Platchat guarantees are a curse
Flag: | International |
Registered: | December 28, 2024 |
Last post: | February 27, 2025 at 10:37 AM |
Posts: | 74 |
Wasnt there something about the best aimer in these aim trainers barely being able to crack Ascendant or something?
Well the team you are repping has a fragging IGL too dont ya? Francis really frags out in every game and gives the no reaction until the game is ended
Wait, weren't you the person that asked for an aim routine like in every post you did? I think we are literally giving the same answers as last time
They were leading 7-5 and won pistol but allowed a comeback to get the scores hella close. It isn't about the individual 1v4 clutches, I think it was more about letting them come close after leading 9-5
No Access To Site was really good today
Carpe was a good sub but I think Sylvan overall would be better moving forward with the team. True the firepower is lacking atm but once he gets his confidence up then having a smart player who can also shoot is a huge thing for the long run
Thats probably the reason there, a reinstall is most likely the fix
Are we seriously gonna have to hear whisper casting in this match? LOL
The smurf went 23-25 in bronze-iron apparently and it probably was just someone having a good early game LOL
I think more of it is they are afraid that the past might repeat itself where APAC without Korea sends like 1 good team in PRX and 2-3 really really bad teams that it just ends up being PRX and some wildcard free wins hence the merge in franchising in the first place with KR and JP joining up with SEA for APAC
I cannot lie, the fact that everytime we doubt him when he got new young players join the team and then destroy the expectations is kinda great
Same thing with the foxy9 thing where he himself and the team didnt know he was getting benched LOL
Honestly it just sounds like he dislikes EWC with a passion which is understandable but doesn't understand on these type of broadcast they never promote these type of stuff every 10 seconds and probably is just trying to push around his narrative more than see things in how all these broadcast have dealt with sponsors and such
Yeah he will be like 22 y/o this year and like National Service lasts only like 18-21months so he most likely just did it as early as he can after graduation
I honestly don't think any of our sens will work for you but if you want something to start with then 0.4 800dpi is a good start and you just adjust from there if its too slow or too fast
Yeah he opted to do it early to not get in the way of things after 20s and it proved well since he easily climbed to Radiant again like no problem on the year he came back
They looked like they completely lost all confidence in anything they were doing or planning after playing against VITALITY, they even played scared against Team Liquid. Just a pure confidence thing I believe this time but I am sure they will be able to bounce back given time since it's only just Kickoff
I am told I speak in a Malaysian accent as my wife taught me English during the time when we were dating
IF they would stop remaking every damn game maybe there would be more honestly LOL
This might be a case where no matter what you do, the mouse may not feel right cause the mouse just isn't compatible with your hand size. Maybe look for a refund and buy something else?
Imagine 2 years in a row for those APAC fans then lol
Not sure if you remember but in CS we used the same smoke execute for 10-15 years and Astralis and S1mple didn't come early in the birth of the CS competitive scene it took time. Half a decade doesn't compare to how long before it took CS to develop an Astralis team or a s1mple type of player just saying
People only remember that one comm video so yeah they assume he will comm like that every game
Among all those players, we decided to let the duelist go to SKRossi and then he choked when it mattered
Idk if people are new to watching VCT but the last time we had just the SEA region without the Koreans, they produced some horrendous teams to come out. Like SEA before the KR competition was just pulling all the eggs in the basket for PRX was not fun to watch
You forget that most people that type there are like ragebaiting silvers LOL
To be honest, I think everyone just expected them to always win their region so we didn't really pay attention unless it was some crazy shit like them losing to trace for the 1st time or FPX getting eliminated early but other than that we always expected 1st or a barely 2nd place from them so thats maybe why we didnt talk about it much when they did win 3-1
Idk, every true stretched casual player is using that method and it's the only method that can't get you banned like the others since its just your device manager over a 3rd party app
Removed? Doesnt every just disable the monitor on Device manager and just changed resolution via control panel with the res being 1:45 or some shit
Edit: Pretty sure Mistic has the tutorial on his twitter or something from back then
To avoid potential rematches if DRX lose and Nongshim win probably is what it means
Edit: Wait i checked it probably has to do with the GE vs TLN match more than will directly be GE vs TS if they lose and DFM vs RRQ if RRQ lose to GenG
Cause in the end, Vanity returns
From what I know free1ng might have taken the igl role off him to let MaKo frag out more again
Alrights pubs/t3 is a stretch HAHAHA but i do agree the story is crazy
DRX have been known to fail against W gaming type of playstyles but I do hope for a close series
Ngl Mimi's casting is super funny cause when she gets hyped up, she whisper shouts and everytime i watch any game I just burst out laughing when she is the one casting LMAO
This might come down to the fact that are/were a number of people who only watch specific teams for one players and that could be the case for many casual fans of SEN, they watched cause of TenZ and now since he is retired they might not want to watch anymore? I know some footballs fans that are like that too, they follow the player whenever they go instead of the actual team
Think the same agents in ranked like Clove/Reyna/Jett etc are still applicable, don't think the meta matters cause its just ranked
I am sorry but those players at the start of the EG year were not considered "as good" either so you made no point in that statement
Probably communication issues since now with all Koreans he can just be comfortable and not trying to work out how to say it in English
This team is so fun to watch wtf, Dambi is literally getting so many assists that arent showing on the board cause of what he is doing
It's just disappointing that Boaster actually went to improve his aim and we can see it be better than recent years but FNS just stayed the same unless for like 1 match in the SEN City
I don't think it is too bad, it's just one game just like how in SOOP it was one game before they woke up so maybe now they do a lower bracket run? I am not really rooting for anyone in AMERICAS but it would be nice to see if the tier 2 talents can actually pop off now since every game will be elimination
But if you have FNS retiring, s0m would not want to compete. They are like a package deal at this point
Feel like this hate is just unwarranted wasn't it both cases of DSG and BLEED there was just another guy with an ego clashing against yaY's, I don't even remember the dude name from DSG but it was VERY apparent crazyguy on BLEED never wanted yaY and just flat out dislikes him
Honestly I just expected Flor to have a decent game but not pop-off, I always had it in my mind that APEK until Batujnax arrives is just gonna be Flor and friends similar with how TALON was Primmie and friends
Really good for Pearl atleast, can really lock down a site of their choosing with a Vyse