Help me to create the losers sen fans haters tier list.
S: Kirya, trembolonarage, lelouch526
A: my-dad-ate-my-toes, Valanalist1, kfan4238173, Prasinos, z12,
B: dort, Blade666, sentinelmain377, thenutoriousPRO, ionlyHave1Zuni, Butterdog, calImegod
C: BulkyLettuce, askrial, IaDLaer, yukky, nobody_100, Swarleyyy
D: StyrofoamOne, Aayan, Docta, widepeepofrosty
E: ButterflyEffect, blahblahblah
The higher in the list the more devoted are this person to talk shit about Sentinels and Sen fans.
Reply here to mee see your name and put you in the list, since I have goldfish memory to people in the internet.
(Edit: It would help to explain why u deserve X tier in the list)