shaking my smh
i mean none of them are technically wrong but the data is skewed to perpetuate a personalized narrative🤦♂️
it's in the same way that just pointing out the gender pay gap's numbers doesn't necessarily mean systemic discrimination since there's a certain degree of nuance to statistics that general (im not saying anyone's overarching viewpoint is right or wrong, just supplying an opposing statistic that is often put in the same positions as the ones before).
which of these issues you mention are directly womens fault?
these are issues for sure but none of them are a direct result of women (except for the false accusations, but they dont happen nearly as much as you think they do)
On the other hand, rape, domestic abuse, exploitation, violence are all issues which women face at a much higher rate than which they commit.
Womens issues = caused by male leaders / men in general
Mens issues = caused by male leaders / themselves
this is so delusional, the men you are talking about are a fraction of a single percentage of men. Also women are unfairly favored in divorce settlements and custody hearings. This is true despite the fact that children raised by singled mothers are more likely to be criminals whereas children raised by single-fathers are less likely to become criminals and just as likely as children raised in dual parent households. Also women commit the majority of sexual assaults against minors but people justify it because the little boy probably wanted it anyway.
equivalent of saying "wrong" and not explaining anything because u dont have good points. Women have more power when it comes to electing officials, so why dont they vote for better people. Also you cant blame the common man for the mistakes of the elites. They are 1% of the population, the common man is just a powerless as the common woman when it comes to influencing government poliy. Feminists like to say oh lets equalize all the corporate jobs and ceo positions but never talk about port-a-potty cleaners or garbagemen. So in reality they want selective equality when it favors them and to turn a blind eye when the inequality favors them. If they wanted true equality they would want to equalize all professions even the shitty ones. Selective equality is selfishness and greed masquerading as compassion.
If you want to use demographics to assign blame for who voted for the problems in America, racial demographics counter your useless statistic of more women being in the electorate. 90% of black women voted blue compared to 79% of black men; 57% of Hispanic women voted blue compared to 49% of Hispanic men; only White people were in the majority of voting red os it seems if you wanna blame voting on a demographic it should be white people. Even among white men and women, White women voted red at only 53% compared to 60% of white men. Women are not the cause of "voting for their problems". Does this suffice to prove me saying "wrong" to you?
I agree the problem isnt man or woman as you just blamed white woman. So even you admitted its not a man or woman issue, but rather a "white people bad" issue. What a winning mentality. But if you dont move the goalpost, you just admitted that women do vote in their "problems" when you said that white women voted red. Women are responsible for red winning because they make up most of the electorate whereas specific demographics don't bear as much as the blame because they dont make up a MAJORITY of the electorate. Unless you wanna blame white people and keep losing elections to an orange fucking clown. You just moved the goalpost when men and women to race because you were wrong.
I definitely did not blame white women how tf did you reach that conclusion?? Are you going to ignore that in each racial demographic men were by far the majority that "voted for the problems we are talking about"? Voting isn't as simple as racial demographics anyways, other factors exist you just want to blame women
They are BARELY the majority, you use that word because it sounds like more than it is. In 2024, 55% of men supported Trump while 45% of women supported trump. You deadass don't understand what you are talking about
you sound so ignorant
men will never experience what junko furuta endured being raped, tortured and assaulted. men will never experience having hidden cams on them like the women of korea. men will never understand what it feels like having their rights stripped away like women have. men will never understand the fear of walking down a street alone and being scared of assault because the opposite gender will and can overpower you. men will never understand what it feels like to be paid lower for the exact same job. men will never know what it’s like being property to another human like arab women. men will never experience being killed because he rejected a woman. men will never experience being killed at the age of 7 because you removed your hijab in protest for your rights.
do better
some of this is just not true tbh
I agree that yes, women experience things such as sexual assault to a higher degree of frequency, no doubt about it, but saying men will NEVER experience something similar is a little bit ridiculas and feels very invalidating to any actual male victims. And saying this can create harm for people. Its a huge reason why Men in general have such a stigma to report crimes done upon them, because they feel like their problems are inferior since they are a man.
Again this is not saying women dont experience more discrimination based on their gender and I understand you are making a point to a guy who is frankly a moron, but im not too happy with the wording