can't believe Gen.G won our first trophy not PRX/DRX KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK
worst tournament ever but a trophy is a trophy π€·can't really complain
nah they looked a bit shaky at the group stage
Worst crowd bener, tapi jangan lupa lock in. jangan lihat 1 sisi doang.
low quality? aku cuma bisa setuju 70% plot TH dan GENG ketemu di final itu keren banget.
low viewership ga ada hubungannya sama "worst major" njir ini mah emang masalah waktu timezone aja.
no, gua prefer final ini. lebih berasa momentum dan dramanya..
coping? bro real shit u literally act edgy and calling people coping
setiap thread yang lu buat itu 70% contra apac semua
ahh i guess PRX = whole APAC! gotcha :D
not to mention lu penyepong DRX dan NA
okay you're actually making shit up at this point π
i don't even remember the last time i glaze DRX & i barely watch NA or replied to NA related thread
what are you even saying? you're actually being cringe rn.
lol, high ego goofy ahh typing style.
aku minta maaf soal:
i don't even remember the last time i glaze DRX & i barely watch NA or replied to NA related thread
orang itu si derrrp if im not wrong.
get a life, saying what people believe or like as "cringe" showing that you have a gloomy life.
grow as a person.