- Navi - how the hell is ange1 still there
- Fnatic - sorry boaster
I'm obv biased so take what I say with a grain of salt
You're right, I think he's overhated because people don't like his personality (it's valid if you don't like it, ofc you're entitled to that opinion) but that blindsides people from his actual merits as an IGL. It's made worse by the fact that he can't frag as heavily, but his mechanics aren't even that bad (Platoon has a great video on his mechanics) it's just that they're outshone by the superstars on the rest of the team.
I think the best comparison to make is with FNS, he has a personality which more people find appealing, yet he has many of the same qualities as a player as Boaster (this isn't a bad thing, I like FNS too) but he gets nowhere near close to the amount of flack that Boaster gets
With that said, I do think something needs to change with his gameplay, it feels like he's very timid when it comes to his own plays due to his micromanaging IGL style. I think they need to lean more in to having a second caller (Leo/Chronicle) so Boaster can be more in tune with what's in front of him. Although this last bit could be complete gibberish since I don't know the internal team dynamics
platoon had a valid argument honestly boaster doesn't even give him self a chance to have 50/50 if review his game play he doesn't take fights but when he does it is either 90/10 or 10/90 the rest of his playstyle is centered around his teammates and i mean why wouldn't you the players on his team at worst are top10-20 players in EU and at there best they are the top 4 now we aren't so sure cause they are making big changes but point stands
The interesting part about the comments regarding FNS isn't just that his personality comes off as more appealing; it's that his demeanor is fundamentally more toxic and adheres to a no-excuses mentality. This mindset is similar to that of numerous egotists who play Valorant. In contrast, Boaster represents the complete opposite of this, Also those who exhibit toxic behavior often stem from a place of insecurity.
People like FNS may have a significant number of achievements, and I don’t want to downplay that. However, he tends to talk a big game, which likely comes from deeper insecurities. For instance, when he says something like, "Why is he peeking that? It doesn't make sense," it suggests that rather than learning from the situation and being prepared for the next round, he feels compelled to explain why a play is foolish. This is a defensive mechanism to avoid appearing foolish himself.
As for Boaster, it doesn’t matter what I say about him; his personality speaks for itself. He exudes confidence that shows just how secure he is as a person through his actions. If FNS exhibited the same level of security, then many of my observations wouldn’t hold true, and people would likely come to his defense.
Anyone can have one good match in the offseason but no one can flop as hard as yay after chamber nerf
Entire NA scene is a circle jerk of shitty unfunny people who like to suck each other off irrespective of circumstances.
Legit seen these guys defending scums who were blatantly doing malpractices and were caught red handed, and when someone with less reach and influence tried to bring it up, the circlejerk will pull up with their garbage social media reach to suppress the matter.
Its such a lame thing to do coz literally everyone is aware that no matter how much you try to suppress the truth, in the end it'll come back to the surface. The real talent of the region has already moved on from this shitty game, your fav streamer saying 'this game is dead' repeatedly is not a coincidence, they are referring to the actual talent that had passion for the game.