NA drama >> pacific drama
From what I know it's the fact that he hated the players didn't follow up with the agreement that was set by everyone in the lobby again from what I said previously on this matter in other post, he probably got annoyed that the people who broke the agreement were other pro players in VCT. However, people need to remember that Koreans absolutely hate cheaters and they suspected someone of cheating so they all decided to just draw the game out and then comes the BOOM players that somehow accidentally fully defused the spike cause he was afraid he was gonna die when he was 30kills and like 14 deaths? So yeah just small drama cause Munchkin barely plays ranked as much as his other teammates so this was probably an annoyance
fuck not this again, but honestly idk what is the spg guys talking on podcast/stream but the whole korean really sensitive against boom now.. like wtf, just chill guys they're rookie on the vct pacific stage, just smash them on the stage, that's it..
yes, they're got lucky slot, but it was bleed who fumble it.