yes in theory they SHOULD do something else-but this is what they will do realisticly
Duelist-jinggg (yes in theory he should be the one kicked if you look at stats, however he is one of the faces of the org and brings in a lot of money for them-as well as having the more chemistry with the team)
Duelist/Flash initator/Sentinel- Forsaken
Initator/Second smoke/Sentinel-Davai
Davai, Patmen, Forsaken can all flex onto different roles as needed-with the team built around a similar double duelist style as T1 with Forsaken playing yoru and Jinggg on Raze/Iso as needed-with iso buff he will be very viable in pro play
Patmen will be their sova player which will make davai/forsaken play sentinel if needed (based on map comp) and on non sova maps Patmen will be senti while Davai will be scan init like fade etc.