agreed but he uses 0.2 8-00dpi
Flag: | Singapore |
Registered: | August 11, 2024 |
Last post: | March 23, 2025 at 3:28 PM |
Posts: | 197 |
cyro is good just that he hasnt been like too consistent when his team needed him
ya his ultility is not good at all like bru like all duelist players can atleast pay raze decently but he cant
imo demon1 still showed abit of his peak but yay never shown anything close to it
ya forgot about him his sens is even lower than demon1
nah idt its the sens he just not good at ulti cus slow sens have now been used by other duelists players like kangkang hyunmin
mada s0m( if they bomb out this year i think he plays more cus in interviews he said he wanted to win tournaments) brawk and who else
ethan dont look too motivated but fns man like now all callers can shoot and his calling is not miles better he is really now no longer a S tier leader anym its sad like i love him but he gotta retire and do streams its prob better
just put demon1 on jett and astra brim and kingg yoru and smokes no?
its kinda unfortunate that verno has to be second caller and make alot of calls cus he is a insane shooter
just make his missiles recharge 1 at a time , having just one will destroy tejo
being fr dude? was top 3 player in americas kickoff top 3 player in bangkok
put over mindfreak cus he was always clutch player but never was the best and like smokes is prob the easiest to replace plus david is igl
prx was mechanically better last time so they could get away with it but not anym alecks is getting caught as a fraud
he needs to go like hes bombing the team even more like so many scrims they had smth out or jingg out or mindfreak out like this roster is just losing it alr and this icebox comp and shit
ig verno wasnt playing well but mada has been pretty inconsistent like at soop league he was like average or even slightly worse at sen city he look insane then kickoff he was amazing first game back he was mid
yo no fat shame but lean texture was fire
bro and also every1 knew that verno didnt talk much but when they started losing it was apparenty the largest issue
idk wuts the point of this here cus amer is hella competitive and with your statement if mibr and nrg both choke then what
i also dk but like mada is like a heavy com guys like basically the entire team was a heavy com team and like verno prob didnt know what else to say
idk but hopefully he doesnt igling legit just fucks a player up
honestly he didnt com much but like some players are just like that but cus nrg had high hopes and started losing and also cus verno wasnt very close to them they decide to kick him and the coach wanted verno so they kicked him too
that was what fns said lat time that igling on initiator was better but now hes back on senti
trexx if he had good teams early on he would have a insane career already just look at his 2023 and 2024 stats
kaajak has been good since his like first match where he kinda flopped
prob he played some ranked with verno and seem like he enjoyed it
they were better off getting a new igl so he doesnt bottom frag and have bad calling and bench kicks instead sad but yea
nah bro vit is kinda ggs your igl was a star duelist and now has mid calling and mid shooting , his current form is worse than like fns so a superteam losing a insane player and now a fraud igl is not looking good
that would be kinda sick
unfortunately we cant at least as of rn
im pretty sure on nongshim also
ya prob but its weird if like alecks dont consider it cus im pretty sure he can speak english
wayne idk maybe if he keeps improving but styron idts like i mean igl dont gotta have good stats and whatever but rn all top teams have igls that can keep up
i think they should get the guy geng just dropped as their igl and intiator
not benkai they cant win tournaments with benkai idt no hate to him
imm saying this as like a team signing him would be mainly foir duelists and if it was a good and one that wants to compete for titles team i dont thik his pool is enough i think prx is the best place for him to play jett to gekko kinda stuff but its cleary not working so like
lmao youre tripping abit how does peaking d2 come into play here and i said he is a good leader i just said his calling maybe isnt the best ... calling isnt = leadership , he can develop players into champions and etc and be a good leader but doesnt mean hes a insane caller
hmm i mean im not denying his leadership i do think hes a good leader im just saying his calling has never been that great . not hating on boaster but like not many look at him and see him as an insane caller plus like first champs acend won and like most of the team disappear and in 2023 , leo was the best player , alfajer was top 3 , chronicle probably just behind them and demon1 and derke was top few duelists
ok honestly the only one valid is boaster is i think he did have possibly the best team in history and his igling was never seen as on par with like saadhak and fns
ya im pretty sure platoon val made a video on it and like demon1 was actualy good in the first few games and he also had something going on in his personal life so definewtly affected him
have to give him his flowers been great but he has been looking lost this map
i watch bro but he isnt super consistent i would say izu buzz then him and i still think meteor is great but when he drops mediocore performances it goes under radar and when he pops off he is seen as the best
ya bru but he hasnt been exceptional this masters , rating at 1.05 and kickoff was under 1
izu has been isnane but last year was like not it
bro he has made interesting decisions this masters , the jett dashes and what was that bru
bro is reaching his prime or been practicing cus last time his op was not it
really chichoo wins mvp think hes been mental also cus i think he deserved champs one