Flag: United States
Registered: December 6, 2024
Last post: March 21, 2025 at 8:03 PM
Posts: 67
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no we will continue dropping coaches and young players because FNS carried yay to win an event in 2022

posted 2 days ago

Dear NRG Family,

Thank you, Mada.

Today, we’re sharing some difficult news with all of you. After careful consideration, we’ve made the decision to part ways with Mada, a talented player who has been an important part of our Valorant roster. This decision was not made lightly, but it comes after evaluating the team’s needs and dynamics, particularly in areas like communication and the level of hard work required to compete at the highest level.

Mada has been a key contributor to our journey, and we’re incredibly grateful for his time and dedication to NRG. As an organization, we’re committed to fostering an environment where every player aligns with our core values and goals, and sometimes that means making tough decisions to ensure we continue to grow and succeed.

To our fans, we also want to address something that’s been on your minds. While FNS might occasionally go triple-negative on the scoreboard, let’s not forget that he’s the second coming of Albert Einstein when it comes to in-game IQ and leadership. His impact goes far beyond the stats, and we have full confidence in his ability to guide this team to greatness.

Thank you for your unwavering support. We know changes like this can be challenging, but we’re confident this is a step forward in our pursuit of excellence. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to build a team that makes you proud.

Best regards,
NRG Team

posted 2 days ago


posted 3 days ago

who r the baiters on this site? I can take care of it

posted 3 days ago

so you admit they are the majority good

posted 5 days ago

what about women sexually assaulting minors? you wont speak on that because youre wrong

posted 5 days ago

reality is women are the majority of the electorate

posted 5 days ago

I agree the problem isnt man or woman as you just blamed white woman. So even you admitted its not a man or woman issue, but rather a "white people bad" issue. What a winning mentality. But if you dont move the goalpost, you just admitted that women do vote in their "problems" when you said that white women voted red. Women are responsible for red winning because they make up most of the electorate whereas specific demographics don't bear as much as the blame because they dont make up a MAJORITY of the electorate. Unless you wanna blame white people and keep losing elections to an orange fucking clown. You just moved the goalpost when men and women to race because you were wrong.

posted 5 days ago

is this your way of justifying the fact that women sexually assault minors at a much higher rate than men?

posted 5 days ago

men do lose their rights what do you think happens in dictatorships

posted 5 days ago

100T win stage 1 and win Masters Toronto

posted 5 days ago

equivalent of saying "wrong" and not explaining anything because u dont have good points. Women have more power when it comes to electing officials, so why dont they vote for better people. Also you cant blame the common man for the mistakes of the elites. They are 1% of the population, the common man is just a powerless as the common woman when it comes to influencing government poliy. Feminists like to say oh lets equalize all the corporate jobs and ceo positions but never talk about port-a-potty cleaners or garbagemen. So in reality they want selective equality when it favors them and to turn a blind eye when the inequality favors them. If they wanted true equality they would want to equalize all professions even the shitty ones. Selective equality is selfishness and greed masquerading as compassion.

posted 5 days ago

women are more likely to sexually abuse children

posted 5 days ago

wrong + carried by chichoo + tier 3 talent + would have won with haodong

posted 5 days ago

women make up a larger portion of the electorate than men, so women are voting for these leaders that you assert are causing problems so women are more responsible than men

posted 5 days ago

sexual assault of minors, women are more likely than men to sexually assault minors

more likely to physically(hittiing) assault their children than men

posted 5 days ago

I made a post during masters bangkok that s1mon should be dropped and I said this even after champions. Just because a team is winning doesn't mean they should keep they same roster despite a player being deadweight. That mentality is why many team falloff after winning an event. Turns out all along that I was right since s1mon is now getting dropped. I understand the average IQ is 100 and people are stupid but how could you think keeping a double-negative player was a good idea for winning?

posted 5 days ago

this is so delusional, the men you are talking about are a fraction of a single percentage of men. Also women are unfairly favored in divorce settlements and custody hearings. This is true despite the fact that children raised by singled mothers are more likely to be criminals whereas children raised by single-fathers are less likely to become criminals and just as likely as children raised in dual parent households. Also women commit the majority of sexual assaults against minors but people justify it because the little boy probably wanted it anyway.

posted 5 days ago

Fact: The overall data showed 70.7% of non-reciprocal intimate partner violence cases were perpetrated by women only.

