What PRX will do

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yes in theory they SHOULD do something else-but this is what they will do realisticly

Duelist-jinggg (yes in theory he should be the one kicked if you look at stats, however he is one of the faces of the org and brings in a lot of money for them-as well as having the more chemistry with the team)
Duelist/Flash initator/Sentinel- Forsaken
Initator/Second smoke/Sentinel-Davai

Davai, Patmen, Forsaken can all flex onto different roles as needed-with the team built around a similar double duelist style as T1 with Forsaken playing yoru and Jinggg on Raze/Iso as needed-with iso buff he will be very viable in pro play

Patmen will be their sova player which will make davai/forsaken play sentinel if needed (based on map comp) and on non sova maps Patmen will be senti while Davai will be scan init like fade etc.


Patmen will play benkai roles then?


jinggg genuinely ruined the team man, the money he brings in dosent matter if they are placing last at every event, they were better with monyet but no one wants to talk about it

FrostTree187 [#2]

Patmen will play benkai roles then?



I thought the implication was they would 6 man like T1 did and sub Jing as a Raze/Pheonix merchant but not use him otherwise.

cxrsedval [#3]

jinggg genuinely ruined the team man, the money he brings in dosent matter if they are placing last at every event, they were better with monyet but no one wants to talk about it

jinggg didnt 'ruin' the team-what ruined the team was the skye nerf which stopped them from playing double duelist in 24. In 25 so far they have just looked lost as a TEAM-in fact jinggg was their second best player at kick off after forsaken-they are in a similar slump as they were after lock//in and need a new player to fix it-which unfortantley is something but it is the fact that in current meta his agent pool just doesnt cut it (raze is 10x better than jett now, gekko is never played, reyna is troll and so he is bassicly a 1 trick breach)

Effluxi [#5]

I thought the implication was they would 6 man like T1 did and sub Jing as a Raze/Pheonix merchant but not use him otherwise.

now that would be full troll-6 man rosters have been proven to just weaken all players-not just the ones subbing in and out

cxrsedval [#3]

jinggg genuinely ruined the team man, the money he brings in dosent matter if they are placing last at every event, they were better with monyet but no one wants to talk about it

no one wants to talk about it

it gets brought up every time people talk about PRX

cxrsedval [#3]

jinggg genuinely ruined the team man, the money he brings in dosent matter if they are placing last at every event, they were better with monyet but no one wants to talk about it

jinggg definitley didnt ruin the team imo. The team as a whole just plays so undisciplined that its easy to counter nowadays. Genuinely if they play more disciplined they can make deep runs. Ofc jinggg's agent pool is bad but I hope he realises it and improves it.

Effluxi [#5]

I thought the implication was they would 6 man like T1 did and sub Jing as a Raze/Pheonix merchant but not use him otherwise.

do we even know why sylvan was benched?

Hades_Loves_Rb [#7]

now that would be full troll-6 man rosters have been proven to just weaken all players-not just the ones subbing in and out

They're a bit out of options right now and don't want to cut Jing entirely because of clout and team synergy, so I'd wait and see, I reckon we're getting it anyway. 6 man with him on the bench 5/7 maps is a close as they're willing to go to cutting Jingg, which is what they should ACTUALLY be doing.

lakpx [#10]

do we even know why sylvan was benched?



Dropping something would be the worst thing they can do not to mention the only duelist jinggg can play is raze yes he has an AMAZING raze but something can Learn more and better duelists

I really hope they dont Drop something

lakpx [#10]

do we even know why sylvan was benched?


They briefly gloss over it at the start

elendooo1 [#13]

Dropping something would be the worst thing they can do not to mention the only duelist jinggg can play is raze yes he has an AMAZING raze but something can Learn more and better duelists

I really hope they dont Drop something

but the new guy can play yoru, which is better than jett in the current meta. and im sorry something in the previous voice comms had shitty mental, if his heart's not in it, why not let him take a break?

elendooo1 [#13]

Dropping something would be the worst thing they can do not to mention the only duelist jinggg can play is raze yes he has an AMAZING raze but something can Learn more and better duelists

I really hope they dont Drop something

Best duelist(s) on each map

Icebox-Jett (Yoru/no duelist is probably better in current meta)

2/7 jett maps and icebox is barely a jett map

Hades_Loves_Rb [#16]

Best duelist(s) on each map

Icebox-Jett (Yoru/no duelist is probably better in current meta)

2/7 jett maps and icebox is barely a jett map

If PRX rely TO MUCH (not saying they will but if they do) then they will get readable and get anti strated easily. Something CAN and probably WOULD learn new duelists if the teams needs him to do that. I mean he did learn sova and fade pretty fast and considering the time he had to learn a completely new role he played fade and sova pretty good imo

elendooo1 [#17]

If PRX rely TO MUCH (not saying they will but if they do) then they will get readable and get anti strated easily. Something CAN and probably WOULD learn new duelists if the teams needs him to do that. I mean he did learn sova and fade pretty fast and considering the time he had to learn a completely new role he played fade and sova pretty good imo

his sova and yoru were ass ngl and I dont remember his fade much but thats not the point-the problem PRX has is a mental one as much as it is a roles one-even with shit roles last year they still made 2/2 intls with these 5 players-yes they lost imedatley but they were still top 3 in PAC-now they are getting aim diffed by mid tier teams-they need a hard mental reset which was fixed last time they had this problem by dropping their litteral igl and most flexible player on the team Benkai

