SEN = Liquid
T1 = Trace
i mean couldn't you say that about any meta? like any team winning in 2022 could just be chalked up to chamber being broken. I think that if we were talking about NS who apparently only ran neon and had a cracked neon player, but I don't associate KK with neon and it def wasn't just the KK show at champs
Can’t wait for Bangkok. EDG at champs was EDG with another player that can shoot (Simon in for haodong) and KK being the best neon during broken neon meta + having a good read on abyss when other teams weren’t very good at it. So every match was 1-0 to start for EDG and their best player is someone who can get the most out of the stupidly broken neon. They’re probably A tier which is better than prior to champs. But I really think everyone is overestimating their level because of their miracle run at champs. IMO the worst #1 seed.
Reason 1: EDG form is questionable rn. they definitely dont look nearly as good as their champs run form during kickoff (could be different in bangkok but im speaking strictly about kick off).
Reason 2: EDG won flawlessly on three maps in champs Abyss, Lotus and Sunset. Sunset got removed, Abyss is their permaban and EDG havent looked nearly as good on lotus as before. losing 14-12 and 13-4 to trace. EDGs other maps like haven which they look good on need to be tested on an international level
Reason 3 (I dont agree with this one): people think EDG's champs run was a fluke, some believe the 2024 teams were weak (dumb asf imo) and others think that EDG just outaimed people (Again dumb asf) and other weird reasons such as neon abuser
Reason 4: G2 are playing extremely clean and beautiful valorant compared to other teams. Their co-ordination is great, their macro is great, their mechanics are great, so people really believe in G2