After not being able to play week one on split due to unforeseen circumstances Cloudberries were able to play 2 matches this week on haven.
After losing a close scrim Cloudberries decided to make a last minute change in their comp, going from an iso yoru comp to a neon comp to give a chance for their star duelist Kamui to shine. In their first ever premier game Cloudberries just went for a simple pistol round going through short and trying to hit hard and fast, setting the tempo of the game catching the defenders off-guard. After a one sided pistol round Cloudberries won the anti-eco and bonus setting the enemy team on an economic disadvantage. Thanks to 2 rounds that were clutch wins by Wukong (H3ENnZ) Cloudberries ended the first half 12-0, On the pistol round the enemy team gave up and decided to just molly themselves giving Cloudberries a 13-0 victory.
After a very dominant first game Cloudberries quickly queued for a second game, this time going up against a team with some more experience. Just like map one however Cloudberries felt confident and played a simple pistol round on defense just pushing up a long and catching the attacking team off gaurd. After losing the bonus round Cloudberries decided to cool down and focus on their gameplans and were able to end the first half 9-3 due to Kamui's op. After winning their second pistol of the map Cloudberries quickly closed out the map 13-4.
Ending the day with a 2-0 victroy with a round record of 26-4 and a premier score of 200. Due to not being able to play week one Cloudberries are at the 58th place 200 (2 wins) behind the top 5 teams.
Side note: what do you guys think about this logo. and do you think Cloudberries or the cloudberries is more suitable of a name