Can you guys say that they made it this far because Sayf's IGL'ing? Because tbh I think they got carried by great shooters, but sayf is a decent-ish IGL
Flag: | Philippines |
Registered: | November 29, 2023 |
Last post: | February 28, 2025 at 9:13 AM |
Posts: | 1166 |
Can you guys say that they made it this far because Sayf's IGL'ing? Because tbh I think they got carried by great shooters, but sayf is a decent-ish IGL
If an ascension team wins a tournament do they just stay at franchising or have to stay another year?
is this Agent genuinely just good at any and every map?
They'll improve if they can see where they're lacking, I mean they're a milky way galaxy team which is way better than being somewhere like fucking Andromeda lmao
Its not that bad man, But it does suck to see since they have alot of star talents there
some poeple keep saying that T1 is gonna over EDG on the 3rd map, does T1 gave an all win record on it or does edg just suck at it?
that sounds like genuine cope.. Just take the loss man
Could DRG genuinely have done a better run than them, I know DRG lost fair and square but man I really thought they had some potential which is good. My expectations on trace was high, I thought they'll bring in more upsets but they didnt.
Get up man, I know theres some hate watch left in you
you are not just a baiter unfortunately mr.xineFso but a stupid one too
I would controversially agree, however since its you saying this I would have to disagree
Its master bro, The point of it is that its not an easy draw compared to regular season... It would be a fluke if that was the case
b-but No Access To Site Goat is there, How can they lose on the defence. its some kind of like G2 is playing the perfect valorant
I knew he was washed when he got signed
THIs is a genuine question, I used to enjoy watching tarik on his livematch watches since he used to be the most entertaining. now hes just straight up boring and doesnt even pay attention most of the time, what happened to bro?
This is gonna be cope if DRX still dont do anything remarkable by end of year. they have the same problems as the previous core.
personally, I thought they would be doing slightly worse, since they started off pretty shaky.. They used to win their games in a 2-1 fashion which gave a heart attack everytime
Shanks is what TArik used to be , now hes just boring
they beat DRX which everyone just glazed some days ago were the best.. but they do have players that everyone can say is great so its not a borderline to say that they are.
every team that didnt have a roster that qualified for playoffs at some point in time..
turns out buzz and stax were the ones who didnt need DRX
im gonna bookmark this, when DRX fails to DO anything remarkable this whole year...
Fist off "Flair", yeah im a ge fan so game knows game.. but man imagine getting everybodys hopes up on having the chance to win bangkok after winning against Sen, then the team proceeds to pull a classic and not do anything remarkable after the first match. Whats worse is that players the old core(Buzz and Stax) are now doing better than DRX since they just beaten them, I genuinely used to root for this team back when PRX was really dominant but man it sucks to see that things still didnt change.
Notice how T1 is winning against DRX now that C0rpe is not on the team. Slyvan was the outlier that made them win this..
Sentinels Jerks Zellsis following Massive loss
T1 to win, since it would be cool for Buzz and Stax to win against the org that threw them but unfortunately there's carpe
G2 to win, Sen was just straight up dogshit but also their lotus and Abyss was bad. G2 is more drilled and has their comp down, Love Nats on liquid but unfortunately can't see this team winning Bangkok or getting past Vit/Edg
Kirya isn't A tier, he isn't even here to hatewatch
Any team with verno is just bad despite the talent
Unfortunately we still haven't forgotten the Abyss game. Sem was quite literally dogshit
Cmon bro, put some credibility to the bait atleast. I don't think you even believe in this one either
Just because they're retired doesn't mean they're a punching bag now?
We not winning a single game in regular season with this one
Most likely changing comps, what happened the last time they got a devastating loss against EG. They're gonna propably implement less Tejo and more other agents like how they stopped using Deadlock
No. Everyone has been genuinely shitting on zellsis since Last year
T1, Love mako but I genuinely wanna see the old core win against their original team proving that they were better than drx thought they were. But unfortunately carpe is there so that's not happening lmao
Genuinely love to see that, but you already know the bandwagoners are gonna start talking shit from either side
Joke or not, I quite literally can't even see Reduxx being a slight bit of an improvement to the team.