i see alot of hate for the Koreans mostly coming from the SEA fans. so much copium blaming everything but their team. maybe get good and win the Koreans next time..
i mean in terms of developing young talent we have done that
but at the end of the day, the majority of these teams are veteran talent driven and these youngbloods only really account for like 1/5th of the team
actually one of my biggest worries is the veterans becoming washed and korea having not enough young talent LOL
Maybe you should have talked with some respect to other players other than geng. If you see t1 last year you clearly see one of the biggest issue with them were aim and why would you risk to bring players like texture who showed nothing in GE while you have a choice to bring xccurate who has potential in both actual gameplay and hype for the whole region. You should also think in coperates perspective pacific especially KR teams will not survive since valorant is not as popular in KR. The only choice is to get attention from other regions which is a good to bring xccurate and Rossy. While Geng roster is mostly aiming for KR fans.T1 with xccurate and rossy gives more attention to pacific region as whole. I bet bleed didnt bring yay only for gameplay purposes but also to get attention from NA fans. Same applies to T1 seeking some attention from Singapore and NA.
i think youre the one who knows no shit man.Xccurate was already a successful deal for t1 cauz his bro is forsaken even if he does not perform as well as his brother, bringing him to the same league already makes the hype even if it wasnt intentional. Whether they intended or not about regional attention t1 brought players who has potential to valorant regardless of their origin to actually achieve something even if they risk it and drx is making up their new roster with their youth making it a long term plan while geng just bought "proved" but old players who were jobless and called up a single youth. Geng is the one who "buys" players with no vision and long term plans. they didnt seek for actual potentials. Unlike league, KR is not relatively talented region for Valorant. If youre one of the blind KR fans then i would rather recommend you to get lost from vlr. stop being cringe hating other players and rather go on reddit to dick ride your Korean players ์ ์ฒฉ ๊ตญ๋ฝ์.
Jesus Christ you're right; if this burner account is Korean, then that's a terrible look. If he's fake-flagging, it would make sense since he's overly trying to defend SEA.
I think a few bad apples and the hive-mind mentality make the region look bad. Most of SEA is chill, it's just that a few toxic (and sometimes racist) meatheads get too full of themselves +alpha (alpha being the hive mind online that think this behavior is "cool" or "fun").
1 team region internationally, but not in Pacific lmao
they had the very similar results last year
so yes while ofc they grinded its not like we're seeing anything new here in terms of how korea stacks up in pacific and people just forgot
Purely off wins cause I cba to actually do complex spreadsheet shit right now and add h2h, maps etc (so 4 wins = 4 wins even if the 2nd team beat the first... doesnt matter till the last week anyways when not all teams have played each other)
Drx always tied for first/straight up first
GenG was in the top 4/tied for top 4 till the last week (week 9), although from week 6 onward they were tied for 4th with Zeta (so placed 4-5). They also returned top 4 right away with their playoff performance
And t1 was top 4 till week 3 and then top 4 from week 6 onward (2-5 in week 6 and 2-3 till the last week where they drop to 3rd behind prx)
not many tbh, i see only few idiot indo guy who malding, I think it's because their represent orgs is RRQ (fcking dogshit organization) and they can't do anything about it.
i don't understand tbh it's not anyone fault, u get ur represent orgs how about build a good team then ? like tf ?
If not, blame your own country orgs then why can't they make a strong team? lmao
Make a strong team juga susah sih bang pasar indo masih buat game mobile, talent2nya sebenenrnya banyak, kyk pindahan csgo, apex sama PB biasanya dominate valo di indo sih, sayangnya mereka jrg peduli sama scene profesional, mereka maen cuma buat having fun aja, ada jg yg jadi joki yg bikin lobby sea ancur ๐. Sebenernya klo pemeritah mau ngeliat pasar kyk valo dan game2 pc lainnya dan bantu ningkatin scene pronya pasti bakal berkembang bgt kyk korea
Lah kan gua gk ngomong pro scenenya tf, maksud gua banyak pindahan csgo, apex, sama pb ke valo dan emng jago2 bgt, dan gua bilang kebanyakan dari mereka gk tertarik sama pro scene ya jelas gara2 emng susah klo mau masuk T1. Ya gua tau emng korea dpt 3 slot sama jepang dpt 2 slot makanya gua dri awal gk terlalu suka sama maslah frenchise begini, klo udh dpt previlage dari riot mah udh enak, kyk korea dari LOL NA pasarnya gede bgt, dan china ownernya jdi buat region sendiri ๐.
Kalo lu ngandalin tim2 tanpa org buat buat ke ascension susah anjir, mungkin ada beberapa bisa hampir menang kyk dominatus, tapi klo mau ke inter susah anying, harus lewatin Boom, sekarang nambah AE yg serem, yg emng udh proper orgnya, blm lagi lawan tim2 SEA yg lain yg lebih prepare dari org, pelatih, finansial,dll. Lu kalo cuma ngandelin org yg itu2 aja ya percuma, lu liat korea, jepang, NA, EU tiap tahun pasti ada talent baru yg berani fight, di Indo susah masalhnya, slot assension cuma 1 biji gimana org gk males, paling mentok2 biar di rekrut T2 indo aja.
Lu bayangin coba effort pemerintah yg skrng ngembangin scene pro mobile legend gila2an coba lu taro ke valo, selain pertandingan utama challanger indo bayangin aja bakal gede gk tuh scene valo indo kyk pertandinagn2 ml udh di mana2, mksd gua gitu pemerintah jgn fokus sama game mobel doang biar anak2 yg punyanpotensi bisa latihan di pertandingan2 antar desa/kota/provinsi yg dananya dari pemerintah, gua tau pro player indo banyak, tapi talent2 mudanya jarang ada yg mau masuk scne valo -_-, syg skillnya dijadiin buat jasa joki doang.
Lu jga jgn ngandelin 1 org jga kyk si RRQ , dri awal kan emng si rrq ada kontrak sama filipina, sampe skrng jga manajer team valonya masih orang filipina, itu organisasi mereka biarin aja terserah pak AP jga. Jujur gua lebih seneng player2 indo di rekrut tim2 luar kyk dri prx, xccurate di t1, blazeking ge, delb di AG cina, dan bebrapa di india juga . gua lebih seneng begitu, dan gua harep tahun depan makin banyak lagi yg kek gitu, gk cuma ngandelin 1 organisasi doang walaunpun representasi tim indo tapi gk bisa di harepin ๐
ya emang susah kalo gak dapet previlage, ya mau gimana emang systemnya gitu mau ga mau harus grinding dari bawah
effort pemerintah ? emang dari awal pemerintah udh langsung support ML ? bukanya rame dulu terus ada potensi baru di suport pemerintah, dan bro lu gak bisa bandingin game mobile vs PC, karena gak apple to apple. dari dulu PC udah pasti kalah, dari divicenya aja mobile/ HP siapa sih yang gak punya, kalo PC ? gak semua orang punya karena emang masyarakat ekonomi kita kurang, lu build PC minimal 10-20 juta (dan buat banyak orang duit segini gede)
ada kontrak sama filipina apa sih ? kalau pun ada kontrak ya ini kan orgs lu, yg kontrol lu, yang punya lu kenapa jadi lebih mentingin negara orang ketimbang negara sendiri ? kalo ada kontrak pun emang ga bisa putus kontrak ? ini kan organisasi lu, lu dong yang pegang kuasa & ambil keputusan kenapa jadi mikirin orang lain aneh banget