Flag: Cook Islands
Registered: July 5, 2022
Last post: March 2, 2025 at 9:01 AM
Posts: 182
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T1 sucks ass at abyss. They came up with a wacky comp to catch g2 off guard and maybe pull out the win. The minute they didn’t get 10 on attack it was over.

posted 12 hours ago

Western teams in Valorant don’t just dominate—they redefine the game with their unparalleled tactical brilliance, cutting-edge infrastructure, and a talent pool so deep it’s practically an ocean of genius, effortlessly churning out players who blend jaw-dropping creativity with lightning-fast adaptability to every meta shift. Compare that to Asian teams, who cling desperately to their stiff, outdated strategies—robotic, predictable, and frankly uninspired—shackled by a cultural obsession with conformity that suffocates any hint of originality. While Western organizations pour obscene amounts of cash into futuristic training complexes, top-tier coaching, and analytics so advanced it’s borderline sci-fi, Asian squads limp along with their rigid playbooks and stagnant mindsets, leaving them utterly exposed to the West’s relentless innovation. It’s not just superiority—it’s a masterclass in evolution, proving the West isn’t just ahead; it’s rewriting the rulebook while the East scrambles to catch up.

posted 12 hours ago

Why’s everybody so bothered by him complaining about the timezone? Any region it’s unfavorable for there are people complaining. And it’s 100% a mistake for the last 3 events to be Asia timezone. There’s literally 4 regions. Why not just rotate every event? Not hard. Just do China, Americas, Pacific, EMEA. arguably still more favorable for Asia because pacific and China are almost the exact same timezone and eu/na are like 8 hours apart. In 2021-22 Iceland to Berlin to Berlin to Iceland to Copenhagen to turkey was Annoying af too. Just rotate it. It’s literally the fairest thing. And to say otherwise would just be extremely egocentric the same thing you’re calling Americans for having to get up at 2 am to watch masters for the last year lmao.

posted 13 hours ago

Korean overlords are still on their way. Trust. Started in 2021 when nuturn went to masters Iceland, with everyone saying that nuturn were going to dominate. Fast forward to 2024 and they make their first actual grand finals appearance with Sen beating them through lowers. Then GenG win Shanghai. EDG win champs. And now we are finally able to twist results to fit our narrative. TH historically choke 2 grand finals wins and that means the EAST is taking over. Now in the big 2025, Madrid is the last event NA is winning for a while. Koreans are just harder working. NA league, I mean valorant pros don’t put the work in to compete with the 23 hour days Koreans and Chinese put in. They’re too lazy to keep up. It took 4 years but G2 is done. The west is done. T1 3-0. Oh g2 destroyed first map? No response til something happens that fits my Asian bias narrative.

posted 14 hours ago

I’m not talking about Chinese fans. I’m talking about the reaction of Chinese fans towards non-China fans shitting on EDG. super sensitive and defensive. That’s what happens when you lose. People will talk shit about them. But they act like it’s a hate on the whole of China when someone like myself (g2 fan) says EDG suck or something along those lines. I see way too many comments about China getting unnecessary hate. But when it’s na or emea or even apac getting eliminated there’s tons of shit talk and nobody is whining about the shit talk. Snowflake reactions honestly.

posted 1 day ago

EDG lost—no surprise they’re gonna get shit on for not living up to expectations. While every team gets criticized after a loss, China faces the lightest of heat; G2, Vitality, or T1 would’ve been torched. Overreacting Chinese fans need to chill on being so sensitive about criticism. It’s not a personal attack on your “motherland”.

posted 1 day ago

“G2 probably wins 3-1 but if T1 steals a map G2 still wins map 5”. I think G2 wins 3-1. But if it’s 2-2 by some miracle of god gifting T1 an extra map, G2 wins map 5.

posted 1 day ago

Fracture is G2s new perma since the EDG loss. And G2 is better on Lotus. I think haven/split are 50/50 for g2. You may be right and g2 ban haven instead of split. I just wonder how g2 feels about it. Their split looked good last time but has also looked weak before like against Sen. if they keep split and prep for it I think g2 getting a 3-0 might be possible with split as T1s first map pick.

