Flag: Turkey
Registered: May 8, 2024
Last post: January 7, 2025 at 4:53 PM
Posts: 1535
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Hi, not a programmer but work in SEO and Marketing. It doesn't look like they use Wordpress or a pre-built CMS. It looks all custom java and PHP. Hope that helps in some way

posted 1 month ago

What ya'll know about Number_1_cNed_Fan man. My Dawg.

posted 2 months ago

Hello everyone,

I'm back after a few months of hiatus, not that it really matters LMFAO.

Haven't really been keeping up too much with VLR and the comp scene. Anyone want to fill me in? I know of the roster moves and big news, just haven't had the time to watch any off-season tourney.

Which teams look the most promising?

posted 2 months ago

I'm back, just for this. Me please.

posted 2 months ago

Hello everyone,

I've returned for just this post. A while ago I made a post about my journey to Immortal. While I didn't keep updating the post with my games. I'm happy to say I've reached immortal once again. Definitely feel myself capping soon, probably will only be high Immortal 1/low immortal 2.

Thought I'd share. Hope everyone is staying safe, and had a good summer!

posted 5 months ago

you too brudda

posted 6 months ago

Hello Fellow Users,

I'll be taking a break from the website until the next season. As some of the people who've frequently interacted with my threads have noticed, I like to yap and actually have constructive conversations about the scene rather than post the 2000th EMEA laugh thread.

I have an inkling that from now until January, the website will just be a pure cesspool so I'm going to take a break. I'll be back. Please don't make the website worst than it already is until then.

posted 6 months ago

No honestly Sentinels could've easily won that Icebox map and made it a 2-0.

That play where Boo stayed on site for the KJ ult stopped SEN's momentum. And then Benjy's 3k a few rounds after that shifted the whole game to TH.

It was the players fault for not clearing corners.

posted 6 months ago

For sure, FNS said it best I think.

To go from such a high of winning a masters to not even qualifying for the next one is very hard for the mental and not a lot of teams bounce past that.

To make top 4 at champs after that is a big accomplishment. Can't wait to see Gen G next year as well man <3.

posted 6 months ago

Aside from the EU vs NA brainrot and the consistent shitposting on this website, I want to say I'm proud of both teams.

SEN, who looked like utter dogshit a few weeks before Champs was able to clean up their act mentally and in the game and defy the odds against so many teams. Beating 2 #1 seeds and giving other teams a run for their money. Not only that, but they were able to win a trophy this year after 2 years of struggle with team changes and staff changes.

TH, is a team that we didn't even get to see the full potential of all year. With Wo0t out in Madrid, and MiniBoo out in Shanghai, this team never fully formed until stage 2. And even with all of the community backlash against the team and Miniboo about role changes, they persevered and are now in the top 3 of Champs after a heartbreaking loss in Shanghai. The performance you are seeing are the very bottom of this team. It is their floor. They haven't even fully developed and most of them are in their rookie year. Seeing such young kids lock in and pull it off is inspiring no matter what team you cheer for.

GG to both teams and I'm looking forward to the 2025 season.

posted 6 months ago

Absolute monstrous effort to pull the team out of the hole they were in Icebox.

When Boo hid on site for the KJ ult and when Benjy got that 3k it activated the team. They won at that point.

I predicted it was either going to be SEN 2-0 or TH 2-1. Sad result because I wanted SEN to win but it was a great match. GG.

posted 6 months ago

I set an alarm to watch the games and fell asleep watching something random on youtube.

I woke up groggy af and map 3 bind was playing TH vs SEN. I was like holy fuck I missed the whole map. It took me like 5 rounds to realize it was an autoplay of Tarik reacting to Madrid.

posted 6 months ago

3 is so much better gang

posted 6 months ago

I get so bored reading your shitposts.

posted 6 months ago

Insallah I take a break from VLR until next season.

posted 6 months ago

I heard his whole bloodline is pulling up LMFAO

Mom, dad, fiance, uncle.

posted 6 months ago

I'm not surprised at all. I saw so many videos and twitter threads about how there's something off with the guy when he was squeaky clean.

