Riot Games MABP Presentation
Imagine if you will, if your favorite sports team was struggling financially
Not putting up the results
Poor player management
Now imagine, a company came into the space and just started doling out money because they believe in the team and the space they inhabit. That company for me is Riot Games, throughout this presentation, we are going to talk about the 3 main factors behind Riot’s Success and what the company has done for me on a personal level
Focus on 3 main things: Accessibility, Sustainability, and Transparency
Game Changers
Tier 2 & Ascension
Partnership Program
Team support Stipends with a minimum + ability to increase the stipend through certain steps (600k base stipend yearly with ability to increase up to 1.5 million)
Global Revenue Share system through digital goods sales (2024: 70 Million in global digital goods sales, 44 Million shared across all partnership teams) (incentivizes teams to get better because they better they do the more money they get from digital goods sales)
Played a major part in increasing the global valuation of esports across the globe (early valuations in 2025 put global value at 1.86 billion, but modern day value puts it closer to 3.25 billion)
Articles updating the community on changes within the system and updates to the game
Global head of esports Leo Faria being transparent on twitter and constantly interacting with the community
Sharing viewership and financial data with the community
Personal story:
Without Valorant and esports in general I would have had nothing to do during quarantine
Opened me up to an awesome community to people that I never would have met under any other circumstances
This is pretty heavily biased and doesn't talk about the numerous negatives of Riot, but that whole point is to gas them up. This also isn't done just gathering some general feedback