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Registered: | February 18, 2023 |
Last post: | January 16, 2025 at 8:22 PM |
Posts: | 449 |
bro sen has only ever won 1 event with zellsis they were mid af rest of year and well zellsis career before sen is even worse.... zellsis didnt even have a peak form to keep up thats the worst part about it.
THIS IS INSANE COPE IF YOU BELIEVE IT. pancada peak clears zellsis whole career. pancada's champs win he was MVP zellsis madrid win he got carried by tenz and zekken. holy fk sen fans are delusional
dont even mention purp0 same sentence as lewn. purp0 is absolute dogshit missed a full vandal clip on reloading socialbee marshall LMFAO
INSANE from him but holy shit purp0 is garbage LMFAOOOOO he was reloading the marshall but still missed every shot
mooda glazer spotted LMFAO. also hating on mooda is 100% valid guy is the most cringe and weird creator in the entire scene
i will be getting in touch with my contacts at FBI, expect a knock at your door buddy
well they kinda gotta, this only win they'll ever really get against prx lol
they 100% saving strats like no way they runnin off season like this they do not give a fuck LMFAO
Bro this team is by no means excused they lost to fkin rapid LoFi which is 1000x worse than BLG loss. Also, this BLG roster way worse than one that beat OG NRG
MADA IS HORRIBLE he gifted that ace to rushia like how are u not looking up and trading whilst 2 teammates die ??? actual bronze level player how is he pro and not lookin up n trading
imo moose getting dropped isnt the problem for me personally its the timing its even worse than rossy dropping timing, I assume moose was blindsided by this decision and with us being so close to the season who can c9 realistically even find and scrim enough before the season ? Like this decision makes 0 sense imo & obvs this is very fucked for moose like obvs he probs was gonna get dropped but at least give him time to land on his feet, this just fucks him.
its prx and its not even close lol
nah i get that he was kinda doo doo but kinda insane dropping him like 1 month before season starts imo ? like they fucked rossy and moose thats jus scummy af from org
DAMN c9 consistently making last minute decisions to implode their roster is crazy
they lost already nrg have shit mental & it went boom after they lost to LoFi, they terrible at regaining + they got nerves cuz they dont wna lose to BLG 3rd time so yea they already lost no cap
Bro chet mustve fucked your girl or something u got some hate against the guy 5th post ive seen you comment this LMFAOOO
chet is indeed shit but he clears bonkar
Chet for whatever reason you may hate him never lost to a tier9 team who got 7-8th in CL SEA, these players dont get paid 1% of NRG and beat them that is fkin crazy.
you forget all these decisions are on the players and coach these are all decisions apart of being a good team, they got good players made bad deiscions therefore they sucked not because dysfunctional they made choices and choices led to them being bad how hard is that to understand why you trying to make excuses for them LMFAO ?
also was does him losing to 100T have any relevancy here ? were talking about EG/ jawg and SEN/ zekken
also if you want to mention that yea 100T beat a shit EG team everyone expected them to beat but SEN the chokers they are still lost to that same trash EG team LMFAOO
dont say this otherwise @x_knowitall39_x will have a heart attack and call u recency bias lol
zekkens best year and best team still cant beat worst EG iteration enough said & also jawg went 13-7 in h2h vs zekken lol
how about during the season ?
you're comparing a team with pancada, sacy, tenz, zekken and deph or marved against apoth nature jawg derrek and supamen ? like do you read what you typed. thats literally 2 WC 2 Masters winners vs 4 bottom feeders and jawg. you keep saying dysfunctional team like that isnt their fault ? you know why it was dysfunctional bcus they tried to build a superteam and flopped thats why it was bad and dysfunctional.
recency bias is being bias of recent events im not sure if you know what that means ? if anything its past tense bias not recency bias, go back to school dumbass fr. keep yappin without 0 games to back up what u say. rglmeister and artizin mogged oxy this season does that make them better ? 0 iq replies fr
tbh jawgs jett was his best agent on the OG EG roster from 2022 so i think he could be insane on it
jawg got play of the year with a shit EG team with nobodies
zekken had 2 WC sacy and pancada and tenz and still flopped bro made a superteam and still couldnt perform that's 1000x worse so idk what u yapping about
jawg literally beat zekken in 2023 and 2024 like wtf u yappin bout you never watched a single game started watching last year and now you're waffling he had the most games in final for prx so idk wtf ur talking about
24 jawg had play of the year what did 23 zekken do other than being shit ? so stop the fkin cap, also wtf has zekken done other than madrid he has been notoriously inconsistent and flop at big chances look at xset at copenhagen thats literally only event zekken made before this year he was literally a regional hero otherwise. Zekken was always a good duelist never top duelist before this year so idk wtf ur yappin bout
holy delulu. let me use your own logic against you do you remember 2023 zekken he wasnt even top 3 duelist NA bcus his team was shit he was dog dog whilst 24 EG was worse than that 23 SEN roster jawg still performed and played better than zekken did when he had a shit team. Also, comparing their best seasons which is 23 jawg and 24 zekken, its not even fair how badly 23 jawg clears zekken what did he do win madrid ? 23 Jawg was insane in Americas, tokyo and champs. saying recency bias whilst using recency bias is crazy idk if ur lacking couple braincells or trollin
yea i can see that imo i rate zekken cus he has insane highs when he peaks imo but yea 50/50 with him and jaw imo
yes but compared to jawgemo it aint close. big gulf between top 3 then 4 imo but oxy is insane aswell but will never win bcus well c9
ppl were actually saying jawg isnt top 3 in NA and oxy clears him LMFAO holy delulu ppl lets be real americas is
What ? aspas plays neon, raze, reyna, jett all at high level but zekken only good at neon and raze his jett is mid as fuck thats why they used have tenz play jett.
He was p good when m8 were still qualifying for ascension but had rough last year bcus well m8s in general were just struggling. hes a good flex imo nothing superstar levels but has his moments and can defo become better imo
Xeppa is the Renato Sanches of val. bro got all the hype and time he needed from everybody but ppl jus realizing he's just mid lol, xeppa level is tier 2 no cap think he'd do better there he jus aint built for t1
yea literally bro gets overlooked so much imo hes been above average consistent duelist for while he deserves t1 shot & quite few teams need bettter main duelist no cap
losing to a pug team has to be a whole new LOW for any t1 team forget 100t. diabolical showin from 100t actually looking like worst NA team going into the season.
imo i think ellement who played for cgn wouldve been perfect replacement for asuna cuz holy shit is asuna terrible as main duelist.
i was referring to w00ts tweet he says he has gastritis which is p serious so thats why i said jokes aint really it but maybe im jus out of touch lol
imo joking about someones health and wellbeing is never funny.
tarik said 13 minutes on his stream when he was speaking to production dude who came on
hope everyone on TH gets better soon !
but shouldn't RB let FOKUS face FUT instead as TH cant play ?
Huh ? aspas, texture, zekken, kangkang are top 4 but u can argue jawg is top 4 or derke takes his spot but jawg is very close to top
may be worst duelist performance ever consistently he was sht yday and sht again today
april was much closer to end of season than kickoff which was literally even before stage 1 where teams hadent even got prac together and sen fell off after theyre fluke masters. 12-14 whilst aspas still shit on his team and then next match aspas went 14-6 in duels against him LMFAO pls stop talkin ur clueless while zekken went -7 neg
BRO FOUND MATCH FROM KICKOFF LMFAO and aspas still shit on sen
what do u expect from them all recency bias if u literally go on the vlr pages aspas shits on zekken every time they play he literally went 14-6 against him last match they played LMFAO in h2hs