umbrella term for SEN and PRX fans let’s keep this 100%, and they are a plague.
SEN fans are currently trying to cancel Patitek after getting dickslapped out of Bangkok by his team with a 6 month old clip they saved just for this occasion
SEN fans tried to cancel Boo for some shit I lowkey forget about like a week after losing to his team in Champs
PRX fans (and also a lot of SEN fans for no reason) sent a plethora of death threats, racist shit, and general hate to EG Demon1 after his loss to PRX and then brought it back for NRG Demon1’s downfall
SEN and PRX fans tried to cancel Flashback for serious allegations that’ve already been proven to be false and yet they still stand by the allegations
SEN fans tried to cancel Kamo for goofy shit he did as a 15 year old and are still holding it against him especially after getting dickslapped by him out of Bangkok
I can go on. Funniest part is how openly hypocritical they love being like it’s almost like they’re shitposting. SEN fans are already lowkey racist (common sense + they love Zellsis who literally has been suspended due to racism), PRX fans are 100% racist I mean let’s be honest here, but none of them give a shit.
Cherry on top is the fact that K-POP is inherently incredibly racist, especially in whatever fucked up industry they got going on, so take the facts as you will.