NRG played with eu import
EG playing with Asian import
Can't do shit with NA talent.
i dont know
funny to consider the only NA wins were sentinels and optic
sentinels: tenz asian shahzam asian both owning everybody lol no strategy game
optic gaming: fns asian victor asian marved asian chet asian coach kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
still waiting for a pure ethnic american team to win anything, or even exist lmao
African Americans are underrepresented in PC esports for a much more nuanced reason than “NA outsource lul”
Black people have a very strong presence in fighter game culture and representation, and the reason is that those games have always had a low cost barrier to enter. All you need is a pocket full of quarters
Systemic racism and other historical factors mean that the african american community historically has had less money, so the games that parents take their kids to play are more likely to be the games like consoles and arcade games which are cheaper. And even when families break the cycle of poverty, they’re still more likely to teach the kids the type of games they played when they were younger.
This is why there aren’t many black american pros in valorant