Flag: Australia
Registered: February 12, 2025
Last post: March 18, 2025 at 2:10 AM
Posts: 89
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good players with no opportunities lmao. trials are impossible unless players actually fly out (eg autumn legit flew to shanghai to trial for fpx), and no one really pays attention unfortunately. the only few oce players have literally been doing well, especially autumn who wasn't even the goat of oce, he was just a decent player

posted 7 hours ago

wardell doesnt even deserve to be listed . washed, chopped, annoying

posted 7 hours ago

hiro - was the saviour of fnc but has been playing so ahh on navi and in that tarik offseason thing
woot - lmao bro looked like the best player itw at shanghai. i cant even rmr the last time he popped off afterwards
OXY - overhyped asf. people always say free oxy from c9 but he is putting up stinkers this year

who else?

posted 9 hours ago
  1. vit - potentially trexx out
  2. liquid - kamyk out
  3. geng - yoman out, foxy9 out, suggest in, ash in
  4. lev - natank out, rossy in
  5. nrg - verno out, brawk in
posted 4 days ago

lmfao why would i be jelly about not being able to wash my underwear or cook food as a TWENTY ONE year old

posted 6 days ago
grown ass male begging his mother to make him food at 2am and talking like a child
this guy cant even do his laundry btw. average val player fr

posted 6 days ago

their best player is gone HAHA furia congratulations on securing 12th

posted 6 days ago
every single time a new meta comes out these players r like 'i hate the new meta!!! get me outta it!!!"
like bro stfu. yall hate everything. complaining about chamber meta, about harbor viper meta, about skye meta, and now about vyse tejo yoru meta lmaoooo. non stop complaining

posted 1 week ago

bob is the obvious one. dodonut has been good too but maybe will be better on sentinel

posted 1 week ago

i think a lot of people need to have their bubble bursted and that the majority of valorant players say retard and way worse things. like how do these people on twitter think discord users who play valorant for 12 hours a day and are chronically online will never say that? not even justifying this shit but i swear to god this is what happens when u dedicate ur whole personality around a valorant player and expect them to be the best person lmfaooooo. can guarantee every team will have a discord server where at least ten slurs are exchanged every day because thats just the average video game player hahahahahah

posted 1 week ago

oce split 1 doesn't even have a date LMAO wtf? meanwhile emea have a mini ascension tournament and most regions have either finished there split 1s or are close to. how tf r u not even trying to give a shit about tier 2

posted 1 week ago

didn't he say he was just resting?

posted 1 week ago

I'm so angry at Zellsis. I CAN'T believe my zellbao will say the R SLUR. What do I do? I'm hyperventilating. And I can't believe the other SEN members just watched him. WTF. I hope Sentinels lose against 100 Thieves.

posted 1 week ago

it doesn't give u a shield at the start of the ult. only if u win, the orb will spawn and u can have it when u respawn so not that big of a buff, doesn't make u have a greater chance of winning the ult

posted 1 week ago

gotta be s0m harbor incident no? before the shorty moment we had two lurkers on either side of the map get 2 kills each. then s0m kills 3 in a 1v4. then ofc the iconic s0m cgrs shorty moment. what tops this

posted 1 week ago

i remember where mfs were complaining about skye flash cos it was guidable LMAO

posted 1 week ago

LOL listed all these players and not a single one was above patmen in terms of rating in sea split 1 lmaoooo u r actual special bro

posted 2 weeks ago

r u schizo? legit replied to the same comment 20 hours later LMAO obsessed ass

posted 2 weeks ago

bc his real name is bolin

posted 2 weeks ago

whats Challengers League 2025 EMEA #1? isn't this legit like a 'masters' if ascension is 'champions' cos teams from all regions are playing? but like whats the point if nothing matters except for ascension

posted 2 weeks ago

bro they need to stop adding ultimate abilities that cover an entire site. makes the game feel so overwatchy. we need more ults like gekko, clove, omen etc. decent ults that don't cause an entire site to change colour but still have impact

