Flag: Brazil
Registered: December 3, 2021
Last post: November 16, 2024 at 3:55 PM
Posts: 477
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posted 5 months ago

Wrong, Brazil alone has 33k+ ppl watching. Kaicenat has 42k. With Brazil + English it's easily past 42k.

posted 5 months ago

Brazil has: Sacy 16k, 9k Riot Youtube, Coreano 3k, 2k Riot Twitch, +1k frtt, +1k mwzera, 1k tixinha + paula nobre...

And it's still map 1.

posted 5 months ago

in the first line of your paragraph

posted 5 months ago

The fact the we didn't had a Tier S team before doesn't means that the region wasn't stronger and more prospecting.

Also, learn what a comma is. I gave up reading your message at the first line.

posted 5 months ago

You didn’t notice that you just proved the point? Back then, all the best Brazilian and LATAM players were still there, so the region was stronger, scrims were better, and LOUD won Champions.

posted 5 months ago

The only player in Val with a 3 years longevity at the top of the game

posted 7 months ago

Acting like he's not the best player ever in the game

it's impossible to not feel the impact

posted 8 months ago

Wrong, that IS the only reason. XRM just said "Gira Aspas" because it was already a meme since 2021.

FYI, there are a lot of cheats since CS 1.6 that makes the player spin like this while aimbotting

posted 10 months ago

It's the first time, in the 4 years of competitive Valorant, that there are no REALLY GOOD team

posted 10 months ago

well, tenz is

he's the goat of most of the usa fans

posted about a year ago

"america" you mean USA?

USA fans goat is a Canadian 💀

posted about a year ago

his blood is already brazilian

each red blood cell lives for up to 120 days in our body, Saadhak has been in Brazil for 3 years

posted about a year ago

same battle of mid

posted about a year ago

Same shit every year

It's Ascent next map, so gg 2-0

posted about a year ago

Mesmo antes do mundial não tem 1 argumento que justifique o prêmio não ir pra bizerra

posted about a year ago

A proposta do Game Changers é nobre, clara e lógica, mas ao mesmo tempo é FALHA

A isonomia competitiva é quebrada por causa da diferença entre gêneros

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

username checks out

posted about a year ago

He flirted with a 15yo. age of consent in Brazil is 14, but it is still weird and not socially accepted (he was like 21/22)

posted about a year ago

in LoL we are competing in who is the best at being the worst :D

posted about a year ago

20s is a lot in a game where you have to perceive and react to a lot things with both your eyes and ear in a range of 1 second. It is not about reacting to a black dot that appeared in the screen like a reaction time test, it's about reacting to dozens of things at the same time.

posted about a year ago

reaction time is just one of the factors (and it isn't "slightly better" when it's a game about reaction time).

posted about a year ago

replying here bc mods deleted the main post:

"correlation does not equal causation, i have not yet seen any studies that conclusively proof that men have a big enough biological advantage in esports to matter"

there's a lot of studies showing that man have better reaction time

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Pq não teria esperança?

acompanhando eSports há 8 anos já vi coisa mais improvável acontecer

posted about a year ago

They are much better aimers than last year, but it's still lacking mental, their aim become shaky so easy

I think mental is the biggest gender difference that hinders female players from performing in mixed tournaments

posted about a year ago

Why did they name the team Brazilian Butt Lift? Are they stupid?

posted about a year ago

what would you expect, 95% of vlr is made of spoiled white brats

posted about a year ago

Ok bro, I'm Superdome main investor, I will take notes from your VLR post.

Be sure that we will improve next tournament ;)

posted about a year ago

Who are these guys and why were they rapping for 20 minutes, no one in the crowd was liking it

posted about a year ago

tenha uma boa tarde, muito bom te refutar até tu surtar e começar a inventar coisas que eu não disse kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk


posted about a year ago

bait ruim, desde o nick até o personagem

posted about a year ago

É isso, o adolescente ficou dodói da cabeça de vez

posted about a year ago

Cala a boca aí irmão na moral

torcida nenhum cuspiu, foi UM random qualquer que fez a merda. E isso não é nada de se orgulhar

posted about a year ago

?????? O que tu tá falando, cara?

Tá bem? Vou diminuir meu chute de idade pra 14, cada vez piora mais.

posted about a year ago

A audiência do ohnepixel é basicamente adolescente que odeia Valorant por ser "jogo de fadinha", e ele que construiu isso.

posted about a year ago

Mostra aí onde eu falei isso. Tira print e coloca no ou algum outro lugar aí.

Tu tem quantos anos, cara? 16? Tá tentando citar ranking do joguinho (que tu nem sabe qual o meu, por sinal) pra ofender?

posted about a year ago

O que tu tá falando? Tá surtado?

posted about a year ago

CS too, they have a russian lineup 💀

posted about a year ago

Tu tá bem, amigo?

posted about a year ago

Surtou de novo e falou coisa com coisa nada a ver com o assunto.

Tu tá bem, cara?

posted about a year ago

Eu digitei errado e já editei 10s depois, para de tentar se fazer, esse comentário foi a prova de que você já viu que tá errado.

posted about a year ago

Quem tá falando que ele não jogou de duelista cara?

Eu tô dizendo que a role dele no time não era duelista, quem tinha a role de duelista era o dgzin. Assim como mesmo com o Less jogando de Viper, quem tem a role de controlador* é o tuyz

Eu acho que tu tá se fazendo, tu sabe que tu entendeu as coisas erradas mas tá querendo ter razão mesmo sabendo que tá falando merda

posted about a year ago

?????? Tu tá surtado, cara? Tá falando coisa com coisa e nada a ver com o que estou falando

posted about a year ago


Less jogava de Viper em alguns mapas, então a role dele é Controlador? NÃO

E meu prata é vermelhinho

posted about a year ago

Mas o post tá querendo dizer que é a primeira partida com duelista COMO ROLE DELE NO TIME internacionalmente

que interpretação de batata

e quem tá falando de não treinar? Pelo amor de Deus, o ponto é que o duelista do time era o dgzin

posted about a year ago
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