Fat_Lard [#50]
First off he has the most t1 IGL experience of everyone available and what IGL would they even get from SAM/APAC? The only real notable IGL from either region is stax and I doubt he would leave VS and come to NA. You act as if all these players can and are willing to leave their own region to come to NA and outside of the guys who have played on LAN, ec1s is 10x more experienced. Idk why so many people don't like the pickup and think that 100T could've done better but don't give any examples as to who they could've signed. South America isn't exactly known for having great IGLs and IGLing in a whole different language is extremely difficult and hurts teams more than it helps them in most cases. Again, unless you can give me some realistic options that would be better than ec1s, I can't see how this is a bad move from 100T.
Ec1s can have the most experience achiveving nothign except having scream drop 30-40 and still lose. Experience losing is still experience losing.
His only t1 expeience was also with liquid, nearly a year ago. Since he left liquid, he never got back into t1. NIP was the closest, and they were by far no where near t1 anymore.
A prime example of a player who was just put on the bench, Iyen.
In EU, I'd take Ozzy over ec1s.
I'm not saying ec1s is the worst pickup. It's just picking up a player because you cant afford the best, isn't what will make 100t win events.
*when I say afford, I'm talking about in their budget
You mention South America isn't known for having good igls, GB isn't known for having good players. We have 1/50 pro players who are good at their game. CS we have smooya, and that's mostly it. Mezzi is getting there. In siege we have ctzn, who is the only world class talent we have.
EU as a region has world class talent, GB as a place, doesn't really have a lot going for them given their history in esports.
Also with players willing to leave their team. What difference would it make from another player in SA/apac leaving, paying the buyout. Than what 100t would have done in NA? Taking a free agent because you can't poach, it's just them putting tape over a hold in a sinking ship.
If they're settling for players they're unsure of because they can't get who they ideally want, they wont really win. The same shit happened with G2 in siege. they had to settle for players who wernt their first option, and their dynasty crumbled.
I'm not saying ec1s is the worst pickup. It's just he's nothing fantastic, and I can't see 100t winning against other top teams. It's just going to be Ethan, and Asuna trying their hardest, unless they can get an insane 5th.
The one good thing I'll say about ec1s, is he has better mechanics than steel, but that's about it.