He is better than all na players, he even have more aim and crosshair placements than niko or s1mple.
So shut up and put some respect on his name
HaSanity [#8]respect your mother the next time she tells you to wash the dishes
based, always respect ma and pa
HaSanity [#8]respect your mother the next time she tells you to wash the dishes
So true. Respect parents
p0tsuz [#2]"he even have more aim and crosshair placements than niko or s1mple"
Bro, he have more reaction speed and more game sense than all tier 1 cs players. Have you seen his csgo clips? He could outaim everyone
Olala [#16]Bro, he have more reaction speed and more game sense than all tier 1 cs players. Have you seen his csgo clips? He could outaim everyone
All aim no brain couldn't get you far, mate.
M4G4L [#14]Yeah! He made a huge success on CS:GO! NO, wait!
He was unlucky, but still he is better than all cs/Val brazilians players
Olala [#19]He was unlucky, but still he is better than all cs/Val brazilians players
Yeah! Say that to FalleN, Coldzera, fer, KScerato, etc
nikoko07 [#25]omg, this dude is really comparing a tier 2 cs failure with the goat rifler and the goat csgo player?
Your typical Vlr user.
M4G4L [#22]Yeah! Say that to FalleN, Coldzera, fer, KScerato, etc
Taco did more for his country in fps than tenz, btw
M4G4L [#22]Yeah! Say that to FalleN, Coldzera, fer, KScerato, etc
This guys were good in dinosaurs age, tenz is and always was much better than them. Dude tenz was a prodigy
Olala [#30]This guys were good in dinosaurs age, tenz is and always was much better than them. Dude tenz was a prodigy
TenZ is only good at aim! He change games as I change underware! When things start to go down for his team and him...he changes the game or start streaming! He gives up easy on things because he's a bad loser!
Olala [#30]This guys were good in dinosaurs age, tenz is and always was much better than them. Dude tenz was a prodigy
m0nesy is a successful prodigy, tenz is a failure LMAO
Olala [#30]This guys were good in dinosaurs age, tenz is and always was much better than them. Dude tenz was a prodigy
I bet if s1mple, FalleN, Coldzera, VSM, KSCERATO, etc, moves to Valorant...TenZ and HIKO will find another new game to be good at!
nikoko07 [#33]m0nesy is a successful prodigy, tenz is a failure LMAO
YESSSSSS! Show that kid who is really good and understand the game!
Olala [#21]Fuck aspas
ASPAS is a fucking god and will destroy everyone! Including those terrorists at your neighborhood!
nikoko07 [#33]m0nesy is a successful prodigy, tenz is a failure LMAO
Monesy Who? Tenz is the real deal. I cam guarantee you that tenz could win all duels with awp against monesy trust me.
M4G4L [#34]I bet if s1mple, FalleN, Coldzera, VSM, KSCERATO, etc, moves to Valorant...TenZ and HIKO will find another new game to be good at!
Yes they should move to valorant cause they are washed, and tenz would be Happy to own them in val
Olala [#16]Bro, he have more reaction speed and more game sense than all tier 1 cs players. Have you seen his csgo clips? He could outaim everyone
Cs fan wanting to upset people on vlr so baaaad
Olala [#39]Yes they should move to valorant cause they are washed, and tenz would be Happy to own them in val
By ''washed'' you mean bad at CS right?!?!? They did it right to move to a new game to win something! Now they are not winning so much! I bet they will change to another game next year.
M4G4L [#37]ASPAS is a fucking god and will destroy everyone! Including those terrorists at your neighborhood!
mete essa nao irmao, so porque o mano falou do aspas tu mete uma dessas
Olala [#30]This guys were good in dinosaurs age, tenz is and always was much better than them. Dude tenz was a prodigy
you're just wrong
dejikke [#42]mete essa nao irmao, so porque o mano falou do aspas tu mete uma dessas
Wow! Me desculpe ONU! Foi sem querer!
M4G4L [#44]Wow! Me desculpe ONU! Foi sem querer!
so to dizendo porque acho isso desrespeitoso com o cara, pode falar o que quiser ai
dejikke [#46]so to dizendo porque acho isso desrespeitoso com o cara, pode falar o que quiser ai
Ah mano! Na moral, to cagando! O cara já me chamou de macaco num outro post! Vem gringo chamar de monkas e eu desligo o filtro! To cagando pra esses caras!
