Clove is getting a 40 sec cool down on her smokes wtf are riot thinking
Clove is overpicked in ranked and underpicked in pro games. The increased cooldown to the smokes is to make Clove less picked in ranked whilst the fact that the Meddle ability has line-up potential makes Clove a bit more viable for pro games.
problem is I 100% guarantee you the clove instalocks do NOT care
I think the loss to the ms is the biggest deterrent
this is painful, now i will never play smokes
please don't play smokes if you only play clove
Yea I wont, smokes is for low testosterone
Omen and Astra are actually some of the best agents rito ever made
only the manliest of the alpha males play omen and viper dont ever say stupid shit like that ever again
time to become a yoru one trick
funny enough, riot also made clove have lineups with the decay ability now
Yo iso can now suppress and vulnerable
don't forget that they switched deadlock wall and net so that the net is now the rechargeable ability and the wall is the purchasable one.
No way deadlock about to melt
Clove will still be the most played smokes agent because of heal, res, and after death smokes.
for all the duelists who got their reyna taken
and who should have sticked with it bc they don't know how to fcking smoke
will not affect her pickrate at all lmao. if she can still heal and res then shes still gonna be picked way more
Riot is actually insane. None of these changes make any sense.
acting like clove players have any idea what ability cooldowns are
As if clove players realize they have have a rechargeable smoke
As if clove players realize they have smokes anyway
nerfing the cutest agent :(