With another "tp" added to the game, I got a question, do you like RIOT adding more of these? Personally I don't, I think it emphasizes dumber gameplay, once a high risk high reward to a low risk high reward decision.
they should add something similar to a raze rocket as an ult but instead of doing damage if you're in the radius you get hexxed like in league/dota and you are just useless and extremely easy to kill (or just detained)
I was thinking like deadlock ult where you just pull it out and shoot it and maybe a bounce but a projectile like a rocket that detains you
but I was also thinking if it turned you into an animal or something that'd be funny
if they peek you and their crosshair is on you, they'll kill you, and if their crosshair is too far, they'll tp/dash away and you wont get the kill. micro part of the game is so frustrating to play vs jett/chamber, and also for iso for different reasons
valorant's at a point where most of if not all of the new champs you'll be seeing will just be watered down copies of lol's champs or abilities, and there's like 600+ abilities to choose from not including passives.