Who would win? One of the worst VCT teams of all time or Rankers?
#1: they did qualify to the tournament, they just didn't make playoffs
#2: they only lost to blue otter which has Queen Bobsta the goat, but also was one of the only teams to look good against Rankers and got a map off themselves
Not disrespecting Rankers here, but 100T (with 3 players off role) losing to Trust in Plug does not give us enough info to tell if furia would beat 100T. Plus, with the role changes and picking up heat, Furia MIGHT (not saying is) be on the same level as 100T
if EVERYONE from furia plays their best, furia is lowkey top 4-5, raafa and peu will change the entire system so it'll probably be a completely different team from last season, they have synergy with havoc as well (which together with him playing duelist again will probably make his performance better), mwzera returning to initiator can be good, and if khalil is on a good day i see this team being really dangerous