you heard it here firsf
Is he washed, or have others caught up? He was one of the OG's, so it's unsurprising that others have caught up in skill. I watched the previous season and he did fine, but yes there were plenty of other players on his skill level.
But also, no shot Carpe goes straight into Valo. Philly Fusion is owned by Comcast and they were partnered with T1 (at least their Academy team was) and transferring him to Valo T1 would be a snap of the fingers, but I don't think Carpe has been playing Valo. His past broadcasts have all been Overwatch.
The ONLY chance of him going to T1 Valo is as a 6th man (still super unlikely), or as a coach/analyst.
Honestly, trash take. Autumn follows Vanity so they might as well be picking him up, right?