Olala [#16]Bro, he have more reaction speed and more game sense than all tier 1 cs players. Have you seen his csgo clips? He could outaim everyone
if he was so good then why couldn't he do shit in cs?
M4G4L [#47]Ah mano! Na moral, to cagando! O cara já me chamou de macaco num outro post! Vem gringo chamar de monkas e eu desligo o filtro! To cagando pra esses caras!
ah mb mano, sabia disso n
dejikke [#49]ah mb mano, sabia disso n
Os caras vem chamar de monkas e a gente abaixa a cabeça! Que se foda essa porra de ser polite!
M4G4L [#50]Os caras vem chamar de monkas e a gente abaixa a cabeça! Que se foda essa porra de ser polite!
monkaS é um emote na twitch e vi nos posts dele e ele n disse nd disso :x
ciro [#54]s0mple and other cs pros were too scared of TenZ that they paid C9 to bench TenZ. THey knew he would shit on them if he had the chance too so they stopped him before he could
jblancard [#56]monkaS é um emote na twitch e vi nos posts dele e ele n disse nd disso :x
MonkaS é um emote que significa amor então! Não tem nada haver com macaco! Vc tá ''S''erto! Um emote de piroca significa um sabugo de milho verde tbm! O emote de um coração é uma bunda invertida vista de cima! Beleza!
M4G4L [#59]MonkaS é um emote que significa amor então! Não tem nada haver com macaco! Vc tá ''S''erto! Um emote de piroca significa um sabugo de milho verde tbm! O emote de um coração é uma bunda invertida vista de cima! Beleza!
zz pesquisa ou continua sendo burro n ligo
Olala [#21]Fuck aspas
lmao u say frick aspas once and all the brazilians come over and downvote and get mad lol
Zephyros [#64]lmao u say frick aspas once and all the brazilians come over and downvote and get mad lol
i admire their solidarity
Olala [#30]This guys were good in dinosaurs age, tenz is and always was much better than them. Dude tenz was a prodigy
he was a prodigy, but he failed hard, he choked in every single chance he got and now on val, he was the bitw but he's falling off
redlight [#15]He needs a deeper agent pool.
Nothing disrespectful about that criticism.
He needs to watch demos to fix his shit positioning. He is always on the wrong spot.
Sid_ [#71]tenz is good but there are other better players than him he has not been consistent since masters berlin in pro tourneys. Players like C9 Leaf and Optic Yay have been way better. Suck it up tenz fanboys but its okay im sure he will be super good again
he always choke on pressure. sure he has good aim but nobody is perfect.
jblancard [#61]zz pesquisa ou continua sendo burro n ligo
Não fico na internet vendo merda o tempo todo igual vc! Eu tenho vida seu burrão morbido! Aposto que fica o dia inteiro aqui comendo cheetos e batendo punheta com filme de anão gay!
jblancard [#61]zz pesquisa ou continua sendo burro n ligo
Aposto que nem numa faculdade tu conseguiu passar ainda! Vai estudar coisa séria seu merda! Meme vc deve ser nota 10, na escola só cola!
Olala [#16]Bro, he have more reaction speed and more game sense than all tier 1 cs players. Have you seen his csgo clips? He could outaim everyone
this cringe fan need a ICU bed.tenz is a overrated player.GUARD trent is way better than him
capemari [#5]Dude comparing t0nz to niko and s1mple
yeh.these tenz fans are the most cringiest fans all the time
M4G4L [#75]Aposto que nem numa faculdade tu conseguiu passar ainda! Vai estudar coisa séria seu merda! Meme vc deve ser nota 10, na escola só cola!
sai daqui tiozão kkkkkkkkk
como ja disse: se quer ser burro: seja burro, realmente n ligo. mas n vai chamar os outros de racista pq ta desatualizado
jblancard [#78]sai daqui tiozão kkkkkkkkk
como ja disse: se quer ser burro: seja burro, realmente n ligo. mas n vai chamar os outros de racista pq ta desatualizado
jebãn card do ps2 vs exclamação a cada 2 palavras
jblancard [#78]sai daqui tiozão kkkkkkkkk
como ja disse: se quer ser burro: seja burro, realmente n ligo. mas n vai chamar os outros de racista pq ta desatualizado
Mano! Precisas muito de um pirocão pra te acalmar! Melhor tiozão bem sucedido, que criança marrenta que mora na casa da mamãe. Pede o cartão dela e vá comprar umas skins, virjão!
