Following info comes from Lembo's stream. But the club management's excitement about the roster is more than evident form the outside, for the first time they seem to be the ones that want the leak the most and keep teasing.
Anyway, as we know Boo and Benjy as 100% locked in. Other than that, we have MiniBoo's situation, it's looking like we will be having the Lukasevicius brothers together this year. He is pretty much a done deal. As of the other 2 remaining spots the information is pretty clear, Woot and Riens are the 2 names, both have intention of signing really, agreed on majority of terms but still negotiating couple of smaller clauses. This information also has a consequence, the stage of the negotiations with the 3 new players invites us to think Mixwell won't be part of the team moving forward, even tho we're can't be 100% sure, this 5 seem extremely likely
Boo smokes IGL
Benjy sentinel
Riens Initiator
Woot flex/duelist
MiniBoo flex/duelist