Now that the skeletons are out of the closet, it'll only get worse.

posted 6 months ago

Idk why but I feel like SEN have something cooked up for Ascent. It's too obvious that its their worst map. They already experimented with it using Deadlock so they'd have some procedures and plays cooked up, it'd just be a matter of refining them to fit their new comps.

Regardless it's going to be so good. I'm excited af.

posted 6 months ago

Good insight "NAthebotsregion"

posted 6 months ago

I definitely overcooked with the SEN comp but I think it'll either be a 2-0 for SEN or a 2-1 for TH.

posted 6 months ago

it's too scripted man, Leo Faria needs to hire better show writers

posted 6 months ago

TH and SEN have both beaten the same teams to get to where they are.


posted 6 months ago

I think there's a difference between more talented and more potential. I think at this point and time, they are on equal grounds in terms of talent. But, JohnQT is 25 and Benjy is 20. I think long-term, Benjy has leagues more potential.

posted 6 months ago

It's debatable but in my eyes they're both really good players with high pop-off potential. Their floor is usually somewhere in the middle of the pack but both have pop off games. I also factored in the fact that JohnQT has to IGL.

posted 6 months ago

I would be surprised and very disappointed if it wasn't. These teams are head to head right now and I personally think whoever wins this match will win Champs.

posted 6 months ago

Nah, I wouldn't say Riens.

Sacy has been playing out of his mind at Champs but Riens has been the rock for TH. If anything I would say Sacy = Wo0t. But they don't play the same role.

posted 6 months ago

Yea they've really stepped up at Champs. I'm really not sure what the fuck they consumed in between their loss to Gen G and their win against FPX but it fixed everything

posted 6 months ago

Ignore my flair, here is an unbiased comparison of the two teams.

2024 Map Win %


TH have played Bind a total of 15 times in 2024 with a win rate of 73% (11-4)
SEN have played Bind a total of 10 times in 2024 with a win rate of 50% (5-5)


TH have played Haven a total of 3 times in 2024 with a win rate of 67% (2-1)
SEN have played Haven a total of 5 times in 2024 with a win rate of 60% (3-2)


TH have played Ascent a total of 2 times in 2024 with a win rate of 50% (1-1)
SEN have played Ascent a total of 7 times in 2024 with a win rate of 29% (2-5)


TH have played Icebox a total of 15 times in 2024 with a win rate of 67% (10-5)
SEN have played Icebox a total of 8 times in 2024 with a win rate of 50% (4-4)


TH have played Lotus a total of 22 times in 2024 with a win rate of 59% (13-9)
SEN have played Lotus a total of 17 times in 2024 with a win rate of 76% (13-4)


TH have played Sunset a total of 20 times in 2024 with a win rate of 80% (16-4)
SEN have played Sunset a total of 11 times in 2024 with a win rate of 73% (8-3)


TH have played Abyss a total of 5 times in 2024 with a win rate of 60% (3-2)
SEN have not played Abyss in 2024

Map Advantage After Total Time Played:

TH Strengths: (Bind. Icebox, Sunset)
SEN Strengths: (Haven, Lotus, Sunset)
Mid/Unknown for Both Teams: (Ascent, Abyss)

Average Player Ratings in Last 60 Days (all agents):

JohnQT: 1.03
Tenz: 1.14
Zellsis: .97
Zekken: 1.09
Sacy: 1.02

Boo: 1.02
MiniBoo: .90
Wo0T: 1.07
Riens: 1.13
BenjyFishy: 1.08

Personal Opinion on Players (Role Comparison) (Based on Champs Performance Only)

Sentinel: JohnQT = BenjyFishy (a very slight edge to Benjy if anything)
Controller: Tenz > Boo
Duelist: Zekken > Miniboo
Initiator: Sacy < Riens
Flex: Zellsis < Wo0t
IGL: JohnQT = Boo (Slight Edge to JohnQT, his midrounding has been really good at Champs)

This match will be a banger.

posted 6 months ago

I wouldn't compare it to a soulsborne tbh. While it has souls-like elements, the game is a lot closer to God of War or Star Wars Fallen Order/Survivor.

posted 6 months ago

It has the potential to be high brainrot depending on the guests you watch. I wouldn't trust Joe Rogan for having guests that talk about politics, medical things, science etc.