posted 1 day ago

G2 has spent the last 3 years grinding non-stop. They have had so many obstacles to overcome. The core of 3 sticking together is super cool to see. Bombing out of Iceland after coming out of nowhere to win NA, growing as players and as a team. Having to grind through ascension. Having to find a new org when they won ascension. Bombing out of kick off last year only to make top 3 at Shanghai. I want to see their years of hard work finally pay off. G2 deserves to win.

posted 1 day ago

G2 ban fracture and split
G2 picks abyss
T1 picks haven
G2 picks lotus
T1 picks pearl
Bind remains

G2 win abyss 13-4
T1 win haven 13-11
G2 win lotus 13-10
G2 win pearl 13-10
G2 win bind 13-9

G2 probably wins 3-1 but if T1 steals a map G2 still wins map 5

posted 1 day ago


posted 1 day ago


posted 1 day ago

G2 is not SEN

posted 1 day ago

Playing more to their potential. Probably the time on stage together has helped. T1 is a KR super team. They should’ve been excellent from the start but were rough in kickoff. A team with stax, buzz, and meteor should be a top team globally.

posted 1 day ago

T1 is more of a Korean superteam than G2 is an NA superteam.

posted 1 day ago

This. Put Zellsis on flex. His util is his most skilled trait. Put narrate on senti and let him do his best meteor cosplay.

posted 1 day ago

The 2-1 where EDG had 2 extra weeks of prep, hard anti, and changed up their maps? Or the last match where they had equal prep and EDG couldn’t get double digits on either map?

posted 1 day ago

Do either of these teams look like they’ll be able to win tomorrow? G2 double map ban, extra day of prep, and these teams showing a lot of their map pools especially if it goes all 5 maps. What odds does T1/EDG have? I think it might be like 70/30 for g2 with all the advantages.

posted 1 day ago

I mean, I think Riot should just show equal interest in all 4 regions. But it definitely feels like they’re overly focusing on the east. Madrid was the last “western” tournament. The last year has been horrible time zones for NA viewers. IMO they should alternate. Do China then emea then apac then Americas then China etc.

China into apac into apac again was a mistake.

posted 3 days ago

Ngl I think EDG loss was better for g2 than winning. Hard to find ways to improve when you aren’t getting punished. I think the EDG loss did a lot to show G2 where to improve.

posted 3 days ago

Not even a risky bet tbh

posted 3 days ago

G2 is gonna fundamental all over vit. They won’t be able to deal with the instant trades and perfect fundamentals.

posted 3 days ago

I don’t know anything about Korea culturally. But would I be wrong in assuming they’re a bit more rigid and unforgiving when it comes to mental? A bit more of like a “toughen up” vibe? To the point that their solution would be “stop throwing” rather than looking for real psychological support. This just me making assumptions but that’s the vibe I get.

posted 3 days ago

+10000 social credit score!

posted 3 days ago

Honestly think this is better for them to end their run now. More time to try and fix whatever is going on. Same coach, same igl, same secondary caller, and yet they are making a lot of mistakes we didn’t see from Sen last year. Like refusing to go mid on abyss. Almost every time they went mid they won their attack. But they kept 5 man sending it onto sites over and over. Then they threw in OT and I thought they’d fix it. And they did it again. Idk what they’re doing tbh
Last year SEN would’ve fixed that shit during the timeout

posted 1 week ago

I mean, what I heard on sliggy’s stream is they celebrated for 2-3 days only. Then that makes another 11-12 days to prep. This is all based on sliggys insight, which I trust. But according to him the time the other regions would’ve had, particularly emea and Americas would’ve only been 2-3 days with all the travel and media days. EDG had a total of 26 days between the GF and their first match. If we just assume they have the same travel time as NA(they don’t) and celebrate for 5 days (apparently they didn’t). Then the worst case scenario for EDGs prep time would be around 12 days-ish. That’s still 9-10 more days than G2/Sen. That is plenty of time to change everything they had. Which they clearly just about did. I’m not trying to take away from what EDG is doing. Because they do look insane. But to have a region with that much more time to completely change everything is a little wild imo.