M4G4L [#80]Mano! Precisas muito de um pirocão pra te acalmar! Melhor tiozão bem sucedido, que criança marrenta que mora na casa da mamãe. Pede o cartão dela e vá comprar umas skins, virjão!
jebãn 0-1
M4G4L [#80]Mano! Precisas muito de um pirocão pra te acalmar! Melhor tiozão bem sucedido, que criança marrenta que mora na casa da mamãe. Pede o cartão dela e vá comprar umas skins, virjão!
KKKKKKKKK quem é pior, a tal "criança marrenta" ou o "tiozão bem sucedido" discutindo com ela em um forum de valorant
detalhe: só pq a criança é mais esperta que ele KKKKKKK
Olala [#16]Bro, he have more reaction speed and more game sense than all tier 1 cs players. Have you seen his csgo clips? He could outaim everyone
bro are you stupid? just re-read what you said, I lost braincells reading that, typical hardstuck gold tenz fans
jblancard [#83]KKKKKKKKK quem é pior, a tal "criança marrenta" ou o "tiozão bem sucedido" discutindo com ela em um forum de valorant
detalhe: só pq a criança é mais esperta que ele KKKKKKK
Pois é! Depois de um dia na piscina natural do quintal da minha casa...eu passo algumas horas vendo merdas na internet para poder dormir e aproveitar o tempo com a gostosa da minha mulher. Ver merdas como você na internet só me faz querer dar mais risada e curtir a vida! Assisti um jogão entre NiP e VK e aproveitei para responder essa criança que não conhece porra nenhuma do mundo e fica se achando o pika! Me dá um minuto contigo que te boto nos eixos, coisa que teu pai e tua mãe nunca fizeram. Vá trabalhar para pagar as contas que tua mãe gasta contigo...ela sabe as merdas que tu fala na net? Um minuto contigo e eu deixo você igual um atropelamento de KOMB.
M4G4L [#90]Pois é! Depois de um dia na piscina natural do quintal da minha casa...eu passo algumas horas vendo merdas na internet para poder dormir e aproveitar o tempo com a gostosa da minha mulher. Ver merdas como você na internet só me faz querer dar mais risada e curtir a vida! Assisti um jogão entre NiP e VK e aproveitei para responder essa criança que não conhece porra nenhuma do mundo e fica se achando o pika! Me dá um minuto contigo que te boto nos eixos, coisa que teu pai e tua mãe nunca fizeram. Vá trabalhar para pagar as contas que tua mãe gasta contigo...ela sabe as merdas que tu fala na net? Um minuto contigo e eu deixo você igual um atropelamento de KOMB.
Pois é! Depois de um dia na piscina natural do quintal da minha casa...eu passo algumas horas vendo merdas na internet para poder dormir e aproveitar o tempo com a gostosa da minha mulher. Ver merdas como você na internet só me faz querer dar mais risada e curtir a vida! Assisti um jogão entre NiP e VK e aproveitei para responder essa criança que não conhece porra nenhuma do mundo e fica se achando o pika! Me dá um minuto contigo que te boto nos eixos, coisa que teu pai e tua mãe nunca fizeram. Vá trabalhar para pagar as contas que tua mãe gasta contigo...ela sabe as merdas que tu fala na net? Um minuto contigo e eu deixo você igual um atropelamento de KOMB.
