56% HS
Flag: | India |
Registered: | October 28, 2024 |
Last post: | March 5, 2025 at 8:31 AM |
Posts: | 458 |
The quality of preparation which koreans get is much better (scrimming with chinese teams) definitely helps them a lot.
The difference starts showing now
still surreal coz numbers dont make sense (maintain your kd aspas take lesssons)
Autumn cook > Leaf performance
both ex c9 but leaf spent more time with c9 so bigger choker
jokes aside
nt G2
Leaf you did well dont be hard just a bad day for you. you got this you are insane brother
Congrats T1 especially stax and buzz for breaking curse
T1 is only team with winning a masters GF series with all of there players going negative in kd
yeah keep playing like that "overall the valorant teams become more dogshit than 2021" - lothar
please throw please throw please throw i will give u 1000 INR(200 rs each of players)
shut up my heart sank are u watching the same game rn?
I knew G2 is better but I am feeling bad for T1 now plz let T1 win
G2 don't have fans no personalities all npcs(except valyn that guy can talk)
Also APAC is winning champs this year all good my pacific brothers
Comeback to this post when APAC wins champs 2025 this year
Don't wanna say it but "I told you so"
i knew that guy was different when i saw him kc vs T1 showmatch bind omen
On split they were so indecisive after going A ramp like should we save, go to mid to b, push their spawn like what to do now
Comeback to this post when APAC wins champs 2025 this year
RIOT is so readable
2021- EMEA
2022- SA
2023- NA
2024- China
2025- APAC
2026- EMEA
hate to break it to you it would be APAC team winning champs
2021- EMEA
2022- SA
2023- NA
2024- China
2025- APAC
2026- EMEA
people are so hypocrites i swear. Should we dig up your posts where you are talking shit about some players which you arent definitely better than
starting of the year first masters
sen vs geng
G2 vs T1
we know what's going to happen...
I am supporting T1 apac bias. G2 looks strong and have map veto advantage but i hope T1 wins
#lets go T1
Nice try diddy I ain't falling for it
watch mibr verno take over the world in split 1 to qualify for toronto
Mibr Verno perma tejo (like free1ng) we get NA free1ng before GTA 6
yeah i agree win win for both i guess but from organization pov they wont consider it as wise decision if mibr actually performs better and qualify for toronto(they were 3rd in kickoff with nzr going -20 every game)
Did the drop the ball dropping verno? Verno, Aspas,Cortezia is lowkey stacked shooters I hope fns last year doesnt turn out to become a nighmare
have u seen verno play duelist ever? like ever???
shut up pussy talk to me when bbl makes international
what if there race is korean or japanese like american koreans?
crazy that T1 ain't winning master and even after this event there is only 1 APAC team with a trophy
BBL? clear your regionals for once than think of winning international
we have fkc9 and a 30yo still muchkin clears stax and texture clears buzz
You seen there site floods especially buzz (4 years playing game multiple internationals still not discipline) headless chicken gameplay
EDG vs G2 coz if T1 reaches final they are definitely not winning against G2
wait EDG is still there chances of them winning rematch?
gets traded anyways...2 to 3 FK vs FD attack
The only good team... doesn't flood sites like braindead idiots valyn's calling is immaculate
They are winning masters (trent mvp)
W americas
Jawgemo with a champs and masters win Aura
Sayf puts similar numbers but his calls will be better also Vitality doesn't know how to play against an opper?