Flag: Philippines
Registered: November 19, 2021
Last post: July 29, 2022 at 7:48 AM
Posts: 31

LOUD had a suprising exit because of crappy group stage seedings. If either LOUD/KRU or NTH/XIA switch places, they could get probably 5th/6th. Their performance is subpar but imho they deserve better.

posted about 2 years ago

he used 0 not u so no worries

posted about 2 years ago

NA = Faze
EMEA = Liquid / M3C
APAC = Team Secret (Bleed in close second)
SA = Furia/NIP & KRÜ
EA = DWG (maybe NTH or EDG can have chance)

posted about 2 years ago

it's kinda similar to VRL finals, but with more teams

posted about 2 years ago

if this happens with franchising, i hope the LCQs for Champions have open qualifiers, kinda like DOTA TI or R6 Six Invitational

posted about 2 years ago

i get it, but i kinda wish they're seperated since china might be entering pro valorant and would probably clutter the whole apac scene, but maybe the expansion of VRLs in other regions could be the best compensation

posted about 2 years ago

I'm down with this semi-franchising system, but tbh if they combine APAC with East Asia i would be very pissed. There are a lot of good orgs in asia and if only 12 would get in, that's disappointing

posted about 2 years ago

last year it was SEN, now it's going to be optic
both teams won first lan of the year, but SEN bottled in the next event really hard

and looking at what happened in optc vs guild, they might repeat this phenomenon

any thoughts?

posted about 2 years ago

sacrifices were made, fvck poutine πŸ˜”

posted about 2 years ago

bait? or u high on donkey shit?

posted about 3 years ago

ts were higher placed than or kr on champs LUL we aint jealous

posted about 3 years ago

i love gay men, even non-russians

posted about 3 years ago

this shit looks like something from a south asian animation youtube channel for nursery rhymes LMAO

posted about 3 years ago

too bad their supposed coach hates getting that 5G microchip bill gates buff

posted about 3 years ago

someone did it first lmao whoops

posted about 3 years ago

ez 4 lower bracket kings

posted about 3 years ago

they won rainbow six invitational 2022

so when does the rest of tsm play

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

tbh riot wants to model val esports to r6's
i mean look at the vrls
(i misspelled lul)

posted about 3 years ago

banger post, keep it up

posted about 3 years ago

berlin was g2 home turf and they got 13-0'ed in semis

probably happen to sen as well but at least its better than not making to playoffs 😎

posted about 3 years ago

probs in na since lol worlds happens in na as well, but im not confident in that since the last time riot held a """lan""" in NA it was pure dogshit

posted about 3 years ago

TSM (academy) has RedKoh as coach

TSM wins again, unfortunately

posted about 3 years ago

i know everyone prob has the same view on this, but here's my view on the slot allocations for the 2022 vct

  • rather than upsizing the amount of teams for masters (since a lot of regions have developed tighter and diverse competition, and we also know how some regions compare to others), they downgraded and turned a major valorant event into a miniscule 12-team event.
  • the br/latam play-in is kind of a good idea, BUT considering how br is slowly getting more competitive with top level orgs coming into the scene, br shouldn't just get 1 guaranteed spot as justification.
  • kr losing 1 slot after getting group stage'd at Champions is just dogwater at it's finest.
  • sea (or "apac") is getting huge and limiting them to only 2 slots just like last year is unfair to all of the subregions participating.
  • emea, being the most consistent region of competitive valorant only staying with 3 slots is disappointing. giving them another spot wouldn't break the competitive balance, but rather increase the level of competition throughout international events
  • seeing past the declining performance of na teams, i still belive that north america still is very competitive and most teams are willing to work hard to redempt the region if given the chance (definitely not sen, they're a stream team kekw).
  • seperating kr/jp and sea for apac lcq's is a fair desicion with the level of competition and size both regions have.

overall, rito gave us a big, fat, juicy L. sadge

if i were in the riot offices discussing how vct 2022 will work, ill tell them how will i allocate slots for masters like a decent tournament circuit organizer:
na - 3
br - 2.5
latam - 1.5
emea - 4
kr - 2.5
jp - 1.5
sea - 3
total = 18 teams
br/latam and kr/jp have half slots as play-ins

masters has now 3 stages, with a 8 team preliminary swiss system format (consisting of sea's 3rd seed, emea's 4th, na's 3rd, kr's 2nd, br's 2nd, and the winner of both play-ins)

its just my view, feel free to construcly critizise

posted about 3 years ago
  1. DubsteP
  2. JessieVash
  3. dispenser
  4. witz
posted about 3 years ago

what's CHI?

posted about 3 years ago

ligma > nigma ez

posted about 3 years ago


Each stage offers a $25,000 AUD prize pool for the top 8 teams, with the winning team after each Regional Playoffs scoring a place overseas in the APAC Playoffs

SEA, JP and OCE (and probably South Asia) might compete in a single playoff separate to Korea. just a speculation tho

posted about 3 years ago

i made this acc few weeks ago for champs pickems lmao

posted about 3 years ago

everyone on brazil thinks they beat sen...
bro... krΓΌ is owned by aguero not neymar πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€

posted about 3 years ago