Flag: Philippines
Registered: June 8, 2024
Last post: March 23, 2025 at 9:39 AM
Posts: 399
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Call all the players on the team frauds, but leave out invy, he deserves to be where he is and much more

posted 1 day ago

I love Wyatt's casting tho, really hear the passion in his voice

posted 2 days ago

I like icebox tho, imo. My viper/kjs home :D

posted 6 days ago

They'll make champions at the very least

posted 1 week ago

I mean at least it isn't like val where you would literally want to kill yourself every time you whiff or lose a game lol

posted 2 weeks ago

It just hit different bro, looking back at it rn just makes me miss those pandemic days, kinda wanna go back and just ditch val entirely lol

posted 2 weeks ago

I used to play bedwars a lot but played bridge and skywars here and there, I played skyblock a few times tho

posted 2 weeks ago

No neon and none of them could play breach either

posted 2 weeks ago

RIens is insane but has only shown really good games on Sova, Gecko (ain't even meta anymore) and Breach. His fade is probably some of the most underdeveloped I've seen out of an initiator player, but he ain't bad don't get me wrong

posted 2 weeks ago

Ur emea team is made up of sentinels and duelists how tf are they supposed to get passed even groups

posted 2 weeks ago

GenG actually did decent, don't compare them to GE

posted 2 weeks ago

Leo, Trexx, Trent, Chronicle, Cauanzin

posted 2 weeks ago


A lil unique but I think this would hit a lil bit different

posted 2 weeks ago

westside is underrated af

posted 2 weeks ago

I kinda miss GMBT, they were my fave team. Nats' playstyle was really something else: it was nothing like val had never seen before. He was the only player that could have an entire stadium and online viewers screaming and sitting at the edge of their seats while the opponents couldn't even see him (coz he was always behind them lol). And the way sheydos played at the time was just absolutely insane too, D3FFO wasn't the best duelist in the world but damn did he do his job well. Redgar was a top igl, really good strats that complimented the playstyle of Nats, and of course, Chronicle was the absolute goat of initiator back then and probably the best rookie to ever play the game (imo).

If they made franchising I am SURE that LOCK/IN would've been theirs, they would've been at the top of the world. Sure, they might have had to make changes later in the year if they did make it because the team's talent would've been outdated in time, but they still would've been so good.

posted 2 weeks ago

All the KR teams are good, there's no way you can rank any other team from outside of KR in VCTP above even NS or GENG rn lmao

posted 2 weeks ago

Bro that wall from ardiis LMAOOOO. I remember a member of FNC saying "nice wall" or "nice slow" to his team and laughed realizing they had no sage HAHAHAHAHAHA

posted 2 weeks ago

Vyse counters dive agents like Jett and Wayley really dang well and even when its up against a Duelist like Yoru, Vyse still stalls execs and pushes really nicely. Breach/Tejo meta is still really strong, but I can still se the Sova being used on Ascent. Breach is being used on Abyss, so why not on Ascent where the map is much easier for the agent to manoeuvre?

posted 2 weeks ago

Sage and brim

posted 2 weeks ago

Nah ur either just tripping or baiting coz ain't no way you just said that LMAOOO

posted 2 weeks ago

Mindfreak is a beast, no way he's getting aim diffed just because he loses duels or gets overwhelmed from time to time

posted 2 weeks ago

Vyse and Breach are going to be played often in Ascent, mark my words

posted 2 weeks ago

All of the players went negative wtf, that's a first

posted 3 weeks ago

Yeah, sorry if my point isn't clear but I meant that Tejo doesn't need the ceiling of learning lineups, you just tap and ur moly is there

posted 3 weeks ago

I feel like the newer agents' skill ceilings are incredibly low, which idk if it is a good or bad thing overall for val but I just notice that Tejo just got rid of the required time and effort needed to learn lineups on Brim or Viper, and now Waylay's is basically just an easier raze satchel

posted 3 weeks ago

Imo it was, the best storyline for a team as well (T1)

posted 3 weeks ago

Her dash is supported with the sort of chamber tp she has, no?

posted 3 weeks ago

Ohhhhh I see, that's pretty decent ig

posted 3 weeks ago

Wait that's it? That's even more shit than omen ult wtf

posted 3 weeks ago

Wondering the same thing lol

posted 3 weeks ago

I don't get it, huh

posted 3 weeks ago

Idk why but I am really just hoping T1 win

posted 3 weeks ago

It's probably the best option LEV has going for them rn, just please let tex on duelist man like wtf is the reason not to

posted 1 month ago

lol okay I actually kinda like you now

posted 1 month ago

shift walk? push together? spam smokes? are u fking serious? go look yourself in the mirror and think abt what you just said lmaoooo

posted 1 month ago

Lol fr, but I mean nats doesnt suck on the agent, he's actually supporting really nicely

posted 1 month ago

I honestly thought they were going to play a more traditional comp this time coz this one seems like it's only made for 1 time big time games, but no, they used the comp again and are losing 10-2 now. They still will likely win tho so all good

posted 1 month ago

Just look at the agents being played by them across all maps, all of them are juggling agents every other map played. Pati, keiko, kamyk, and even nats just allow for more possibilities with their flexibility.

posted 1 month ago

No, they seem so dang stable. At least the game against FNC was close but rn they are dominating anyone they play. It's just that nats' igling is so good rn and lohan is just cooking and decorating these players so nicely. Will they win Bangkok? I doubt. Can they make it far into the tourney? Probably

posted 1 month ago

Harder to tell than you may think really, drop guesses

posted 1 month ago

Upon watching the G2 vs SEN matchup, you can still see how shaky G2 tends to be during BO5 matches, so yeah they may still be favorites and have a really good chance at winning, I feel like teams like per say DRX, EDG and heck maybe even SEN might even have a good chance to take it home as well

posted 1 month ago

eeiu isn't new, just around the same time playing as trent or maybe even longer I believe. Idk if you remember but eeiu was actually on the og NRG lineup

posted 1 month ago

trent IS the support and still frags lmao

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

Wtf is this, Nats on fade???

posted 1 month ago

Any matchup in Bangkok is a banger, all the teams are just that stacked. Also TL still has a chance to beat TH rn

posted 1 month ago

wait primmie is going to prx????

posted 1 month ago

Yeah mbmb, pretty sleepy rn kinda forgot

posted 1 month ago

The answer to this is simple, no one knew what sayf was capable of until the start of kickoff, no one was going to take the risk of letting a world-class duelist play a role that knocks you in the head trying to frag, call, and discipline throughout an entire game for their team, like who does that? (VIT did, but that's different bc they've had sayf for a while now and knew what he could do)

posted 1 month ago
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