Why are they bringing this shit map back
Deadass horrible map
just had a crashout playing icebox, when i find the person who designed that shitass map
Goatbox and Goatcent 2 great maps you should try changing your playstyle up
+10000000000000 these silvers just cant play the game so they complain about maps that need a modicum of gamesense
can't change anything when team always pick the usual boring agents
then you should YOLO and play something fun and new
I've been thinking to troll on all of my ascent and icebox games ngl
Honstly after playing sunset and abyss for almost a year those maps feel goated. Next rotation -split +bind and the map pool is perfect.
Ascent is goated
Both these maps are 100x better than bind
1000x better than Abyss too
nah those are chill, why did bring back FRACTURE bro this map should not exist it needs to be removed
Just south crunch every round defense will be easy af
Ascent is like the Mirage/Cache of valorant , goat map
coz they dont care about some random shitter's opinion (you in this case)
Icebox is horrible compared to ascent
icebox so buns
hating on goatbox in the big 2025 😭💔
I love watching these two maps. Big W for me
Icebox will be excellent after Harbor rework trust.
Ascent is already better thanks to the new agents being good on it.
Just learn controller/sentinel agents
I like icebox tho, imo. My viper/kjs home :D
Sova players wants their map back. Viper players wanted icebox.
ill take these over abyss anyday all day.
Icebox(they gotta cahne something man) ascent(goated map especially with the new changes and the new agents will do well on it)
I love icebox! I love having to instalock Viper because I can't trust my teammates to actually play a proper smokes agent instead of Clove!
Icebox is a fun map to play for fun but shit map when you are trying to win