jblancard [#91]Pois é! Depois de um dia na piscina natural do quintal da minha casa...eu passo algumas horas vendo merdas na internet para poder dormir e aproveitar o tempo com a gostosa da minha mulher. Ver merdas como você na internet só me faz querer dar mais risada e curtir a vida! Assisti um jogão entre NiP e VK e aproveitei para responder essa criança que não conhece porra nenhuma do mundo e fica se achando o pika! Me dá um minuto contigo que te boto nos eixos, coisa que teu pai e tua mãe nunca fizeram. Vá trabalhar para pagar as contas que tua mãe gasta contigo...ela sabe as merdas que tu fala na net? Um minuto contigo e eu deixo você igual um atropelamento de KOMB.
nikoko07 [#25]omg, this dude is really comparing a tier 2 cs failure with the goat rifler and the goat csgo player?
was c9 even tier 2 at the time? tier 2 might be a little too generous lmao
BielzinBalaTensa [#66]he was a prodigy, but he failed hard, he choked in every single chance he got and now on val, he was the bitw but he's falling off
tbh he never really got a chance, daps utilized him incorrectly and c9 and ruined his career.
BIGGEST_LG_FAN [#98]tbh he never really got a chance, daps utilized him incorrectly and c9 and ruined his career.
yes he did and he choked. that's it
BielzinBalaTensa [#99]yes he did and he choked. that's it
he didnt lol, insane awper and aimer wasted on entry. imagine your precious baitzera on entry.
BIGGEST_LG_FAN [#100]he didnt lol, insane awper and aimer wasted on entry. imagine your precious baitzera on entry.
he choked, just like someone's daughter when i met her last friday
jblancard [#91]Pois é! Depois de um dia na piscina natural do quintal da minha casa...eu passo algumas horas vendo merdas na internet para poder dormir e aproveitar o tempo com a gostosa da minha mulher. Ver merdas como você na internet só me faz querer dar mais risada e curtir a vida! Assisti um jogão entre NiP e VK e aproveitei para responder essa criança que não conhece porra nenhuma do mundo e fica se achando o pika! Me dá um minuto contigo que te boto nos eixos, coisa que teu pai e tua mãe nunca fizeram. Vá trabalhar para pagar as contas que tua mãe gasta contigo...ela sabe as merdas que tu fala na net? Um minuto contigo e eu deixo você igual um atropelamento de KOMB.
Caralho hein parça! Meu papagaio faz a mesma coisa! Desci pra praia, fiquei uma semana e quando eu volto o cara ainda tá chorando! Me passa teu CPF, eu faço um PIX pra tu viajar! Já tem CPF ou não criança? Assim sua mãe tem uma semana de folga de tu! Te boto uma grana extra pra tu poder conhecer uns peitinhos tbm!
capemari [#18]All aim no brain couldn't get you far, mate.
tenz aint nun compared to s1mple or niko, neither is he close to the best na player but he isnt all aim no brain.
Tryeue2 [#107]still a bum lmfao
yall give him his flower for fluking against the best madrid team but then shit on t1 kkkkkk
ctabust [#116]tenz aint nun compared to s1mple or niko, neither is he close to the best na player but he isnt all aim no brain.
that was 2yrs ago bro
Harapan845 [#121]that was 2yrs ago bro
wdym id agree that 2 yrs ago he was all aim no brain, he just ran it down with jett killing everyone in rekjavik but now imop he coords with team better
Tryeue2 [#119]yall give him his flower for fluking against the best madrid team but then shit on t1 kkkkkk
geng couldn’t win how were they better? they should’ve closed out bind but could not. sen got momentum from that? icebox was just the kill shot. sen were clearly the better team in gf after getting shit on in uppers
catNmouse [#123]geng couldn’t win how were they better? they should’ve closed out bind but could not. sen got momentum from that? icebox was just the kill shot. sen were clearly the better team in gf after getting shit on in uppers
GenG looked the better than sen every single game they played
butterdog_dogwithdabutter [#128]don't turn into ErenYeager 🙏
im not using humanitarian causes to bait vlr users through an alt im merely ragebaiting
ctabust [#122]wdym id agree that 2 yrs ago he was all aim no brain, he just ran it down with jett killing everyone in rekjavik but now imop he coords with team better
i thought you were trying to have a conversation with them which is confusing
xNolva [#135]He retired because he’s weak and can’t handle the pro scene. How sad
Or maybe he retired because he wants to prioritize his personal life more and content creation allows him to do exactly that? 😱