They do nothing all season.. wake up, lose to plug.. then continue to hibernate?
How can their coach not plan anything for the team… shameless
Doesn't really matter what they do during the offseason if their plan is to have Asuna play duelist for them on a majority of maps. I like Asuna on flash initiators way more than I do on duelist. It just seems like their ceiling is super low with him on duelist. There's very few duelists I think he can outperform in Americas. I don't feel great about them on any map that Cryo isn't playing Jett and awping.
I noticed watching their games that the help asuna gets on duelist vs the help cryo gets on duelist is actually criminal. Like when asuna was running neon against plug he was getting assfucked left right and center and nobody on the team other than boostio with his util was even trying to help him it was actually crazy. When cryo was on duelist they had traps, set executes, everything to help him, whereas they just send asuna in to bait everything and then execute a 4v5 and lose.