posted 1 week ago

EDG is very good. I give them props. I thought they were frauds and they are actually really good. I accept that I was super wrong. But i think people understate how much of an advantage it is to have more than double the prep time of every other region. Clearly trace didn’t take advantage of it. But clearly EDG did. They have changed every map we’ve seen. I hope for a rematch in playoffs with more footage and a more even playing field. G2 got guy diff’d but I think with equal prep this match is a lot more even. Especially given how anti heavy g2 are.

posted 1 week ago

I definitely did, maybe not shanghai then

posted 1 week ago

what? i don't even know what you mean by that. I am talking about how SEN didn't seem to prep at all. Their Lotus looked identical to Kick-off. Don't know what that has to do with VIT.

posted 1 week ago

I feel like the only crowds that have cheered for every match has been LA, Istanbul, Madrid, Shanghai, and Tokyo. Brazil, Seoul, Bangkok seem pretty uninterested if it's not their team.

posted 1 week ago

i think that too when i try to use my brain. Then i get a PTSD flashback to chronicle's blind spraydown. Hopefully they don't get diff'd by plot armor.

posted 1 week ago

they changed nothing on their map pick and got anti'd hard and would lose haven to almost all of the teams at bangkok

posted 1 week ago

completely disagree. after vit win abyss you'll see

posted 1 week ago

apparently it was because they offer salaries based on the previous years performance. (like 2023 for the contract going into 2025) and derke wasn't carrying as hard in 23 as in 24 so his offered salary was a pay cut. So he said fuck that

posted 1 week ago

yeah, til VIT woke up.

posted 1 week ago

EDG played TL? And they would’ve had a very close match if TL didn’t give away like 5 rounds on split. EDG didn’t look great. Will be surprised if g2 lost a map to them

posted 1 week ago

Not jealousy. G2 will expose them tomorrow no worries. Just think they played the worst 2nd seed other than trace.

posted 1 week ago

Would be lower but they beat TL unfortunately

posted 1 week ago

Pearl 50/50 for g2/edg?? G2 has by far the best pearl itw.

posted 1 week ago
  1. G2
  2. DRX
  3. Vitality
  4. T1
  5. SEN
  6. EDG
  7. TL
  8. TE
posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago

Asia and NA events have lower viewership because the timezones screw each other. NA events are middle of the night for Asia and vice versa for events like bangkok. events in EMEA are the most accurate read on viewership dropping or not because every region can reasonably watch and Madrid was the last EU event and it had very good viewership.

posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago

G2 dominated on their map pick and won TE pick convincingly. If anything it just looked like SEN played like absolute shit on lotus and DRX heavily anti’d what sen had shown on lotus during kickoff. And DRX barely won their pick. DRX and G2 look the best imo.

posted 1 week ago

I think TL threw split and they could've won map 3 against edg but once they lost split they were done. They were never winning pearl. They can still be alright but their map pool is bad. Sen, IDK, to me it seemed like they made no changes to lotus and haven was a weakpoint DRX was always gonna win. Seems like the 2nd seeds have at least a couple maps that are an auto-loss and they haven't pulled through on their map picks. Of the 0-1 teams, SEN is the only one that has historically been able to quick fix their weaknesses (champs/icebox madrid GF). If they don't improve a lot on at least 1 of their weak maps they are cooked. But I think they'll be able to do it and will have a good chance of making playoffs. As for TE, I just think they ran into G2. I don't think they had a chance of winning at any point. Can't really even gauge TE because G2 just teamplay/setup diffs everyone they've played. Will have to see what they do against T1 to know if it's G2 being insane. Because TE looked strong throughout the china kickoff.

posted 1 week ago

all good, tomorrow EDG finds out neon won't be saving them, or a brand new map no one has good prep on. GL to them

posted 1 week ago

the masters trophy where they beat aspas, less, sadhaak, sacy, and pancada? where those 2 teams also made it to the champions GF? sounds to me like the best teams of that year made iceland and champs gf so idk what makes it a fluke

posted 1 week ago

just did the draw show.
tomorrow is drx v vitality then edg v G2
day after tomorrow is sen v team liquid and trace v T1

posted 1 week ago

EDG fluke run comes crashing down tomorrow :(

posted 1 week ago

DRX v g2 = G2 2-0 DRX
Vit v EDG = Vit 2-0 EDG
SEN v T1 = SEN 2-0
TL v TE = TL 2-0

posted 1 week ago
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