Flag: Central African Republic
Registered: April 14, 2022
Last post: March 4, 2023 at 10:22 PM
Posts: 29

no one stood up in reykjavik because there was no crowd

posted about a year ago

If I'm not mistaken, people from countries that make up the European Union only need to present their passports to enter Brazil.

posted about a year ago

isn't he racist?
So watch this video

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

To be honest with you, I'm just not going to cheer for 2 American teams.

posted about a year ago

What's up, I'm not rooting for whichever team he's on.

Playing rankeds with him on the team is horrible
3_ Xenophobia

posted about a year ago

Are you going to root for LEV with Keznit in it?

posted about a year ago

Yes I saw it, but I'm tempted to say that not all of YOU will accept it just like not all of us will accept it.
So I forgot to type this before.

posted about a year ago

I would also support EMEA

posted about a year ago

nem responde esse cara, só quer atiçar briga.
Se ele vim falar merda de novo, e só perguntar quantos Champions eles tem.

posted about a year ago

I take back what I said.
It was just me talking about Skrossi more than Texture that both play well

posted about a year ago

And china didn't get 1 spot in internationals WITHOUT RIOT GIVING without them doing anything

posted about a year ago

Bro, I don't want to be boring or I don't know what your understanding will be, but Sk rossi and Texture (He was worse than SKrossi) for me were the worst.
Reasons for Texture to be the worst: The guy would always take the ultimate and throw it far, enter the bomb all wrong and open pixel in a very strange way.
If you think I'm wrong, tell me why, I'd like to know your opinion.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

@Noyn e verdade que a XSET vai compra a vaga da TBK no VCTBR 23?

posted about a year ago

Trading still!!!

posted about a year ago

Você foi a única pessoa que falou oque eu penso sobre esse assunto

posted about a year ago

OK, mas o que você tem haver com a vida do cara. Se ele quer compra a poha de um sapato de sei lá quantos kk de reais é a opção dele, não a sua.

posted about a year ago

Mano não sai por ai falando coisa que você não sabe não mano, sei que você deve ta meio puto com sacy saindo mais não precisa falar coisa demais não.

posted about a year ago

Voltei de novo

posted about a year ago

LOUD,FURIA e a outra está entre MIBR, FLUXO e NIP

posted about a year ago

Quer matar o Coreano aí kkkk
O cara tá chorando pra 1 vaga pra JP/KR mds, mal sabe ele que a segunda vaga nós perdemos no ano passado.

posted about 2 years ago