Fact: Women are more likely to sexually assault minors.

posted 5 days ago

men are more likely to be homeless, more likely to die on the job, more likely to kill themselves, young woman earn more money than young men, 60% of college graudates are women, a women can ruin a man's life with an accusation a man cant

posted 5 days ago

westjett is fucking guys say you hate him but never give a specific example

posted 2 weeks ago

sub the fucking coach at this point

posted 3 weeks ago

if EDG sub out s1mon they beat t1 rn

posted 3 weeks ago

I was the genius all along T1 3-0 EDG

posted 3 weeks ago

cope seethe cry

posted 3 weeks ago

EDG wins champs even if they kept haodong, hell with with how smoggy chichoo and kk were playing EDG would have won with shazam instead of s1mon

posted 3 weeks ago

i thought nobody was IGL

posted 3 weeks ago

no thanks to s1mon

posted 3 weeks ago

Why don't EDG drop s1mon, he is the worst player on the team and not even the IGL. He averaged a 0.89 KD in champions often going double negative. This year so far he has averaged a 0.90 KD during Kickoffs and Masters Bangkok. People cope by saying he has great util, but this isn't diamond, there are players at the tier 1 level who have as good util as him AND can shoot. When you're at the highest levels you have to do both. I don't understand why EDG should bear his deadweight when he isn't even the IGL. The mentality that Masters/Champs winners shouldn't make changes is the exact reason why many teams fall off after winning an event. I think EDG should drop s1mon even if they win Bangkok.

posted 3 weeks ago

get better genetics...lot of people have low intelligence or bad hand eye coordination because of genetics they dont like to hear it but its just reality

posted 1 month ago

Why do so many duelist players switch to smokes?


posted 1 month ago

5/13 is very much cant win an even with an average duelist player

posted 1 month ago

he's playing duelist and not performing on par with other duelists in the league

posted 1 month ago

When 100T was good last year during split one, Asuna was consistently the fourth best player on the team being preceded by Cryo, Bang, Eeiu. Asuna was consistently the fourth best player on that roster and the same could be said for 2023 except he was third since he was better than Derrek. That is unacceptable when he plays the most duelist.

posted 1 month ago

no way, it would be too much. 100T are handicapped by Asuna.

posted 1 month ago

Just look at the roster:

Eeiu - VCT Americas Initiator of the year

Boostio - World Champion IGL

Cryo - Support/smokes player fragging at top duelist level

Zander - Top smokes player from Challenger

The main argument I would like to make is that Cryo is a Brim/Astra/Cypher/Sage support player that frags at a top 5 level in Americas. Just look at Split 1 2024 or current kickoff. This is a hack for 100T because this kid is fragging at the level of OXY while playing support just imagine if they replaced Asuna with a top tier duelist like OXY or Jawgemo, this roster would be unstoppable and win multiple masters.

posted 1 month ago

saying man is woman and woman is man, also playing victim card to escape accountability

posted 2 months ago

how do we know I'm not good if I haven't played in tier one? you're right you cant know how good I am until I play in tier one. Its almost as if they play in a league where the average radiant would dominate

posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago

Let me know if I have the script.

posted 2 months ago

why cant he see his mom for 10 years? is she in jail for hitting him and doing drugs?

posted 2 months ago

So you support Kyedae contacting lightzedits school to ruin his life over some online beef in a valorant game? You're a fucking smooth brain.

posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago

It's probably better for us as fans if 100T bombs out of the kickoff, because that would mean Asuna gets dropped. If we keep qualifying, we might make top 4, but we won’t win an event with Asuna. If we crash out early, we can bring in a top-tier duelist from the tier 2 scene, especially since Cryo is now playing sentinels and smokes but still fragging out. A bomb-out could justify replacing Asuna and potentially help us win our first international event.

posted 2 months ago

Guys is Aspas a baiter? Be honest. Dont dickride.

posted 3 months ago

ah yes having more clout = better at the game

posted 3 months ago

nabil better

posted 3 months ago

With Bang joining Sentinels and Zander replacing him on 100T, I want to know who the community thinks is better. Who is better Bang or Zander and how big is the gap? Will 100T be able to reach the peak they reached in Stage 1 last year but with Zander?

posted 3 months ago

This is the ultimate VCT Americas Pick'em, and it's going to be 100% accurate. All the doubters will be left in the dust as they come to terms with the fact that I've got the script.

posted 3 months ago


posted 3 months ago
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