Everyone recognizes LOUD's excellence (or they just lack any understanding of valorant) and will consistently have them as one of the favorites to win tournaments, but the gaps between teams are so small that its just impossible to tell. Just in the current competitive scene all the top teams and favorites for tournaments can all probably beat each other on any given day because the gap is so small, that it is hard to ever call one team the DEFINITVE best. LOUD is one of the best in the world without a doubt, but we may never know the best team in the world truly is because of how competitive the scene is right now. - - And I think that's probably good
Like just a few small plays here and there go the other way for each game and a different story can pretty much always be written with how close the top teams are to each other. An unfavorable timing, a missed shot or two, getting sprayed through smokes, accidently being off on swing coordination or spacing.
Even today, FNATIC, who people though were the best in world lost because they simply didn't have those type of factors going for them against Liquid.
The seemingly small stuff like this can shift in balance from game to game, map to map, round to round and that's why its just impossible to call a team or even player such set in stone terms like best in the world.