Hades_Loves_Rb [#18]

his sova and yoru were ass ngl and I dont remember his fade much but thats not the point-the problem PRX has is a mental one as much as it is a roles one-even with shit roles last year they still made 2/2 intls with these 5 players-yes they lost imedatley but they were still top 3 in PAC-now they are getting aim diffed by mid tier teams-they need a hard mental reset which was fixed last time they had this problem by dropping their litteral igl and most flexible player on the team Benkai

i agree, this is the benkai typa change prx need, we are basically bringing back a "benkai", reverse 2022 ahh move

Hades_Loves_Rb [#18]

his sova and yoru were ass ngl and I dont remember his fade much but thats not the point-the problem PRX has is a mental one as much as it is a roles one-even with shit roles last year they still made 2/2 intls with these 5 players-yes they lost imedatley but they were still top 3 in PAC-now they are getting aim diffed by mid tier teams-they need a hard mental reset which was fixed last time they had this problem by dropping their litteral igl and most flexible player on the team Benkai

if the problem was getting aim diffed then dropping something is stupid as his aim is crazy. You are right the problem is the mental but unless they get a Zellsis or a BeyN or just someone who dosent give up after trolling a 4v1 then 1 roster change is not gonna change anything

They have to come together and talk about not tilting after 2 rounds and they can get a mental coach (IDK if they have 1 already) as PRX gets alot of money and i dont think they mind spending money on a coach (again if they wont already have)


Simple solution is who have to choose single duelist player no matter how trash he plays other agent but give him time just as primary duelist , and that person can improve with time . Personally i would pick something because of his op skill and his aggresivness . But i dont think they gonna bench either of something orr jing instead they will bench mindfreak / dvai . And please get a good asistant coach who can give some strats to the team

elendooo1 [#20]

if the problem was getting aim diffed then dropping something is stupid as his aim is crazy. You are right the problem is the mental but unless they get a Zellsis or a BeyN or just someone who dosent give up after trolling a 4v1 then 1 roster change is not gonna change anything

They have to come together and talk about not tilting after 2 rounds and they can get a mental coach (IDK if they have 1 already) as PRX gets alot of money and i dont think they mind spending money on a coach (again if they wont already have)

  1. they have a mental coach called listi but imo she aint doing much
  2. PRX may get money but they are a small org, thus they cant afford most players
  3. patmen is actually a initiator player, like a REAL one, like benkai back in the day, how we expected prx to do well with no real initiator player is mad
elendooo1 [#20]

if the problem was getting aim diffed then dropping something is stupid as his aim is crazy. You are right the problem is the mental but unless they get a Zellsis or a BeyN or just someone who dosent give up after trolling a 4v1 then 1 roster change is not gonna change anything

They have to come together and talk about not tilting after 2 rounds and they can get a mental coach (IDK if they have 1 already) as PRX gets alot of money and i dont think they mind spending money on a coach (again if they wont already have)

They have performance coach but idk their is no improvement from past 1 and half year

elendooo1 [#20]

if the problem was getting aim diffed then dropping something is stupid as his aim is crazy. You are right the problem is the mental but unless they get a Zellsis or a BeyN or just someone who dosent give up after trolling a 4v1 then 1 roster change is not gonna change anything

They have to come together and talk about not tilting after 2 rounds and they can get a mental coach (IDK if they have 1 already) as PRX gets alot of money and i dont think they mind spending money on a coach (again if they wont already have)

something was their lowest performing player besides mindfreak at kickoff-and mindfreak is your smokes while something should be your star duelist

Hades_Loves_Rb [#24]

something was their lowest performing player besides mindfreak at kickoff-and mindfreak is your smokes while something should be your star duelist

watch games bro, something is left on islands on the whole defense. he also does not get util to play around as a star duelist.


so we are making decisions based on being the face of the org instead of winning? thats not sustainable because if PRX become irrelevant there will be no fans, kick jong already for the love of GOD

idkbro [#26]

so we are making decisions based on being the face of the org instead of winning? thats not sustainable because if PRX become irrelevant there will be no fans, kick jong already for the love of GOD

yes-you need to understand the orgs dont care about winning-they care about making money. To do that their main path is to win which is why many orgs try their best to win-but their primary goal is money. Jinggg brings in a lot of fans and they can still make a good team with him

Hades_Loves_Rb [#27]

yes-you need to understand the orgs dont care about winning-they care about making money. To do that their main path is to win which is why many orgs try their best to win-but their primary goal is money. Jinggg brings in a lot of fans and they can still make a good team with him

do you think Jinggg is Messi or what? PRX is still gonna sell a shit ton of bundles regardless, they play in a partnership system where orgs are protected from the free market so they dont operate at a loss, if jinggg isnt good enough then its time to create the new jinggg or are you gonna try to milk a washed player forever? the truth is that fans will bandwagon whoever is winning and if PRX starts to win again everyone in SEA will support them regardless of Jinggg or no Jinggg

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