I hope at least some of you people get what he meant.
GGs FNC deserved it.
I hope at least some of you people get what he meant.
GGs FNC deserved it.
Yes? i mean, here's csgo Furia playing a major in front of an empty crowd in EU
You are putting up a completely unrelated picture from a different esport with zero context of what the game was, what stage in the tournament it was etc. And the crowd isn't even empty there is still people watching and cheering. Dont act like its the same thing we both know its not. Also if it was as bad as you are saying, then you guys are completely justified in feeling disrespected. But that doesn't make this situation any better.
Alfayer, the only Turkish player at the tournament, made FNC huge fan favorites and when they got knocked out the fans didn't act like brazilian fans. If you try and deny this you clearly didn't watch it bc the Turkish fans were so mf loud for them and so crushed when they lost yet they still acted respectfully to all players and teams.
Bro u only address one complaint and it's the worst one. OFC Brazilian fans should root for their favorites but don't leave and boo FNC for winning. THAT is what is disrespectful and makes it a L crowd. Bozos on VLR who expect ppl to root for teams going against the fan favorites r dumb but the crowd should still be respectul.
Lmao...that's exactly the different between respect and disrespectful behavior of crowd in esport...
Also if you want to see exactly how to home crowd behave when their team lost. See the event in Japan. They still clapping/cheer even though Japan team lost to other countries. Your argument is just a justification for bad things that should NEVER exist in any esport event.
LMAO...bad should know, comparing two bad things doesn't make either one right...
I dont follow NHL, but I knew in other sport like football, badminton, most of fans still give a respect even though their team/player lost whether in the final/no at their home. So dont said like it happen every time in every sport, because surely you dont watch sport a lot.
ofc every sport/esport has a L crowd. But never in my life seeing the disrespect esport crowd like in this event.
Football? u mean american football? cus if its not then you should know that European crowds even have racist chants, and they also throw stuff at players, so stop pretending that being "disrespectful" to opponents only happens in Brazil.
"But never in my life seeing the disrespect esport crowd like in this event."
Well, you're probably new to esports then. since we talking about Fnatic bein disrespected, here's Fnatic bein disrespected in EU
You keep trying to justify the L behavior of the crowd by comparing the bad ones, while in reality, this behavior occurs only a few if we compare it to the number of events that have been done. Surely all of the L behavior you mentioned should not exist in any Sport/Esport.
Also, if we specifically talk about valorant, the crowd in Brazil is the worst thing that I have ever seen so far.
I think, Brazil need to get better at this for real, our crowd would be better. But it's difficult cause there are some influencer (bit of them) that put Brazil in a bubble (it's like brazil is isolated from the whole world, and all people that aren't brazilians are against us, and we need to "fight" then, so people that don't live in Brazil have a bad idea, but everyone that was in the tournament said good things about the crowd) against the wod
Other, thing is that brazilians get too attached to idols, than love for the game itself. That's it, nobody from Fnatic is an idol to brazil, so the crowd doesn't love them. It's hard to fix it, because it would need more tournaments here to people start loving other non-brazilians players.
I think Trembolona and some brazilians (Don't remember names) posted many threads on how NA and other regions (started with sentinels) disrespect BR. Well, I don't know who all said that (streamers or pro players) but, what he said is indeed true. There were MANY tweets which talk about how they should stop supporting another team...etc etc..and how it is shameful for them. It started with SEN (zombs case, which is reasonable). But after this event? seems like they carried it all the way. I don't remember much but this thing started way before. If you are genuinely curious, then I will try to find them.
Do you also think it could be that a lot of the fans that showed up don't actually have a passion for Valorant as a game but rather are there just to support their fellow Brazilians? It would make sense for why they didn't stay to congratulate the winner because they don't really have passion or respect for the game but only came to support their country.
Yes, actually i think it's a mix of a lot of other factors, all the stream ended quickly too. I don't know what the rules inside are. The fans factor is true, there are like the "organized cheerleaders" from the team, that doesn't have passion for the game (but i don't think it's like that, because a lot of fans really love the game), it's hard to say why this happens, i think there should an event where br crowd could have more contact with non-brazilians players, it feels like this tournament didn't gave this opportunity
Bro stop spreading lies, the finals in Rio major was between two underdog non Brazilian teams that nobody cared about, and the arena was still packed
Ah yes... Because it is so easy and cheap to travel for 3 weeks, leaving all your work and/or studies, considering a lot of fans are youngsters, to a country where you most likely need a visa unless you're from the US and maybe 3-4 other countries. If the event is held in "that place" you'll mostly have people from that place, it's simple as that... You don't have to force people to cheer or show fake love, but to show basic sportsmanship... Bad sportsmanship is always frown up, and it's even worse when it comes from the competitors (not the case here), hence why it is always a hot topic whenever stuff like that happens.
I dont think he said anything about cheering for the enemy team. He even said the booing was great and it shows passion and shit. The fucked part is they just left the arena after they lost. FNC earned that trophy they deserve to be shown some respect. It was just sad to see no one in the audience when they were lifting the trophy and speaking.