But since he's also a comedian when he has guests like Shane Gillis, Dave Chappelle, or Joey Diaz and other comedians, the episodes are pretty good.

posted 6 months ago

Eh I prefer to only listen to episodes with comedians. Ty for your input though.

posted 6 months ago

Anyone know any good podcasts to listen to at work? I usually listen to music but sometimes I just need something to play in the back that's not too distracting.

I like creepy, unsolved things. Entertaining podcasts in general are cool too

posted 6 months ago

I think TH will have it worse. Even if SEN were to get eliminated, the only hate they'd get is from the usual haters and trolls. They've gone further than almost anyone thought they would.

On the other hand, MiniBoo will be bombarded with hate and the community will just keep pushing the wo0t duelist and patitek narrative.

posted 6 months ago

it might also be a super hard trip where if you walk into it, it stuns players in an area and they can't move at all

posted 6 months ago

Based off the small teaser of her abilities here's what I think they do.

I think this will be one of her damage trips. More than likely, the initial trip will look like that rose we saw and when it goes off, steel thorns will come out and do damage.

This will probably be a slowing trip, and not do any damage.

It looks like she can generate things with her steel powers or whatever they are. I'm thinking her main ability is to be able to generate whatever guns she wants.

Now this sounds broken af but I think they'll balance it like this: They'll give her a set amount of ability kind of like Viper. But instead of it decaying, if you use your ability, it stays depleted.

Maybe generating a vandal costs like 100 ability and she can't use other util. Or different classes of guns take up a certain amount of ability power. A deagle is like 40, a spectre is like 60, etc. This would affect the rest of her util so she can't just spam guns on every eco round.

posted 6 months ago

amovie posts are consistently donkeyshit

posted 6 months ago

Bruv is living in 2024 without AdGuard

posted 6 months ago

babysasuke is cooked

posted 6 months ago

I'm honestly not sure what to predict for these champs. It's been a toss up the whole tournament.

I think the realistic no bias odds right now are like this:

  1. LEV
  2. TH
  3. SEN
  4. EDG

but I would like SEN to win. If Sacy and Zellsis can continue to play the way they have been playing, they could beat TH.

posted 6 months ago

We'll see how the off-season goes for SEN to be honest. They looked to be ahead of the meta during this year's kickoff, they might make another run for next year's as well. I can see SEN winning the first event again.

posted 6 months ago

Helal olsun bro, good job

posted 6 months ago

Vayy aslan, askerligi nerde yaptin?

posted 6 months ago

Danggg, I have no clue what sector of the medical field you're in but I just watched a video of a tumor removal in a brain so I'm kind of in awe. The medical advancements we've made are super impressive.

posted 6 months ago

Awesome, are you an RN or a practitioner? Do you want to be a doctor eventually?

posted 6 months ago

How popular is Valorant in the Indian scene?

posted 6 months ago

This one gambling hack rehab facilities don't want you to know!

posted 6 months ago

I've heard other Indians on the forum say they wouldn't be able to support an event like that. Is that true? I feel like they'd maybe try to do a smaller city in India. The logistics would be a nightmare.

posted 6 months ago

Took you a meowing video and 4 upsets to realize your mistake LMFAO.

posted 6 months ago

Honestly, if it was a rematch, I'd give it to TH but they seem to struggle against NA teams initially. Sentinels in Madrid and G2 in Shanghai more specifically. I also think SEN's players are all playing really good individually. I think the deciding factor will be MiniBoo. If he's shooting straight, TH win.

posted 6 months ago

W, with off-season tournaments, the wait won't be too bad until January

posted 6 months ago
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