Why are people still playing Reyna, Clove, and Sage in comp? Any other agents would be better, just learn how to play other agents, please....
shes the best agent for ranked
Reyna does not rely on teammates, she has a simple kit that is easy to get value out of and you can get kills without having to entry and get baited by ur team
Clove and Reyna are 2 of the highest winrate agents in the game
the reality of ranked is that you cannot rely on teammates and u have to carry if u want to win and improve
if you want to play team based agents that subsequently have low winrates go ahead but ur only making it harder for yourself
the people that are hardstuck are the same people that expect ranked teammates to give VCT comms and have VCT level site executes as well as overthink ranked and expect everything to go perfectly
just play Reyna Jett or Clove and tap heads
reyna is just for pugging but a good reyna is really hard to deal with because of her blind and dismiss. Clove is useful for fast hits and her decay is super strong as well although her as a pure smokes player isnt the strongest. sage isnt the best sentinel but her slows are good for stalling and her wall is very useful
I know. It's very sad. Brim used to be up there around Phoenix/Sage before Clove came out.
My theory is that most people who are confident in their mechanics simply play Clove, and so there's an overrepresentation of controller mains on the other agents who are just too scared to take fights and end up in really bad late round scenarios.
all three agents have a +50% wr in ranked
and for ppl saying sage is bad, if you're playing against a team which mostly rushes, like in ranked, sage is the best sentinel you could ask for. and in attack if you're mostly rushing, her postplant is just as strong, this doesnt just apply to low elo