiator - known for init.
Fns - sentinel/init - known for sentinel
Victor - sen/init/2nd duelist known for mainly 2nd duelist
s0m - controller

Notice how all the flex players enable the hard role players to keep playing their role and if they take away one, they can alternate amongst themselves. Especially notice if ardis wants sentinel, victor is suddenly enabled...4 of their players are pretty much ALWAYS in ideal roles (notice how init is specifically flexed between role players where 2 inits is very common)

Dephh - best role is sen as you said. 2nd best char is controller
Pancada - hard controller
Zekken - best chars are sova and 2nd duelist
Sacy - hard init
Tenz - hard duelist with sage i guess even though he's never shown that before...

Dephh is fucked if tenz needs to ever not go jett UNLESS a 2nd controller is somewhat viable?? And you want zekken to play hard init when he was the 2nd or 1st man in on xset as the costar?? (2nd time ever on breach btw, which is a lot more of a selfless character). The role players DO NOT SHARE a role pool and instead share with role anchor players. And that anchor players in my eyes.

This is why i doubt sen so much. The pieces are good but I don't think this team gels well unless they can vastly improve in their new roles

posted about a year ago

ok and I understand that. But if his 3 this year are a controller and 2 sentinels, how does that fit in now with a pure controller player and tenz who will probably take the sentinel when jett isn't viable? It didn't look good on split and last year, he wasn't the one playing KJ, that was mainly Ayrin while he played fucking breach or kayo (at least during champs and copenhagen)....

posted about a year ago

he flexed breach/kayo in the past on xset so im giving the other guy supporting evidence of flexibility but even then it is rough to fit the pieces in

posted about a year ago

Dephh: wants to play hard initiator like kayo or Astra or cypher
Sacy: pure initiator.
Pancada: pure controller.
Tenz: he's playing sage now on some maps (dephh def not playing Cypher or breach on split is shocking)

Zekken: flex dualist, one of his best characters being Jett and the other being scan initiator sova.
Tenz: jett and sage
Dephh: he likes playing hard initiator as mentioned so breach
Sacy:already on the hard initiator...

posted about a year ago

No they aren't. Xset is the only team that ran a squad that was near optic level.

Zekken wasn't the issue. Sentinels' GM is. This team has so much role overlap it is shocking. Not only that, they are trying to be comparable to optic core in flexibility, but none of these players beyond zekken are known for anything besides their main role unlike crashies/victor/fns. That is why the optic core will always be contending for finals.

Hell, idk what more people need for people to realize tenz isn't it, and I think he can be happy even knowing that. IMO it was a mistake to rebuild around him

posted about a year ago

They are literally not the best right now - they JUST got dismantled. They don't need you to defend them - that is what makes teams incompetent.

posted about 2 years ago

Fluent: Japanese and English

Fully understand: Spanish/Tagalog

posted about 2 years ago

Hard disagree. Many teams have star players.

But none are like Yay where he's pretty much guaranteed top player in the server/on his team in 8-9/10 games.

So much so that it's more surprising when other players on Optic do well because it probably means they won.

posted about 2 years ago

Seriously. FNS is how old now?

People are such bitches on the internet dude.

posted about 2 years ago

That's a fair opinion to have.

I think it'll likely be a mixed roster. And I think PH players at least deserve a chance at having good orgs/infrastructure and seeing how they grow.

posted about 2 years ago

Why the hell did FNS have to tweet about it, man?

posted about 2 years ago

Cheaper, but also because filipinos are notorious for playing all the F2P games and being extremely hardcore about them with high skill capacity but none of the infrastructure.

DOTA 2, Mobile Legends, League, etc.

posted about 2 years ago

Right so again, realistically, it's only +cryo -will

posted about 2 years ago


If 100T really want to go big at least.

Realistically, it's only -will +cryo

posted about 2 years ago

-Xeppa, +crashies for initiator player.

posted about 2 years ago


Because CEOs of companies should be AS SMART as their non-eSports counter-parts.

It's been dumb they've been getting away with this shit for as long as they have been.

posted about 2 years ago

But loud didn't even make it out of groups in copenhagen...

posted about 2 years ago

The G2 one is easy:

Ocelote: "I hang out with whoever the fuck I want"

Riot: "We follow the same philosophy"

posted about 2 years ago
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