This event has been so boring bro, I have watched a full map of any game cus of this dog schedule and I fall asleep during everything because of how boring it is and how tired I am. I can’t wait until riots Asia glaze ends and we have events literally anywhere else. I’ve watched maybe 6 maps total of the last 3 events comb
The only good thing to come out of this is either g2 or buzz gets trophy
I can’t reply to you all for 30 minutes so I will edit this post
Why would I get a job at 2am during school year
You are all more no life then me to watch every single game
Americas also didn’t have a single event up until franchising
I’m not American so stop saying I’m Na
Whether it’s my schedule or not 3 unwatchable events in a row is crazy
This is different than Na stage games because those an entirely different region where it’s not even international. This is event, there are only 3 a year, and I haven’t been able to watch the last 3.
This is self centric because it’s been 3 events in a row that have been unwatchable, I didn’t complain during Tokyo or Shanghai or Seoul but this being the 3rd in a row is crazy
Americas has had 2 events, Asia has had 4
Why is everyone so damn toxic LMAO your all apac pilled read your replies out loud your all clowns