posted 2 weeks ago

choked harder than loud at lock in. legit had THREE chances to win the entire event, one time it was against an eco too, and they STILL LOST. with a double map ban advantage against a team that runs double duelist on every map. #T1FIGHTING #METEORISTHEGOATMETEORINMYTHROAT

posted 2 weeks ago

will not affect her pickrate at all lmao. if she can still heal and res then shes still gonna be picked way more

posted 2 weeks ago

my goats buzz and stax r finally going to lift a trophy today bc g2 auraless frauds will crumble under the pressure... #T1FIGHTING

posted 2 weeks ago

they finished third u braindead twat

posted 2 weeks ago

this guy is so good it just pisses me tf off. like everytime edg is up this guy pops up and kills 3 on iso or on vyse. like gtfo omds just stop trying so hard

posted 2 weeks ago

edg will NOT win. chichoo will NOT top frag and go +30. kangkang will NOT activate and return to his full potential. s1mon will NOT use his util well and set up his team. smoggy will NOT return to his groups champs 2024 form. nobody will NOT become go crazy like he did on sova against trace.

posted 2 weeks ago

he has lost so many critical duels and 1v1s. the amount of times he's whiffed on a fully flashed person is ridiculous. his breach/kayo is definitely one of the best but if he keeps losing these duels then he's letting his team down big time

posted 2 weeks ago

please step TF up. ur util is insane but ur mechanics r so so bad this tournament. bottom fragging EVERY map is inexcusable as a non-igl

posted 2 weeks ago

huge rematch curse. t1 vs vit rematch t1 stomped. edg vs g2 rematch g2 stomped. plus edg's map pool is so ass, they perma ban abyss, have the worst lotus left in the tournament, and haven't played haven yet. its looking so over

posted 2 weeks ago

they have a wack role system. got 4 players playing main smokes across their map pool. so no, trexx is perfectly fine

posted 2 weeks ago

they need a recon init. verno is still the best one available. i cant even name a good brazilian recon init lmfaoooo

posted 2 weeks ago

i am a huge edg fan but i think its unlikely they win. no one ever wins rematches in internationals unless they play 3 new maps

posted 2 weeks ago

holy shit chichoo 72 kills is just disgusting

posted 2 weeks ago

prx were clear favourites to win the whole thing
map 1 they destroy g2 first half but then lose a bit of steam second half. still win
map 2 and 3 they lose out of nowhere

pls no jinx

posted 2 weeks ago

meteor is legit his brother so

posted 3 weeks ago

i swear every time i see him get a 4k or whatever he is crouch spraying body shotting using a phantom. he doesn't have insane mechanics, why tf is he farming sen like crazy?? is sen just that ass they cant kill a bodyshotting phantom abuser

posted 3 weeks ago

top 4 playoffs should just be the 4 teams that played yesterday bruh

posted 3 weeks ago

replaced by shr1mp

posted 3 weeks ago

isnt heybay igl?

posted 3 weeks ago

fr lmao they make crazy upsets through the power of friendship but their individual mechanics is so ass bruh. they need a young player with good mechanics

posted 3 weeks ago

surely the old comp will no longer be as popular in the current meta? i'm not sure if yoru will have a lot of impact on this back compared to jett as its a lot smaller than pearl/abyss and jett's dash is so valuable for oping and entering site

posted 3 weeks ago

lets not forget artzin didnt have a single agent above 1.00 rating in kickoff

posted 3 weeks ago

yoru meta and this guy is still instalocking jett every map. mibr = cooked playing 2023 comps

posted 3 weeks ago

has gotta be the most op shi ever. i have seen this free ability kill someone like 10 times so far this tournament

posted 3 weeks ago

this region has ZERO good recon initiators who arent in tier 1 except for verno. derrek only has a job cos there are ZERO possible replacements lmfoa

posted 3 weeks ago

*its because they HAVE good tier 2 talent
na tier 2 talent is just ranked players instalocking iso and reyna. as soon as a decent tier 2 player goes to tier 1 they just do ass (except for mada)

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago
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